

Ask @hevharv

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My horse is under weight what should i do???

Feed it up..
if it's a recurring thing like you've been increasing feed and roughage intake but there's still no change in your horses condition, check for worms and other health problems as well

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how to b my frend, xxxxxxxxxx Furst u hav 2 giv me ur name, and not appear anon xxxxx everything else goes frm ther

u no thiz

exactly omg, what even is this lolol and then they go to you asking advice on how to be my friend LOL

There isn't much I can say to them on 'how 2 be ur frend'
you should write a tutorial ;)

literally I'm not intimidating am i?! lmao

Literally you are not hahaha you are probably one of the least intimidating people ever

apparently I'm intimidating AHAHAHAHa HELP

I've seen wet noodles more intimidating than you hahahaha!

how can i be friends with daisy :c she doesnt take any notice of me

Talk to her off anon for starters? Why would she want to be friends with someone without a face or name lol

fav quote?

“They say the passage of time will heal all wounds, but the greater the loss, the deeper the cut. And the more difficult the process to become whole again. The pain may fade but scars serve as a reminder of our suffering, and make the bearer all the more resolved, never to be wounded again. So as time moves along, we get lost in distractions, act out in frustration. React with aggression. Give in to anger. All the while we plot and plan as we wait to grow stronger. Then before we even realize that so much time has passed, we are healed, ready to begin anew.”

have you had a productive day hun

Got a bit of work done then had a 2 hour break which turned into baking biscuits which went a bit wrong ... not really, especially considering I've decided to see a friend instead of returning to work

What are your evening plans?

Just got back from 62 where I had a gr8 dinner and gr8 bantz with Rosie, Sharon and Sarah Swag

Saw you and Rosie having a cheeky run earlier. Your body is so bangable right now. Do you work out?

Who is this hahahah and thanks I guess :P
& no we just decided that we would start running again yesterday haha

whats the other girls horse like? is he really hard too?

Razor's about 15.2, hes a warmblood type but his passport doesn't say exactly what, he's a brilliant jumper and really talented and is starting to work beautifully on the flat and hes got so so much potential to be a really decent allrounder. He's not as complicated as Sox but he is partial to bucking and he's not particularly honest either, so if you aren't on top of your game he will take the piss out of you a bit but generally speaking he's very sweet and he isn't malicious

the girl on the cob has a really bad position though

It might not look convdentionally perfect, but I assure you Sox is not a conventional kind of horse. Of course she has stuff to improve on but she stays a bit more upright for a reason haha, if she isn't sitting up properly on the landing he will fuck off around the school or snatch the reins. Once she's got him fully under her and listening then she can work on herself
Plus hes a got a ping that is a bit difficult to sit to

i wish i could come and meet you and be your friend like the girl in your profile picture and give you hugs and have a jumping lesson with you!!! but you live so far and i think that you wouldnt like me:(

I don't think I've ever told anyone on here where I live so how would you know haha
Plus I wouldn't become friends with someone who would use me just to get a ride on a horse lol

can you say more about sox? what is he like?

He's about 14.1/2ish, he's a little fat gypsy cob but my god he is a TANK. He's bloody talented and he's got paces to die for, will jump absolutely anything but he is such a tricky ride, make one tiny move in a way that's incorrect and you'll either be going sideways literally every where or be bolted with until he decides it's time to stop, but Rosie has the measure of him perfectly and knows all his tricks and how to fix them so he's a machine with her

are you riding in any of the pictures?

No, Cara's on Razor and Rosie is on Sox, I was doing jumps and giving them a mini lesson lol

WOW who are the two horses in the pictures you just uploaded?!

Razor & Sox
Razor's the tall warmblood type, Sox is the little cob :)

Who's your favourite character out of the ones you just listed and why :)

I'm gonna be cheeky and say Damon for TVD, I think everyone knows why.. I just love how erratic and predicatably unpredictable he is yet how much he still tries to be a good person hahah and then for The Originals it's definitely Elijah, his nobility New Orleans is so admirable particularly considering the people hes surrounded by and how he completely denies himself chances to be with Hayley just so she can be happy what a cutie


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