Because people are DUMB and STUPID & shouldn't say things that they are going to go through with or don't mean
is the enemy a frary or mash endgame? x
Can't tell you that!
favourite tv shows?xx
How to Get Away With Murder, Vampire Diaries, Originals, Fringe, American Horror Story, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Angel, NCIS, Trailer Park Boys, Extras... too many lol
been up to much recently hunny xxx
Shit load of writing really
life is too short to be pissed off SMILE xxxx
I hope you are aware that I can experience more than one emotion at once lol, just because I'm constantly pissed off doesn't mean I'm not not happy lol
Get out with sending me this question I never have anything to say ffs
How do I stop my horse from napping? I always have to get off in the end she's so scary
I'm assuming youve had back, teeth, legs, tack etc checked out? Stopping a horse from napping takes time and the only way you're ever going to seriously get past it is by riding through it every time. Each time you get off her, that's another victory to her and another reason for her to just keep on doing it. If she's dangerous when she naps, make sure that you have someone on hand to help you in case you get hurt. As for riding through it, you need to be firm but not aggressive otherwise you're just going to get a worse reaction out of the horse, and you have to be persistent.Also, if your horse is napping to the left when you are trying to right or something, DO NOT circle her left to get her facing the way you want to go (of course goes without saying that this is a vice versa thing) in a horse's brain, if they've turned the way they want to go with minimal resistance from you or you've "let" them, the horse thinks it wins. You have to keep your horse going as much in the direction you want it to as you can, clear and precise aids as well so there's no way your horse is confused.
If someone knew youre boyfriend had cheted on you would you expect them to tell you
No, I would expect him to tell me. But in the event of him failing to do so, yes, I would want to know
Do you believe in horoscopes?
Sometimes they do seem really accurate but a lot of the time I think they appear that way because people are looking for a way to make them fit. I'm not sure if that makes sense but it does to me.