

Ask @hevharv

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but roxy always looks so nice with her neck arched oh man how do you begin getting them like that ? :(

looooads of hard work if your horse isnt accustomed to it!! its a bit easier for me because roxy is actually really well schooled she just needs to loosen up and get used to it again haha. a shit load of leg and getting the horse to work into the bridle from the back end will get them to round up in front :)

do you sleep well?

at home no, at the stables no and at friends houses yes
best i'd slept in ages at graces last night i could live on her sofa omg its the best thigns ever

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worst thing to happen to you so far in 2013?

probs my boot breaking yesterday omfg literally first world problem for me, the sole was just hanging off and i could have cried not even lying

worst teacher at res? :D

well scanelly was a top bastard for making pandie delete the harlem shake video so hes in the bad books atm
but then when mr berriman was my photog teacher we clashed massively and i just hated him and people who just spend their lives trolling like he does are the worst kind of people, but i like him more now since hes just my tutor
equally mcdirty was AWFUL most boring human i think to ever walk the earth like what even was he doing in life
Liked by: Jay Ravat

plans for half term?

getting gruffs going good, get bonnie back into work, pachesham sj hire on wednesday.. bout it really

WDYTA rachel stanley

shes a brilliant rider got such a good set of results to back her up, really seems to know her stuff and Q is a top horse

How often do you jump?

rarely lol! today was the first time in a long time that i've jumped properly, and even then it was only a small bounce grid

your horse goes so nicely well jel how do you get her going so well ? :(

aw thank you!
but lollin' if you saw her today you defs woudld have thought diff!! and trust me loads of hardwork to get her to start working better, lots of long and low etc :)

'send me questions and shit' i'm going shit and wrap it in an envelope and post it through your door. Enjoy ;)

AW FANK U x x x x x xx
i will treasure it forever

Anyone that you think is amazingly good looking?

i dont care if you arent talking about celebrities
ian somerhalder is just perfection.
and for girls, ashley benson has been like my goddess recently (i am straight btw before i get loads of questions like omfg r u a lezbian x x x)

why would chris win, leon's like a ninja

chris is like a ninja but hes also built like the hulk.... i rest my case :D

just confirming that you're horrible there.

you are making my night you don't even understand
if you knew me you would know that im not actually that bad, some things just need to be said :D


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