

Ask @hevharv

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Abused roxy apparently

yh i obviously tethered her in a grassless field with her front legs hobbled as well y didnt u no that b4

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Tell us abou your day from start to finish

woke up in the morning at alex's
dragged self out of bed and got dressed
put make-up on alex, dressed him. he became top tranny
got a lift to school from nat, picked up luke on the way
waited with alex for luke to get changed into his female shit and then went to english
day continued with a sixth form full of males dressed as females, highly entertaining
got wound up repeatedly about nothing
went back to alexs to make an apology to his madre with him
chilled with alex
fell asleep
then came home at 11 30pm

But why don't you miss it? Don't you love your horse?

i have no idea why i don't miss it. probably a number of reasons, things that i'm not really going to go into because it's stuff that's ingrained in my brain that i need to get rid of anyway. also, like i said, i'm busier now. i'm trying with my education, i'm actually doing the work. i'm spending more time with my friends. i'm occupying my time with other things. if i wasn't busy, i would probably feel the ache of it a bit more... i just haven't had time to miss it.
part 2 of your question. yes, of course i love pickles, bonnie, roxy. i love all 3 of them enormous amounts. a lot more than i love myself and on the same level that i love my family. but sometimes, you need to let go of things and move on... maybe i will go back to it some time. who knows? but for now i know that it's best for me to concentrate on other things that will affect my future positively, such as getting decent grades and such. also it's best for them, gruffalo in particular. she needs extra attention that i can't give her.
saying goodbye is the best thing.

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Since you're starting to ride less and less can I ask you a question? do you miss it?

you mean do i miss riding?
it's weird because despite the fact that it was debatably the biggest part of my life for so long, i really don't miss it that much now that i do it less. i miss it more when i'm there and i think about what i won't be having, but otherwise? no, not really. probably because i'm busy with other stuff. my life's moving on. :-)
Liked by: Grace.

nah, its because i got stuck on the vod and passed out the night before my exams and didnt wake up until the exams were over. how didnt you get that?!

soz gg

I was gunna go to class, but then i got high... ooooooh. i coulda cheated and i coulda passed, but then i got high. And now i'm selling dope and i know why.....

ur a REB

sorry. i'll keep her in line. She's not allowed near the vod again. I didn't realise she had this side to her when i adopted her

i think she's an alcoholic
she needs to go to rehab man

What if it's Georgina?

she's been on the vod again
prime suspect located
u better keep dat spikey punk bitch unda control ! ! ! !

i am BEGGING you. begging. i NEED you. it surpasses mere love and attraction. you are my WORLD.

caps lock makes it feel like ur shoutin at me soz mate dont like it when peeps shout u've lost all ur chances now :'''(

no. it doesn't work like that. i know that you aren't being serious. i AM being serious. so serious.

i am being so serious defo contemplating leaving alex at this current moment in time for the anonymous beauty that is clogging up my ask with weird shit you are boyfriend material hunny x x x x x x xx
piss off u shit stain
Liked by: Luke Francis

i am continuing because alex was persistant and won your heart. i can do the same. you are what i love most. nobody could you love more. and you will love me more than anyone else.

ye ye i love u now go away
Liked by: Luke Francis


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