

Ask @hevharv

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She was beautiful, but not like those girls in the magazines. She was beautiful, for the way she thought. She was beautiful, for the sparkle in her eyes when she talked about something she loved. No,she wasn't beautiful for something as temporary as her looks. She was beautiful,deep down to her soul

Bit of Fitzgerald there I see
Liked by: Luke Francis

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i feel that people who are together should connect on a deeper level as physical beauty is always temporary.it starts to fade as we get old.

You say that, but I think if people are really that involved physical beauty is always in tact because they'll always be attractive to their significant other regardless of age and stuff. Maybe I've got too much of an idyllic view of things because hey, I haven't got the wrinklies yet but meh

What are you up to right now?

Answering this never ending stream of questions, listening to music and proof-reading something :-)

So your not friends. Does it not feel like a waste. To not even try and make some kind of friendship or something?

Well yeah it does feel like a waste in lots of ways.. Like I've said before, just because you're not with someone doesn't mean the qualities you liked in them as a person don't exist any more, and if you can't see those things then why were you with them in the first place? But at the same time I don't think he's game for friendship

If a man cannot understand the beauty of life, it is probably because life never understood the beauty in him

That's some deep shit for ten to five in the morning...
But more often than not do you not think that people are unable to recognise when someone is seeing beauty in them whether it be physically or on a deeper more personal level?
Liked by: harley may

I dont get how thats something you dont know? Do you still like him?

This might only be me but personally I find it real hard to be friends with people I don't talk to lol
Liked by: Brad Rɘed

What do you mean you couldn't tell me?

Well I can;t answer a question I don't know the answer to can I?

U single love

I currently am engaged in a very tumultuous love affair with X5-452 and Eyes Only ... it leaves little room for anyone else I'm afraid :D

Was up sexy

Constant heartburn, shaky hands, stomach ache, headache ..tired in general
So what's not would probs be a better question

Are things easier without Alex now your onto other people and experimenting?

I'm hardly onto other people at all hahah and I'm hardly "experimenting". Things don't just turn around and get easy because you've mashed lips with another person or another million people. The world doesn't work like that, at least not for me. :---))


Maybe it was maybe it wasn't
Who says they were male or female or one of each?
Why we playing 20 questions anyway lol


Language: English