

Ask @nauman1420

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How the hell did you end up here?
You used to wrap yourself in fairy tales like a blanket. But it was the cold you loved. Sharp shivers as you uncovered the corpses of Bluebeard's wives. Sweeter goose bumps as Prince Charming slid one glass slipper over your little toes, a perfect fit.
If Prince Charming was real, if he could save you-- you needed to be saved from the unfairness of everything. When would he come?
The answer was a cruel shrug in a hundred fleeting moments. The sneer on Stevie Smith's fave when he called you a fat cow. Uncle Jeff's hand squeezing your ass in the Thanksgiving kitchen. The accusation in your father's eyes when you told him what happened. From every boy masquerading as a man that you let into your body, your heart, you learned you didn't have what magic turns a beast into a prince.
And then, right when you thought you might just disappear, he saw you. And you knew, somehwhere deep, it was too good to be true. But you let yourself be swept, because he was the first strong enough to lift you.
Now, in his castle, you understand Prince Charming and Bluebeard are the same man. And you don't get a happy end unless you love both of him.
Didn't you want this?
To be loved?
Didn't you want him to crown you?
Didn't you ask for it?
Didn't you ask for it?

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Language: English