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How long can you keep barf and chicken hearts in the freezer before it gets bad? Will the taurine loose its efficacy over time in the freezer?

It can be kept for as long as the freezer information says, and probably longer than that :)
Nutrients and taurine will decrease but just add some fresh hearts as you give the food, you can't really give too much of it :)

Thank you very much for your help and information about my cats pregnancy you have put my mind at ease! Definitely needed that so thank you <3

My pleasure:)
Best of luck to you both <3

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When advising someone that they should get their cats neutered they think its cruel. And they won't believe me cause I'm after all not a vet or qualified person

It's ignorance. This upsets me a lot because they don't know that they harm their cats more when they refuse to have it done

I give my male ragdoll neutered cat (1,5 y.o.) only high quality dry food and Applaws chicken breast tins (he doesn't like any other). He is healthy, but I'm worried. Does he get enough nutrients? Should I give him fresh meat or vegetables? I gave him oil spray with vitamins in the spring though.

First of all, vegetables are not food for cats so don't give them that. If you give a good quality food then it is enough :) You can definitely give some raw meat whenever you are gonna prepare some for yourself, but if you want to give raw meat everyday you need to learn the basics of B.A.R.F food so you learn how to do it and what to stay away from.
You are a very good humom <3

Have you seen floppycats on Youtube? What do you think of her/her cats?

No I haven't seen that. Do you have an opinion about her cats?

why does muffin not like thea? :(

Because she is like a neuter now and lowest in rank, which makes her the "weak one" and it is in their nature to "get rid off" the weak individuals in the group because they can put the whole group in jeopardy. Of course this wouldn't happen to a group of indoor cats but the instinct is still strong

My 1 month old kitten is eating the litter. Her siblings learned how to use it, but she's the only one who keeps peeing outside the litter box..and when I pick her up and put her inside it she eats it!! what should I do :|

Kittens must have litter that is harmless to eat, because they will eat it. It is a part of their upbringing to explore. The only thing you can do is to just keep putting her on the box as she is on her way to pee somewhere else :) And have patience

Hi there! I love your instagram page! What kind of camera are you using to take those beautiful photos?

Hi! And thank you so much <3 I use a Nikon D7000

Hey! I have a problem.. My cat is about 3 years old mix ( got her from a couple that had no papers, they brought her from a farm :-/ ). Everything was ok until after few months she got fleas and started scratching and licking herself a lot. She licked so much that there was blood so. (nxt post)

I'm sorry I can't see the next post. How is it going?

Jag kan inte duscha Safira än för hon kan inte tvätta sig eftersom hon är så pass öm i munnen fortfarande..Är det en bra ide att byta plats på dem nån gång per dag och sedan introducera dem igen när Safira luktar "normalt" igen? Izza är ju aggressiv mot henne och hon kan ju inte försvara sig..

Hur har detta gått? <3

Hai.im currently babysitting my friend's female cat for 2 months and she is so close with my 2 male cats.they always play together.but she has to go back to her house soon.im worried that my cats will b missing her.how can i deal with this?i will be sad if i see my cats are sad.how to make them hapy

Cats don't really work like we human does with these situations :) The cat will go back to normal as soon as she's home again and the boys will probably too

My cat wont let me cut his nails :( what can i do to make him Peaceful and relaxed when im cutting is nails ?

What I do, is to start jiggling my legs so that the cat will make a little movement to be distracted. For kittens I need to do that in between each claw I trim and it works. You also need to have patience and not show signs of stress or discomfort because that can make your cat feel anxious about this moment

I would really like to start learning everything there is to know about cats. Is there any site where I could start? I got a ragdoll this year and I fell in love with cats soo much I just want to know soo much!! Could you please help me? :) Any links would be of great help!

I think that is a great idea! :)
You could start by reading some basics like on this website: http://learnonline.cats.org.uk/content/ufo/ and also just google "learn about cats" and see if you can find websites that has a lot of info about many different topics.
It really helps to understand this if you also have an interest in learning about cats :)

Thank you but a few weeks ago the vet told me that she is pregnant as she could feel little beads at the time, I just got worried when you posted a video of movement :o so I won't really see movement until the end?

Oh ok, I see. If there are very few babies in there, you might not feel them at all. The mommy will show you if something is wrong in there and then you need to take her to the vet.
Zinnamon seem to have a lot of babies in there and that is why I can see movements so early :)

So, hi Ms Josephine, um i wanted to ask you, how do you know, that your cats (berry and zinna) both are pregnant? i mean, what are the symptoms you saw at the first day when their heat stopped after the mating? thankyou.. i'm looking forward to your answer ^^

anisa ari
Hello :)
The early signs are that their teats get swollen and reddish, also they eat more and gain weight. The belly starts to grow after a few weeks and they get very tired everyday.
The first signs are the teats and that can be seen after 3 weeks :)

Hi i'm in a community of cat lover, well, you can precisely call it 'persian cat lovers group' to be exact. and, one of them said that their cat is on heat and they dont know what to do, and i suggested her, to neuter her cat, preventing it from getting pregnant and she's mad at me, was that wrong?

No that is not wrong, but if she is a breeder then she might have thought it wasn't an alternative.
Some people also think that neutering a cat is wrong, simply because they don't know better. And therefor we all need to help to inform each other about these topics. If she's not a breeder, then tell her that it is better for the cat to be neutered and that heat cycles can have a bad impact on the cat's health

I need help! My cat is pregnant and has 2-3 weeks to go, but I'm not seeing any kicks or movement should I be worried?

I have only felt and seen movements the last days on my queens, so if you don't feel anything now it is nothing to worry about. She could also be pseudo pregnant with all the signs of a pregnant cat but the belly is empty

Kommer några att kattungarna vara till salu senare? Hade gärna velat köpa en

Ja alla kommer att säljas (kanske eventuellt sparar nån) :)

Hi I have a female cat and my boyfriend has a male cat, and he refuse to get his cat neutered since he thinks that it's cruel. How do I convince him? Since the male cat is getting more aggressive to us and my cat and I think it's for the best to get him neutered

Tell your boyfriend that it is cruel to let his cat feel like this 24/7 instead if just having a small proceedure done in a few minutes to let his cat be MUCH happier for the rest of his life.
He doesn't understand that this is NOT like doing it on a human. His cat is not feeling great right now, and I assume he wants the best for his own cat. And that is not what he is doing atm.


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