

Ask @origamibirds

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What are some unusual skills or passions you have that you wish you could do for a living?

theonlyems’s Profile Photolionessence
I'm pretty lucky in that my ridiculous skills (I can play badminton with my eyes closed. For real. I mean, it only lasted for about four shots but still!!) and passion (I am very passionate about how much fun I have playing this dumb sport.) is actually making me some money at the moment. I mean, it's peanuts and it's not a long term career or whatever - but I love it so much. Coaching is one of the most rewarding things that I have ever done.
Alternatively, I can make friends with 99% of dogs on sight. I have no idea what I could do with that skill but oh my god, that would be awesome.

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In which areas of your life do you feel most underestimated by others? Do you like how this gives you element of surprise, or would you rather be more accurately appraised for your talents?

theonlyems’s Profile Photolionessence
Not too sure, I'm a pretty open book?
I think most misconceptions come from my physique.
I'm fairly petite so it's always funny to beat these cockey 16 year old lads at an arm wrestle. I look like I'm fucking thirteen so ordering drinks is a laugh. I know my way around an engine, I live on a farm, and my family has this long, long history with agriculture and horticulture, so I'll be more than happy to get covered in whatever.
And I'm actually pretty smart. Like, nothing that's going to change the world but I have some common sense. That always seems to surprise people the most.
I don't think any of these assumptions give me an edge, but I don't think they do me much harm either so I'm not fussed. I know what I'm capable of, and that tends to be enough.

Have you ever had the intent to punch or physically hurt somebody?

claudiahysa’s Profile PhotoClaudia
Before I go much further with this, I would like to clarify that I was not a violent child. I swear.
The first time that I punched somebody properly, I was six years old. I was always a bit of a Tom-boy, so along with tap, ballet and pony club, which I went to solely to appease my parents, there was tae kwon do, judo and kickboxing. This punch was technically perfect - arm tucked against my side before snapping out, thumb outside of my fingers, legs shoulder-width apart - gorgeous.
It just happened to be at a classmate's birthday party. He was always trying to kiss me, so I thumped him. In front of everyone. My poor mother was half mortified, half thrilled. I was having none of that shit.

What’s your greatest failure, and how did you overcome it?

claudiahysa’s Profile PhotoClaudia
The greatest failure of all time doesn't bear thinking about, oops. But let me tell you about my latest fuck up instead!
So, flashback to last Friday. I'm about to go away with a friend for the weekend, and I have just submitted my coursework nice and early for one of my uni modules. Idly, I decide to check the other module deadline that I'm studying (I think Americans call it double majoring? Not sure.) and oops, it was yesterday. Not a good four weeks away, which was what I was expecting.
So after a panicked email, I get myself an extension of a week, because sometimes a sob story is very, very necessary. Because no, I have not done any of the work for this bloody assignment and oh my fucking shit oh crap sERIOUSLY it's worth 40% of my overall score.
So I dump it and go away with said friend. Which was great, but that takes out three of my seven days. And I have coaching work for another two of them.
Long story short: I have been doing four weeks of work in about two days. Wish me luck, I'm begging you.

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You said you don't believe there is a magic person who's soul lines up with yours. What is it making you so sure about it? Having a feeling of connection with someone means that your souls have compatibility to some extent. When you look at someone's eyes it's easy to feel a span of connection.

CorporaAqualia’s Profile PhotoCorpora Aqualia
So I am running on about 5 hours of sleep, so big apologies if this makes no sense.
When I say that I don't believe in true love, I mean the Disney kind. I mean soul mates. I mean "and they all lived happily ever after."
Because in my experience, they don't. There is nothing easy about love. Yes, there is connection. Yes, there is a feeling of ease that you just don't have around many other people. But I was brought up to believe that life is a balance. If something is massively wonderful, then there's a darker side to it as well. True love has always seemed like a bit of a get-out clause to me. I live for the nitty gritty. I live for blood, sweat, and tears.
Having a soul mate is a beautiful idea. But so are angels. So are chocolate bars that actually mean "zero calories" when they say it. I'm just one of those characters who prefers to deal in the tangible.

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You are a fucking beautiful ray of sunshine and I would appreciate it if you would continue to be so.

I don't have the words to tell you how hugely this made me smile. Have a lovely, lovely day ❤️
Liked by: Kamran Ahmed

Which would you choose, true love with a guarantee of a broken heart, or never loved at all? Why?

claudiahysa’s Profile PhotoClaudia
I don't believe in true love.
And, from someone who spends so much time writing about love, maybe that's dumb.
I just don't believe that there's a magic person whose soul lines up exactly with yours, and who is the jigsaw piece that you didn't realise you were missing. Love isn't like that. Love is compromise and fucking up and forgiving, again and again and again.
And sometimes, love is leaving them.
The crux of it is, love - be it true or just a wilful trick that you play on your heart - makes you see the world in shades of colour that you didn't know existed. It takes the universe and it says "You've not been looking properly."
But there's a cost. There will always be a cost. Personally, I'll pay it. Because even when you leave that person, the colours stay. When you leave that person, you have yourself and the universe. It's not a bad trade off, all things considered.

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What was the last thing to set you off? How do you cope when you're in just one of those moods where nothing seems to cheer you up?

It's been a hell of a few days, and I've been fucking sad. Like, nothing major, but I am turning it around. I was not brought up to be meek and sad and to hand my personality over.
So, see below for Tasha's guide to an instant pick-me-up!
Full disclosure though, it does work best when the weather is nice. Take note, UK.
Denial is not just a river in Egypt. Admit that there's a hole in your heart, and you can work on fixing it. It might not be that bad when it's on paper! It might be that your latest piece of coursework is screwing with you, or that Aldi's didn't have peppermint tea in. It could be so many things, but call a spade a spade. Every piece of sad should be thoroughly aired. I write because that's what works for me. But if it's yodelling or sparkler-trails or a long phone call then you do you, because no-one knows your sad like you do.
I said you and do too many times there.
Okay, so now you know the problem. Nine times out of ten, that's enough for me and I can move on. But in case it hasn't! Look for solutions to those problems. I am a "fuck you, I will SORT this." kind of person, and I like DOING things when I'm sad. Even if it's the illusion of productivity, it works for me.
Bath time. The whole deal. Wash your hair. Shave (if you like idk man.) Scrub everything. Because you will feel so much more able to handle life when you're clean and wrapped in pyjamas.
Have a dog? Pet it. Take it for a walk or a run. Evvverybody knows that fresh air is good for you. So, phones off, walking boots on.
Submerge yourself in something that you love. I train. But I train because I love the people that I train with and it's a couple of hours when I can just blank out and enjoy myself. It's my safe place, and everybody should have one.
When I get sad, it's because I am focusing solely on myself and THE WORST THING THAT EVER HAPPENED IN THE HISTORY OF EVER because I revert to about nine years old when I'm sad. So think big. Be genuinely grateful. Care for somebody else. The world grows in front of your eyes, and suddenly there is no time left to be sad. You've got too much shit to do.

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What was the most pointless argument you've been passionately involved in? How did it end ?

I was at the beach with my then boyfriend. And we found a starfish, which is super exciting for anyone aged 3-1000; I stand by this.
Anyway, Sam claimed that starfish ate with their legs, and I was fairly certain that he was wrong but not clued up enough to throw a fact back at him.
We lay there watching this starfish for ages, kept trying to poke bits of our sandwiches at it to see if it was hungry.
Anyway, it escalated, I knew he was wrong, he knew he was right, and I threw a bucket at him. It was awesome.
I still don't know the answer.

A high school wrestler recently let a competitor with Down Syndrome win a match despite being previously undefeated. Thoughts on his sportsmanship? Would you have done the same, even if you had potential college scholarships available to you if you won?

AmericanLass’s Profile PhotoC.
Firstly, serious kudos to the wrestler. Good on him.
I would suck at wrestling so y'know, probably would be in the same boat. But when I've play nationally, there's a lad (adult, I guess. He's 24.) with Soto Syndrome. He turns up all over the place, and plays for the Welsh Special Olympics team. He just won gold in the Special Olympics in LA. So in his class, he's good.
But at the level that is needed at national, he regularly loses 21-1, 21-0 - that kind of thing.
If you lose just one game at these events, it knocks you out of the draw and it definitely knocks you out of a medal position. I had to preform at a certain level to keep my captaincy and my sponsor, and that meant beating him. It was never something that I was proud of.
I raised it with my coach one time, and she told me that there is a certain standard expected at the nationals and if players can't reach it, then they shouldn't enter. There are many, many provisions put in place for disabled sport - I ran six tournaments for them last summer - but the national tournaments and international tournaments are kind of cut-throat. If you aren't up to standard, then you're out.
I am totally prepared to be shouted down over this, because wow, not a pleasant answer. But he's a Special Olympics gold medal owner, and I am not, so who's the real winner here?

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Can destruction be intimate? If yes, in what ways?

“Okay,” you said. “Maybe we can make this work.”
I looked at the way that your hands gripped the back of the kitchen chair. I looked at the way that your back was tense. I looked at the way that you stood with the table between us, two meters of no man’s land. And when I met your eyes, it struck me that you don’t have a no-man’s land unless you are at war.
“Why?” I didn’t realise that I had said it out loud until you stared at me like I had grown an extra head.
“Fuck.” You laughed once, harshly, a gunshot. “Fuck, I don’t know. Because I love you?”
“Is that a question or a statement?”
“Jesus, stop it.”
“Stop what?!”
You stared at me, and I recoiled. I physically took a step backwards from that look in your eyes. I had seen those shades of grey a million different ways – I had seen them as clear as mirrors when the sun caught them, and I had seen them dark with sorrow. And when we first met, they had been so light. They had been the sea by my aunt’s place in Dorset when summer catches the waves. Even then, you never once looked at me as though I were a stranger. Not like this.
I don’t know what you saw in mine, but all I could think was “No.”
No, don’t look at me like that.
No, don’t just vanish the years between us.
No, don’t pretend that we haven’t seen the other stripped bare of pretences.
It never occurred to me to think “No, don’t go.”
“Are we too far gone?” I asked, quietly. Maybe if I said it quietly enough, the world wouldn’t hear.
“I think so.” You said, matching my volume. We were two children, sharing a secret in the dark. “I really think so.”
“I’m sorry.”
“I know.”

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How would a non-lethal dose of love be?

You love him.
You do. You love the way that that one piece of hair flops in his face. You love the sound of his laugh when it's loud and surprised and genuine. You love how it feels to duck your head against his chest, and to feel him rest his chin on you hair.
But you love him casually, maybe cruelly. You have't put much thought into it.
You love him, but you wouldn't follow him into hell. You might buy him some sunscreen.
You love him, but when you're drunk you prank call your best friend.
You love him, but when you're ill you don't want him there. You don't want him to see you sick. You don't want to have to think about entertaining him.
You love him.
You love him.
You do.
You just don't love him enough.


Language: English