

Ask @hevharv

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what are you doing tomorrow?

Stables with Rosie in the morning then I will be making the rest up as I go along

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what do you use tumblr for

Don't even use it anymore
But I used to use it as a more private venting place as well as just finding weird obscure funny shit and obsessing about books etc

what do you use twitter for

What like personally? I literally use it just to like deploy whatever thoughts are in my head... like it's basically the workings of my mind haha

yeah but he said that he admires the rest of the world ie you arent exactly significant to him if he doesnt care about having eyes for you. plus he pretty much finds anything with a pulse attractive so its not like your exclusive or anything special to him

That's nice

Whoa what kind of a bit is that?!

...A happy mouth hanging cheek snaffle?
Not exactly strong or severe lol

Do you have any fail horse riding pics! I don't wish to see you fail, I just think they are entertaining :D

No falls on camera, but this is an interesting picture where Bonnie decided to get veeery close to a jump and still clear it anyway (god knows how, she's a superior being) also you can see my saddle has like... lifted off her back hahahah. Basically I never used to do my girth up and this was the only day that it was ever a problem lol

surely they make you feel a bit bad?

Are you grappling to try and find a way in order to make me feel bad about something that shouldn't and doesn't affect me? Because if you are it is not working :)

how would you describe your day

Exam practice. Difficult
"Draw a picture of her pleasuring herself in a brown dress"
Dog walk
Wet dog. Bad smell
Still hungry
Still hungry
Liked by: Jay Ravat

when was the last time someone asked you to go out for drinks? ;))))))))))))))))))

Fuck off hahahahahah that wasn't even funny you bellsniff

http://instagram.com/p/myXZPbqaGM/ hey :))))))))))) check my profile , and please follow me ,don't ignore that , for you is just a moment , for me is very important , please follow <3 I gonna like all your photo :3 hold on <3 thanks !ok

"I gonna like all your photo :3"
Of course you will, considering when you think of the fact that I don't even have instagram :D
Bye, idiot

wtf why would you shoot it

Broken leg is pretty much a signifier for the end of a horses life - yes you do hear these incredible stories about ones that defy all the odds and come back fighting fit, but for that to possible you're gonna need the facilities in order to ensure your horse has maximum chance to actually be able to do that... and money. Lots of money for vets bills. Some horses as well would in no way be able to handle such a prolonged amount of box rest, and any horse that I've had in the past would have gone absolutely insane and been completely miserable as well as in pain. Why wait the hour or so it takes a vet to get at, with the horse in crippling pain when you can end all the horribleness for them straight away? Think about it. It's actually kinder.

if your horse broke a leg when you were riding what would you do

Well if I definitely knew it was broken and I had the means to do it, I would probably shoot it there and then
This is a horrible question, why are you asking me this?!

What do you think is the most annoying thing in the horse world?

Impossible to narrow that down into just one thing, there are so many equally irritating things. Currently the thing that irks me most is definitely that some people just have a complete inability to accept that there is more than one "right" way to do something, and the way you react or deal with a situation depends entirely on circumstance and the horse's individual needs... like you can't respond in a text book way for all horses and I think it's so wrong to be criticised for not doing something the "traditional" way or however you want to describe it.

Where do you spend most of your time?

Spend more time at Rosie's or Alex's than I do at my own home hahah

Why? Do you love her?

It took me a while to understand what this question was even talking about... but yes ofc I love Rosie she's my spirit wife

How was your romantic meal? Is she your girlfriend?

She may as well be my girlfriend sometimes mate


Language: English