

Ask @hevharv

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My boyfriend says he doesn't like the way I look or dress and that I should wear what he thinks I look nice in but it makes me uncomfortable. What should I do?

Dump him
Liked by: harley may

You posted a photo of razor yesterday what's he like?

He's a gem :-) bit of a dinlow at times and can get jumpy at stupid things but he's really good natured most of the time. Bit quirky to ride, fussy in the mouth and needs consistency from whoever's on board, cracking jump, partial to bucking though. He's quite awesome really.

Does razors owner not ride herself...

Obviously otherwise what would be the point in her owning him? Lol

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What are doing today?

Going to the yard, finishing pulling Razor's mess of a mane, chucking in another schooling session with Razor, coming home, running to Weybridge, seeing Cara... I'm a busy bee.

When you school a horse what are you looking to get from them?

Erm well obviously depending on the horse I'd focus on something specific during each session to work on, but in general I'm looking for them to be together, supple, consistent, relaxed and focused.
...sadly doesn't always mean I get it lol.

who was your favourite character in Fringe? x

Walter/Walternate, John Noble was a complete genius with his portrayal of both of them (I definitely like Walter distinctly more). Walter might also be my spirit animal I love him. x

What's your currently favorite show on TV?

Ermmm I'm not sure I seem to be digging older things that aren't on air anymore but obvs there is recent shit


Cooking chicken, making some phone calls, ranting about idiots and getting dressed.
I'm a busy bee

Describe your busiest day of the week so far. What did you do and where did you go?

I went to Valley End, there were nice horses that I patted and stroked and grazed in-hand and mucked out and I cleaned tack, turned into a blithering idiot because *heart eye emoji* and then I got home and tried to eat dinner but I was too tired to eat so I went to bed dreaming of money

what do you mean not riding right?

Exactly what it looks like. If you've checked all things physically including tack you're more than likely the problem but without looking I couldn't pin point what

Opinion on side reins?

Again I'm really not a fan of things that just focus on the horses head. Hate the idea that they'd have their head "down" but dragging themselves along on the forehand, but I'm more likely to use side reins on the lunge as an encouragement into a better shape than I am to stick draw reins on under saddle or something

Have you ever/would you ever use draw reins?

As a general rule, no. I think it becomes far too easier for a rider to started relying on them without realising and put their horses head in an incorrect position too. Any horse I've ridden that's been worked excessively in draw reins has always leaned on my hands like a troll as well, or in some cases at any pressure on the rein they'd tuck their nose in further into their chest, not good

pet hate?

"Did u eat today" questions, things about weight/eating habits in general, slow walkers that block the path... Erm can't think of any more right now


Language: English