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My cat may be attacking because it has something to do with his social standing in the house? or maybe because he ran away recently and when we got him back, he was more hostile. He stopped attacking for awhile but it started again. I can't stand to watch them fight and get hurt. (pt. 3)

I will answer in the last post

It makes me and my family very scared because we don't want us or the cat that is getting attacked to get hurt. And the last thing we want to do is get rid of the cat that attacks. He means so much to me:( he is usually a good boy, but we cant live like this. It's too dangerous. (pt. 2)

I will answer in the last post

I have three cats, two adult males and a girl kitten. The two males are brothers. The thing is, one of the adults constantly attacks his brother. I don't know why he does this, sometimes it will be if he hears a loud noise or just out of nowhere. His brother will just be sitting there. (pt 1)

Is the brothers neutered?

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I give up on my cat. We've spent so much on doctors trying to figure out why he's itchy. He's scratching so much its waking me up. It's too much for it I'm giving him up to the shelter.

I'm not sure why you chose to write this here since it clearly would make me upset.
The vet WILL help you, but if one doesn't, it is you responability to go to another until you can help your cat. Not just pass him along

Hej! Jag är en trogen följare av din blogg :) La in en fråga under kommentarerna men den dök aldrig upp så jag tänkte att jag skulle testa skriva den här istället :) Är Compact Care i påsar lika bra som Compact Care Premium i kartong? Eller finns det nån skillnad?

Jag såg din fråga idag så jag har svarat på den där lite mer ingående :)

Min snart sex månader gamla ragdollhona ska kastreras, när tror du är bäst att man gör det? Så fort som möjligt eller är det bättre för henne att få växa till sig först?

Det kan du göra så snart som möjligt, men det är inte alla veterinärer som gör det innan ca 6 månaders ålder pga att de inte är fullt utbildade med narkos för kattungar. Så leta på en som gör det direkt :)

How do you get rid of the kitty litter clumps when they pee? Can you flush it? Or?

Do you mean on the cat's paws?

Do you think the Perfect Care Furmaster is good for a cat with longhair? Or which would you recommend?

I haven't tried that one, but if it is like a furminator, you shouldn't use it on pointed cats because the fur will grow out darker after just a few uses

Does Thea snuggle more with the neuter chip or without it?

I think she might be more snuggly now, but she is without it too :)
Liked by: Cuddles

How do u manage your cats in a car when u have to travel a long way that will take 2 to 3 hours ?

Some cats doesn't mind but if your cat get nervous, you can make stops on the way to get some fresh air. And before you go you can spray some Feliway in the car and the cage (about 30 minutes before the cat enters)
Liked by: Kaynaat zamir

Does it harms a male cat health if he is not neutered and stays vergin for the rest of his life ?

I would say yes. His hormones and instinct will always tell him to search for a female before anything else. Some males stop eating or eat less because they just want to mate. They tend to get both stud tail and feline acne. And if he gets out, he could be gone for weeks and weeks because he can finally mate stray cats, and then you have helped to put more unwanted kittens to this world.
So neuter and you will have a cuddly bear that doesn't need anything else than your love :)
Liked by: Kaynaat zamir

Can you tell how a ragdoll will look like if they are 3 weeks old? I'm waiting for my kitten to come home and the breeder has sent me some pictures :) do you mind taking a look

If you know the color code for your kitten, you can search the web for an adult version of your kitten :)
Yes please, send me a photo!
Liked by: Cuddles

In my country, Indonesia, there are so much regulation and bureucracy which very complicated if we want to take animal to the airplane, and i think its also happen in your country. But, how was your friend take away Muffin from Spain and also Zinna, Berry (Poland) ?

Azis Haily
You will have to check with your country's laws and how it will work as you land. You might need to get a certificate to bring a cat from sweden over the border.
My friend took the flights over and got them, they where by then the right age for export and I had all the papers needed (there is a lot of paperwork to do if you bring in a kitten under 3 months)
Liked by: Cuddles Azis Haily

Is that possible for me to adopt kitten from you ? Because you are in Sweden and I live in Indonesia, it's so far away and i think it's not good for the kitten.

Azis Haily
Yes that would be possible :) People travel around the world with their cats. If the kitten will be placed in cabin, you will be with him or her all the way :)
Liked by: Cuddles Azis Haily

I use Iams wet food (breakfast and dinner) and Sanabelle dry food out all day so my ragdoll can nibble on in during the day. Is that okay? :) Thanks for your time, you're the BEST!

Yes that is ok :)
Thank you <3
Liked by: Cuddles

if you mate muf with zinna is there a chance that the kittens get a misscoulor""" face

Do you mean like Zinna's splitface? That cannot be predicted :)
Liked by: Cuddles

How many times to you brush out Thea's fur? Multiple times a day or just twice a week?

When she is not shedding, it will be about once a week or every other week, depending on how much extra time I have to just be with them all :)
Liked by: Cuddles

Får man komma och kolla på katterna någon gång? Kanske titta på kattungarna när dem kommer. Skulle vara bra att få träffa dig, eftersom jag är intresserad att köpa en liten kisse från dig. Hur mycket kommer du ta betalt?

Javisst får ni göra det :) När jag har kattungar så kan man komma och hälsa på när de är ca 6-7 veckor gamla. De kostar ca 7500kr

My cat is sleeping next to me and her paw is on my finger. She keeps Twitching and she keeps grabbing my finger... I think she is having a nightmare? I don't know. Is this normal?

Yes this is normal :) Experts haven't really found out yet if it is a dream that makes this or just normal muscle relaxing reflex :)

From all of your post on Instagram, I saw that it's like you only allow Berry and Zinna to visit & playing in Muffin's room/area ? How about Thea ? Is there anything wrong with both of them ? Please, explain to me because Im really curious. Thanks

Azis Haily
Thea has a neuter chip right now that makes her body think she is neutered, and a neuter is lowest in rank so Muffin, who is high in rank, will be a bit rough on her and she becomes defensive. So I don't want them to fight and therefore they are separated
Liked by: Azis Haily


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