@anonamouse89887#21 🇺🇸


Ask @anonamouse89887

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Would people describe you as closed off and if that’s the case, in what ways?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
Depends on the people we’re talking about. I’ve heard previously that upon meeting me, people had the impression that I was quite reserved and closed off, yes. I think that is in large part because I’m very shy and not that outgoing with people I don’t know. I kinda prefer to observe rather than engage. 😯
However, I don’t believe people who truly know me feel that way, as I try my best to be open and engaging, especially with those I’m close to. Like, if I truly trust you, I’ll be giddy and talkative, easily excited, and always wanna make conversation with you. So, I’d say that’s the biggest difference in how I’m perceived, is just, do I feel comfortable being myself with someone? And if so, I’d like to think I’m more or less an open book. ☺️
Would people describe you as closed off and if thats the case in what ways

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How different is your style of clothing now compared to 8 years ago? 👕🕗

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
It’s different in certain ways, but I’ve always liked a specific type of style. For example, I love dresses just as much, if not more now, than I did back then, but the way I dress them up has changed. I used to wear them with chokers, and in winter, with scarves or a large sweater as a fashion statement. Or like, I used to love wearing rompers, now, I prefer either pantsuits or a shirt/skirt combo. 😁 And if I do wear rompers, I like them to look more like dresses, like where it flows more. If that makes sense!
Another way my style has changed is that I used to wear a lot of shirts with quotes on them… Now, I definitely don’t. Like, I wouldn’t mind if I found quotes that aren’t like “live laugh love” or “good vibes” or something, which I used to wear constantly when I was younger. 😂🤪
And finally, I wear more vibrant colors and not just neutrals. And I also don’t wear jackets/coverups with everything… I’ve gotten a lot more comfortable in my body in that regard, where I can feel confident in things I never dreamt of wearing at that time. 😅 I feel like my style has always resembled the version of me that existed at the time, but I gotta say, the current version of me is my favorite of all of them. I truly enjoy how I dress now, how I feel when I wear various outfits, and how it’s evolved. 😌

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How different is your style of clothing now compared to 8 years ago

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In what way have you chosen to organise your wardrobe? 👕

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
So my closet is quite small, but what I have currently is just my fall/winter wardrobe hanging up, and then I store my summer clothing in bins under my bed. And as you can see, I arrange my clothing, largely by color, and by what kind of clothing it is (dresses, sweaters/shirts, skirts/pants). Daughter of an organizer, through and through. 😛😆
Also, I do have a dresser that I keep all my pajamas and such in. Then on the shelf above where my clothes are hanging is all my belts! 😁
anonamouse89887’s Video 174541157012

What is the most outrageous thing you’ve had a customer complain about?

savlolo’s Profile Photosavlolo
Once, I had a client in beauty school who essentially demanded that I blow dry her hair twice because she said I left it “soaking wet.” The issue with this claim was that it was absolutely pouring rain outside, and so she’d already had me blow dry it once, said she was happy, went outside, and then came back in a few minutes later and complained to the receptionist that I hadn’t done my job. 🧐
So the receptionist, even though they literally saw her hair before she walked out into the downpour, and didn’t buy her complaint at all, asked me if I’d do it again, and I did since I didn’t have anything else left to do that day. She still had to go back out in the rain afterwards…. I was left puzzled, as I’m pretty sure her hair got soaking wet all over again. She didn’t have an umbrella or anything with her. 🙃 But she didn’t leave me a bad review at least, and still thanked me for doing it over again. It was just bizarre.

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What is the most outrageous thing youve had a customer complain about

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Do you watch TV? If you do, what do you usually watch on TV (streaming platforms, live TV, movies only, etc). If you don't watch TV at all, ignore this question. 🌿

M1ssSemy’s Profile PhotoStar. i
Typically, I watch movies and documentaries. On very rare occasions, I’ll watch TV shows, but that’s usually if I’m with family or friends who likes a specific show. For example, my dad and I used to love watching crime shows and such together, so whenever I’m with him, we always enjoy it. ☺️
I’m such a sucker for finding new documentaries to watch, on various topics though. These topics range from nature, outer space, history, to beauty/fashion related, animals, world events, etc. 😄
Do you watch TV  If you do what do you usually watch on TV streaming platforms

Have you ever faked being ill to avoid going to school? 🤒 🏫 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ tēຖค¢i໐นŞ t໐๓๓คฯ™ ▩ ♚ ☻
When I was younger, I thought I was faking, as that’s what people around me told me/believed. But as it turned out, I was showing a lot of symptoms of my chronic illness, but hadn’t been formally diagnosed yet. So technically, no, I’ve not faked illness, I just wasn’t believed. 🤒
What I have done, at times though, especially when I felt drained, I’d exaggerate my symptoms a little to just be able to have a day where I could sleep. As it’s not exactly an acceptable excuse to call out of school for exhaustion, unfortunately. 🥴
Have you ever faked being ill to avoid going to school

Say you lived next to a construction site and they were always super noisy early in the morning, waking you up. How'd you go about getting enough sleep? 🎧🏗️

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
My go-to way would be to use white noise of some kind to block it. I use a couple fans as “white noise” to sleep, and block out certain noises like dogs barking. Often, when I’ve had to block out other sounds, like noisy neighbors, loud music, etc, I turn on this white noise video on Youtube with headphones on, turn the volume up, and it blocks just about everything. 😌
It’s what I’ve found most effective, as music really doesn’t allow me to sleep, I focus on the words and such too much. And I know I would not be able to fall asleep early enough that being woken up by it wouldn’t matter. I’m too much of a night owl for that. Though, I think that could work for people if they have the right schedule, etc. 😯
Say you lived next to a construction site and they were always super noisy early

If you could change the length of each day to make it perfect for you, how many hours would it be?

iWillSpamYouAsk’s Profile PhotoSpam Ask
Maybe 36 hours? That’s honestly a hard question. 🤔
See, I’m a night owl, so I have a tendency to stay up well past when I should. And I think having an extra 12 or so hours in a day, where I knew I could get some more sleep and not wake up super late in the day, I’d love that! And then whatever amount of time I wasn’t sleeping, I’d love to use for various hobbies that often get neglected. 😁
If you could change the length of each day to make it perfect for you how many

If emotions worked in the same way as in the movie Inside Out and each emotion was sentient, how do you think the dynamic between them would look like inside your head? Which emotion would be in charge etc.? 🤬☺️😭🤢

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Joy definitely likes to think they’re in charge the majority of the time, but Fear is quick to try and overrule, and is constantly interrupting, and injecting their opinions. And Sadness occasionally rises up too, but isn’t normally as competitive so they typically just let the others win. Joy is just the one who ends up taking prominence so they think they’ve earned their spot, but Fear tries to prove they’re just as qualified. 😂
Disgust and Anger come around only on rare occasions, though they like to sit around in the back of my brain, and complain about how much Joy and Fear are competing to be leader. And then how Sadness comes around and is like “Well, why can’t I lead too?” 🥺 Sometimes Anger pipes up and is like “Why haven’t we picked someone to be in charge yet?! Just decide already!” 😠

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If emotions worked in the same way as in the movie Inside Out and each emotion

Are you very picky about the books you choose to read?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
I am, indeed. I usually have a small handful of books that keep me invested and the rest, I tend to lose interest in pretty quickly. 🙈
Though as of recent, I’m really trying to branch outside of my normal go-to books/genres, and read other things. Like, I mean fully commit and even if I start losing interest, just keep on going and give it a true chance. It’s become rather boring to only read like 2, maybe 3 different genres and not invest in anything else. 🥴
Are you very picky about the books you choose to read

How often do you buy groceries? 🛒

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Usually twice a week. Not for any other reason besides that I always go the first time, get the majority of what I need, then get home, realized I forgot things, and then have to go back. 🥴😂
Or well, the other reason is, I like things that are sold at different stores… So I split it up and go to one the first day and the other the second day! 😁
How often do you buy groceries

Do you feel like your given name suits you?

J_A1996’s Profile PhotoJordan
I guess so. I’ve honestly never loved my first name, but I also don’t know of any other name that’d suit me better. Only one I’ve ever found that I kinda like, is a variation of my first name… But nobody really calls me that except people on Twitch, Discord, etc, who don’t know my real name. 😂
And I’ve literally never had any connection or felt any kind of way about my middle name. It’s just there. Like, some people have tried to suggest calling me by my middle name, and nothing about it clicks, or says “yeah, that’s me.” 😅
Do you feel like your given name suits you

Are you a good liar? 🤥 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ tēຖค¢i໐นŞ t໐๓๓คฯ™ ▩ ♚ ☻
No. I’m actually a horrible liar. People tend to see right through me if I attempt (which I basically never do). Also, if I do lie, I feel absolutely awful afterwards and it weighs on my conscience until I fess up… 😅😂
Are you a good liar

What's your best moviegoing experience? 🍿📽️

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
There’s this theater that my dad and I absolutely loved. They had this like a “dinner and a movie” experience, and while it was pretty expensive, it was awesome! They had a full blown restaurant type menu, and you could get most anything from pasta dishes, to burgers, to fish tacos, etc. And let me just say, the food was SO good. 😋
So if you bought 2 seats, you would have a shared table. And then, you’d order before the movie started, and you’d have your food pretty quickly. And then once you were finished, you could fully recline in the chair. And they gave you a pillow and such as well. 😌
I watched a couple movies in that theater that I remember, one being ‘San Andreas’, and then the other was ‘The Age of Adaline.’ But San Andreas was most definitely most memorable, as that was our first time going there, and my dad and I had a blast. Afterwards, you could play pool, or go to the bar as that was part of the experience as well! Definitely made for a very memorable time. 😁
(Not my picture, but this is sorta similar to how it looked).

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Whats your best moviegoing experience

Do you add anything to your tea? Fresh/dried herbs like mint, basil, or dried flowers. Fruits like lemon, orange, dried fruits.... just a few examples.

M1ssSemy’s Profile PhotoStar. i
I do! There’s a lot of things I enjoy. Definitely some of the ones you said, and also a couple others.
-Mint leaves (or peppermint at Christmas time)
-Cinnamon stick
-Berries (blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries in iced tea specifically)
Honey is also good, especially when I’m sick, it’s my go-to. And then, occasionally, I’ll add a little maple syrup for sweetness in hot tea, which is delicious as well! 😋
(Not my picture)
Do you add anything to your tea Freshdried herbs like mint basil or dried

Do you find yourself comfortable in situations where there’s loud noise and dancing?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
… No. I often find myself being quite anxious in places where there’s a lot of loud music/loud sounds in general. It just makes me feel overstimulated honestly, and like I can’t think straight. 😵‍💫
Also, I’m not a good dancer, nor am I confident with other people seeing me dance. Like, sure I have some rhythm, but I don’t have the… moves. At all. 🙈😂
Do you find yourself comfortable in situations where theres loud noise and

Do you have a fear of missing out?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
For the most part… no. I miss out on a LOT already, being chronically ill. It’s not a fear anymore, it’s just inevitable. It will, and it does happen. I can’t always do everything I want, my illness does hold me back sometimes. And I have learned to give myself grace, and know that while that specific opportunity may not present again, I will have other opportunities pop up down the road. ☺️
Like, sure, I have days where I get sad that I can’t do/participate in something, and there are aspects of it that can make me feel insecure. Sometimes, I even feel anxious that this is all my life will ever be. But at the same time, I have a fairly optimistic view that I will be able to pursue what I want later, and it’ll make up for what I’ve missed in some capacity.
Also, I have some really lovely people around me who let me in on what they are up to, and in a way, I almost get the sense that I’m experiencing things through them, and it makes me happy. It really lessens that “missing out” feeling. I’m so grateful for those people, honestly. 🥰

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Do you have a fear of missing out

How often do you take pictures of food? 📸🍝

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
SUPER often! Like almost daily. 😂
I don’t know what it is, I think I get it from my dad, who for most of my life, has always taken pictures of food… Regardless, I just love doing so. I’ve definitely gotten way more into it in recent years. Also, something about it helps me remember specific days better. Like, I’ll see a picture of food I had at a restaurant or something, and it’ll spark a memory. 🤔
How often do you take pictures of food

Do you ever get excited about answering a certain question but then your mind goes blank or you forget the things you wanted to say?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
100% yes!!
This happens to me way too often. I’ll have like a solid answer in my brain, and then when I go to type it out, I either can’t remember what I was gonna write, or I can’t get the answer to sound as good as it did in my head. 😂
Or sometimes, if ask is finicky, as it so often is, I’ll have an answer I’ve prewritten and then the site will crash and won’t save it. So then, when I go to rewrite it, I can’t remember what I said. 🙈
Do you ever get excited about answering a certain question but then your mind

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How do you work under pressure? Have you had a job which often put you in stressful situations? 🥵

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I’m okay at handling most forms of pressure, though I feel like I get overwhelmed and frazzled VERY easily, and that can cause me to screw up or freeze a bit. 😅 However, if I have a deadline coming up and I have a lot to do in a short span of time. I actually tend to work very well in those situations. Sometimes, it’s a kick in the you know what that I need to get me productive and in the zone. It’s weird how much contrast there is... 😯😂
There’s two prime examples I can think of when it comes to being put in stressful situations. One is when I worked as a teachers aid for two separate kindergarten classrooms. That was at times, very stressful, as I actually held quite a bit of authority and responsibility. More than you may think for an aid. One specific moment was when a kid had a massive temper tantrum and I was in charge of handling it, alongside still helping the other kids. I had never really dealt with a tantrum by myself before and was trying to figure out the proper approach. It was a lot to juggle at once, but I did manage to keep it under control until the the teacher returned and helped. I basically just tried to find solutions to the problem, as well as try to take their mind off the issue. They did test me a bit, and I did have to be firm at times, but I was proud of myself for not letting it get out control. ☺️
And two was working in a salon environment. That was a level of stress that, at times, seriously left me feeling drained at the end of the day. There was SO much going on at any given time, it was chaos, and depending on what kind of client you had, it just really added on to the stress. I have lots of stories, but I think one of the most stressful, and frankly scary was when an elderly client of mine fell and injured themselves. I was so internally freaked out, but had to keep from showing it, and really had to be thorough in asking questions, etc. also, trying to keep them calm, as we needed to get them help. That was a day I don’t think I’ll ever forget. Despite it going well overall, I was so mentally drained by the end of it, it took all I had just to get through the rest of the day. 😴

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How do you work under pressure Have you had a job which often put you in

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