

Ask @nauman1420

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Have you read /watched any fairy tale. What do you think about them?

Nobody let me dwell on such stuff when I was a kid but ig they're kinda good in a sense that it helps develop the imagination of a child perhaps. But ofcourse those stories are setting false ideals as well like no amount of love can revert a werewolf into a human. Or there are thousands of animals but why would you pick a white horse with a horn on its head? That's absurd. But then again, a lot of things we like are absurd so no complaints there. Everybody chooses their own drugs

What are you obsessed with?👻

Mahnoor_A’s Profile Photo~*Mayma*~✌
Godddd. This fb group is killing me. More like I wanna be killed by it. Previously I would save up and get one bottle and calm down until after sometime when I could make another mistake and then stop out of regret for a while😂It was all lowkey like I knew I couldn't afford a Tom Ford or Kilian fragrance or some other niches and I still can't, but the wonderful people in the group having those perfumes let you have some of it which you now can afford. It's like you've unlocked this whole new world and you can take anything for a ride, and it is absolutely gorgeous and driving me to bankruptcy faster than the speed of light as well lmao


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