@origamibirds#72 🇬🇧


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You don't type type like that. Tyler fuck off from Tasha's account, and while you're at it, we should totally exchange passwords x

how do you know that its not tasha impersonating tyler impersonating tasha?
Liked by: Gustaf M ALAWNEH

You have a little brother?! How did I not know this?? What's he like, Tash?

theonlyems’s Profile Photolionessence
My brother is turning 17 next month, and I can't get my head around it! I'm not too sure why I haven't brought him up very often, he's definitely the golden child out of the two of us, haha! He's got my grandfather's build and would make a brilliant rugby prop or centre - if he would lay a hand on another individual, which he won't. He's only just taller than me at about 5"8. He's got the bright blond hair that I grew out of and the bright blue eyes that I kinda swung for and missed :p
But idk, I still feel like I haven't properly described him. He loves his dog. He was diagnosed with above average intelligence and astonishingly severe dyslexia in the same breath. He's studying to be a horticulturist. His favourite colour is green, and his guilty pleasure is hot chocolate. He tells things straight, and doesn't have the filter of "Things Not To Say In Front Of-" and I love him for that. You and he would sit there casually trading puns until judgement day.
We've been through a lot of shit together, and I am ridiculously protective of him. He probably doesn't need it anymore, but older sisters take their jobs seriously;) There is no one kinder. He would stop the world on its axis for the people that he loves.
He's also called Rob. I forgot about that. Oops.

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Why did you break it off?

I was lonely.
Also, a word of advice to any young romantics out there: If she goes quiet and tells you to leave it when you repeatedly demand to know the names and reasons that her previous relationships ended, you back off.
You do not persist in the line of questioning.
You do not say that it's fine if they broke up with her (but won't be impressed by the fact that she ended them all.)
You do not say that you only like girls who are "pure".
You do not say that she is only your world.
You do not forget every little detail about her.
You do not refuse to visit her home.
You do not belittle her for having it "easy" when you realise that she is not cramming six adults into a three-bedroom semi.
Because if she has an ounce of sense, she will leave.

What are you looking forward to this autumn?

Leaves, jumpers, drinking weird lattes but without the weird looks that accompany them in July, my little brother's birthday, going to the beach when it's deserted, running for miles along the valley, sleeping in, watching my dog roll down hills because she loves the crinkly leaves, lighting the fires, pumpkins, gorgeous sunsets that I don't see in Summer, wearing boots, hot cider, training is just nicer in these temperatures, taking photos, warm socks, tournament season, going away to warm places and then coming home, crisp mornings, the hundreds-strong flocks of starlings that chill in my fields, the rivers open to kayakers, I get to see some of my favourite people - Idk man, life is good.
What are you looking forward to this autumn

Have I ever told you about the nickname I came up with for you? I call it.. THE ROMANOVICE. (Literally, my autocorrect capitalizes it like that.) Because you're like a younger, less-dangerous-but-working-your-way-up Natasha Romanova. A white widow of sorts.

theonlyems’s Profile Photolionessence
My reaction to this was a very excited "HOLY SHIT" which, if I'm honest, is my instinctive response to you the entire time. I'd just like to clarify that I AM a well brought up young lady and therefore it takes excessive glee to provoke this kind of profanity.
No but seriously - best nickname ever and I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. Thank you, Amy Ems. You are magnificent.
Liked by: lionessence

Are you adopted?

Yup. I was born in Iceland before being adopted by a whaling boat. At five years old, I discovered that I fundamentally disagreed with the life I was being brought up into and left in the dead of night. I catapulted myself into the freezing waves of the Atlantic, and washed ashore in Cuba. I survived on palm leaves and distilled water for months. At the tender age of six, I was discovered. Kicking and screaming in my native Icelandic tongue, they dragged me to the officials. They took one look at me and decided that I was a risk to the delicate building blocks of their country. I was banished - put into a fishing boat with three weeks of food and water. I used my teeth to sharpen staves of wood and hunted fish. I survived.
I turned seven at one of the top prep schools in England, having been tamed and taught to speak English by a foolish family. They educated me, nurtured me - but have no idea that I am simply biding my time. My heart sings the song of the ocean, and I will claim my inheritance and return to it. Soon, my love. Soon.

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I don't know you but you're incredibly pretty. :) You have a really adorable smile and from reading your answers you're funny and have an amazing personality. Legit any guy would be lucky to have a chance with you. You're like girlfriend goals. :)

I don't know you, but this was sent at a time when I really, really appreciate it and really, really appreciate you. Thank you so much, you're an angel ❤️

What made you choose the username "tea"? Do you really like drinking tea? :)

I'm not going to lie, I totally forget that tea is tea half the time 🙈
I'm actually a Natasha Elizabeth. But it got shortened to Tasha, and then my friends got even lazier and it went to just "T". I answer to just about anything though. My Mum calls me Fruitcake and I respond, so some discretion would probably be a good idea.
How about you, though? Why "Witty Rabbit"?

"Hi, it's me again." Continue this sentence with something off your mind?

So, weather report is that the sun has come out and the daffodils are coming up. There's loads of them here! Hey, do you remember when you thought that daffodils could work as trumpets? That was so funny. And the time that we tried eating daisies because Jamie told us that the centres tasted like honey? Anyway, sun's out. That guy is walking around the village with his wheelbarrow again. There's still nothing in it. And, what else, um. Josh moved! He doesn't live by the museum anymore. He's living abut a mile away, by the railway line.
It's that maths test on Friday. Thanks for lending me that CD, algebra makes more sense when a croc is laying it out for you!
Hi, it's me again.
I passed the test! Barely, but they aren't going to write home. Which is cool, because you know how it is. I saw the twins yesterday. Or, like, I heard them before I saw them. They were walking down your street and I was coming out of the alleyway. I thought it was you for a minute. You sound pretty similar.
Hi, it's me again.
Today's weather report is that the whole village is flooded. I can't sit down because everything is sodden, so mind if I lean next to you instead? It's nice here. I kind of miss when we would take our bikes through. The field has been shut off though - the bull is back. Hey! Remember when we got chased into the river by him? I think he remembers us, I really do! He looks at me funny. Anyways, I bought you this. It's so cool, look. He has a whip and the fedora and everything. Sorry you didn't get to finish the cave. I saw your Mum the other day, and she says that she trips over lego, like, the whole entire time. So yeah, I'm gonna leave him here. Ooooh, roses. Someone's got a cruuuuush. They smell nice.
Hi, it's me again!
Happy birthday! I didn't bring you anything because I'm late, but I'll stop by after school! Promise! I made a cake, but it's burnt, but you won't mind, right?!
Hi, it's me again.
I've been told I shouldn't come by as often. I'm getting behind at school, and they think it's because I come here instead of getting my homework done. "We don't pay this much for your education for you to throw it away."
I don't get on with the girls, there, though. They don't get it. None of them get it. I miss you so much. /I don't know what to do./
Hi, it's me again.
Weather report! Sunny, with a touch of preciti- precipitation. Precipitation. Like, rain, and snow, and hail, and anything wet. It's not snowing, it's just dewy and stuff. Benji is here, too, I'm meant to be walking him. If anyone asks, I got distracted talking to Jan! If I blink really, really fast, then she'll cover for me. Like when you had mud all over because you belly slid down that slope at Josh's, and I said I pushed you? Do you think your Dad believed me? I don't, but at least we got away with it!
Hi, it's me again.
It's, we're - I'm moving. They're sending me away. /They won't listen to me./
Come back. Please, please. This is so stupid. Just come back. Please.

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Why do you think some people develop celebrity crushes? Who was your first celebrity crush?

Along with being aesthetically pleasing and carefully managed to show the public an attractive personality, celebrities are very safe people to like. You will never be rejected by a celebrity, because they have no idea that you exist. You will never be let down, because they don't owe you anything. And they're gorgeous. I mean, that's the main thing. They are stunning.

Do you like Jim Carrey's movies? Why or why not? Do you think he's capable of making a normal face? (asking only because I've never seen him in a movie were he hasn't made ridiculous faces, haha).

AmericanLass’s Profile PhotoC.
Nahhhh. I don't really have a good reason - I've not seen many, and he grated on my nerves a little in those that I did. He was just too in your face, for my liking. I didn't think he was funny, and everyone was clearly trying so, so hard to make him funny. It was like the jokes that your Dad makes when you see him for the first time in ages; Kinda lame, kinda fall flat, you're still expected to laugh c;

Tea is beautiful. Tea is gorgeous. Tea is totally lovely.

Tea is blushing. Tea is grateful. Tea is totally lo-blown-away-thank-you-so-much ♥
Liked by: C. Em ♫

anything you would like to say 'her'? ps. she could be anybody. but do not mention the name.

You were asking questions, yesterday. You stood there on court, and you barely come up to my elbows, and you chewed your lip and asked.
If I had a younger sister, I feel like I would have known how to answer them. But I had nothing. It was out of context. I wanted to give you the answers, and to maybe make you a little less trusting, but I had no off the cuff "Yes, and this is why."
So, monster, these are the answers that I couldn't find the words for. I'm sorry, by the way. I don't think they'll be quite what you're after. I can't make life at home easier for you. I can't make them love each other again. But I can be here for you. I will always be right here.
1 - It's not like in the books. The beginnings tend to be. In the beginning, it tends to be like the moment when you realise that Spring has finally arrived. It's this exciting rush when you see that everything gets warmer and lighter from here on in. Brilliant colours come back into your life. The world seems to conjure up one wonder after another. Look, the world says, look at this incredible person for you to laugh with, to learn about, to love.
And then Summer arrives, and you settle into comfortable routine. You find out that their favourite time of day is the evening, just as the sun sets. They like the stillness of it. They work out that you absolutely hate being patronised. They watch you stiffen up and get very, very polite every time that it happens.
Autumn comes, and maybe you've been too warm and comfortable. Leaves drift down. It's fine. It's all fine. And then the storms start.
It's Winter, and you're cold again.
2. I really didn't know how to answer this one. I said "Yes." and I said it so quickly. You asked who it was and I told you. You said that you didn't know him. It's chill. I don't either, these days.
3. First kisses are going to be awful. Like, I have never met anybody who has a good first kiss story. Nobody knows what they're doing. It's sloppy and will put you off of kissing for at least five years. You are so tiny that that's not an idea that distresses me too much. I get that you're thinking about kissing skinny, pre-pre-teen boys, but save it for another two years. At least. Go and find a tree to make a swing in. Find yourself a woodlouse colony and make yourself their God. Please, do it for me.
4. I didn't know how to answer this one, either. You pertinently asked what happened. Apparently a shrug wasn't good enough for you. Apparently "I was too young." wasn't, either. No, he didn't break my heart. That was such an unpretentious way to put it; Thank you.
No, we didn't just stop loving each other. No, we didn't make it Facebook official straight away. Yes, I kissed him. No, more than that. More than ten times, yup. For real. I know I just said it was gross. I stand by that. Stop thinking about kissing my exes.
5. Here's the advice that you didn't ask
Loving yourself before loving anybody else is potentially the most important thing you will ever do.

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Language: English