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Works.. Sorry for the very long question.. But I really need advice and I'm so sad about this...

I will answer you in your last post

How is the behavior of the Norwegian Forest cat? Is the Ragdoll cat behavior more gentle than the Norwegian Forest?

They are actually very much alike, only the NFO is a bit more active :)

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Hej! Jag har undra hur stor chans man har att köpa en Ragdollkattunge från dig i de närmaste kullarna? Hur tycker kostar de?

Du är välkommen att visa ditt intresse och hälsa på när jag har kattungar hemma :) När de är ca 6 veckor gamla så går det bra att hälsa på dom.
De kostar ca 8000kr för sällskapskatt

I think you should make a monthly magazine or something with all your cat tips and tricks and everything omg it would be so awesome!! I would totally get a subscription :D :D

I so wish I would have the time, because I do have the content for it :)
Liked by: Kaynaat zamir

Can u explain that cat ranking thing? Do kittens include in that or do they even understand those things..

No kittens doesn't really include until they are sexually mature.
A fertile cat is always higher than a neuter. A mommy is higher than a fertile. A pregnant queen is higher than the mommy (and also than a fertile)

I'm sorry but i just started to follow you on Instagram,(I love your account!) but I do not no all the cats you have,gender and name. Can you please tell me? Thank you.

Sadie Marie
Thea, norwegian forestcat, female, 3 years old
Muffin, ragdoll, male, 1,5 years old
Raspberry, ragdoll, female, 1 year soon
Zinnamon, ragdoll, female, 1 year soon
Liked by: Sadie Marie

Hi I am from kuwait saw you in instegram. I have 6 cats & I have one that spraying every where she is already spayed? She is 9 month & she is youngest what can I do??

If she is spraying (vertically) then it is not much to do but try Feliway diffuser and hope that she will stop. If she actually is peeing outside the litter box then she might be having a hard time in her new home. Look for other signs and try and make her life a litte easier <3

if both of them have kittens than they can help each other with taking care of them :D dosnt that work in the cat world? 2 mothers helping each other and nursing each others kittens? at least you should try and see if they do :)

Yes I hope that is what they'll do :)

let me guess....you will get a new stud for your breeding program? or you will keep a stud from "ex, Thea" to mate Zinna? ^_^

I have no plans on a new stud as long as I have Muffin. And no, there will be no cross breeding here ;)

if a cat goes into heat a lot they can get a womb infection + cancer......?

Yes they can get an infection and will need to be neutered. Cancer is what the cat can have by being on the pill

I need a healthy cat :( the insurance won't cover his existing condition. I need help raising funds but I'm not popular on social media

I'm so sorry <3 But you don't need a healthy cat, you need your cat healthy :) We have to be prepared for costs to keep our feline friends happy and healthy. I hope you will find a way, your cat depend on you now <3

How can I adjust the lighting to make my cats pupil nice and round like a innocent cat?

For the cat to have big pupils, you need to turn out the lights so it becomes more dimmed. The more light, the narrower pupils

what lens do you use? have you ever used the kit lens 18-105? is it good for cat photography?

I rarely use any kit lenses, they are often poor quality. I use a Tamron 17-50 and I really love it

Hello! I'm thinking of getting a ragdoll to move in to my new place with me. Came across your page and your darlings are simply beautiful! I'm staying in Singapore and wondering if it's possible for me to adopt one kitten if available, with a fee? Thanks!

When I have kittens you will be able to show your intrest in which one you want and contact me about it :)

Peace José :) i'm thinking about trimming my cat's claws. Does that do any harm to them? Can they use the scratcher etc as before? Thanks for your answer <3

No it doesn't do any harm at all, more good :) As long as you trim a little before the quick (the pinkish middle part) Your cat will be able to do everything as usual :)

How do I understand my kitten's behavior?

Go to my website www.catwhisperer.se and learn a little about it. It takes time and a lot of observation of your cat to understand which signs mean what, but there are some univeral behaviour that you can start to learn :)

Om man köper från dig, får man byta namn på katten då? Eller måste den heta det du har döpt den till?

Ja absolut, du sätter själv ett önskat namn :) Det namnet kattungen har är bara stamtavlenamnet

Can I give my cat a dried fish as a treat or reward? because he loves it!

Yes you could give that as a treat, just make sure that it is prepared for cats and not humans

Hi, by looking your Instagram... I am curious ... Muffin dont sleep with the girls ?

No, he is separated at all times, but the little ones visits him sometimes :)

Hi. I wanna ask you is it okay if i want to neuter my male cat at his age now? (around 9 months). And 1 more question how to know when do male cats are ready to mate? Because he keeps biting my female cat's scruff. Is this the sign?

Yes that is a typical sign that he wants to mate with her. 9 months is a perfect age, all veterinarians can perform this operation at this age :)


Language: English