

Ask @hevharv

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grackles or flashes? why?

I'd rather see everyone in grackles than flashes imo, distributes pressure more evenly than a flash does.. Too many flashes are completely incorrectly fitted, nearly everyone you see has the cavesson too low and too loose and the flash strap too tight and in the wrong place. Not nice.

Do you use any gadgets on your horses?

Wall-E only has a martingale, he's a master at fixing his head pretty high and seriously hollowing out, Ector has a grackle and elasticated breastplate with martingale :)

how big do you jump regularly?

90-1.10 once a week usually. If I don't spend too long getting food with Polly and if we can be bothered to put jumps out haha
Liked by: harley may

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do you ever miss how it used to be when "the gang" was a thing? do you guys all still talk and see each other?

Omg lol that was so long ago, I think that was like the summer of 2013? And I used to but now it doesnt really ever cross my mind lol so I think that sums up how I feel about it. We sort of talk and see each other but not really. All gone separate ways basically and doing our own thing
Liked by: harley may

whats ector like to ride?

He's actually quite lazy and stubborn but he can also be very, very sharp haha. He's super hard to really get food and he'd rather slope along like a sloth for a while and lull you into this false sense of security then the switch flips and he becomes a crazed beast... He'll gallop around and bronc everywhere, buck, jump up on down on the spot on all fours.. basically transforms into a rodeo bronc ride hahaha. Once he's got it out of his system he's usually pretty good. He's just totally untrustworthy on a loose rein but I refuse point blank to ride a horse on a strong, short forced contact without them going forward and relaxing on a loose one first so it causes some problems lol!

Why has that horse eaten so much of his stable door? Is he seriously deficient in something?

His diet could be better yes, but he's in a lot so he does it when he's bored. His door is covered in anti-crib now though lol


Did the yard this morning... so I turned out 12, mucked out 10, made feeds/hay etc. Sam came down and we rode Razor and Vinnie. Then he had a go on the Pig whilst I rode Cordy.. bought in the part liveries and did a rug change then jumped Pig and Wall-E with Polly, finished the yard and gave Ector some loving. Cara and her mum picked me up and she gave me A SIX LAYER CAKE AS A BIRTHDAY PRESENT I AM IN SHOCK

Hey Heather. What's on your reading list these days?

Hello anon. So many things but right now The Secret History by Donna Tart because I started it a little while ago but need to revisit it :-)
Liked by: harley may

what is your horse like personality wise?

Wall-E is very sweet and friendly but a bit of an anxious stress head! He hates any kind of change and gets wound up very easily... Sometimes it takes a lot to settle him, especially undersaddle as he has a tendency to panic and just buck like a madman. But he's also (oddly) a quite calming influence for youngsters because he's totally unflappable out hacking. He's a mixed bag really but I've never met a more loveable horse haha!
Ector is grumpy, kind of hateful and has very few nice qualities but when you get past his bluster he just craves your attention and is really quite a sweetheart. He's definitely got a little bit of a screw loose, he's totally untrustworthy and you have to be prepared for anything at any point when you're sat on him... he can throw some serious shapes lol! In any case his talent is limitless, it's his aggression and controlling, dominant nature that makes him a real pain in the butt. In any case he's one of those horses that is utterly unsuitable but you fall head over heels for

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Liked by: Alex Barsdell

What would you do differently if you knew nobody would judge you?

I would probably do exactly the same as I am now and I know that people judge me. I just fail to care these days.

you're more forgettable than ally haha

Yes that probably has something to do with the fact that I don't really put anything to do with my life on the internet any more lol
Liked by: harley may

Sorry I just really wanted to pick your brains a little. How would you go about building up a horses back muscles to make them become less hollow? Hope NYE was good for you xx

Oh god this is really tricky to explain but I'll give it a shot.. You need to think less of "building up" the muscles and more about making the top line soft and relaxed - but don't mistake that as like, them NOT being strong if that makes sense? Muscles can still work correctly and be strong without tense, tension ruins everything you hope to achieve from a smooth non-hollow shape. You basically want to work on long and low without allowing your horse to poodle along on the forehand and play with flexion at the same time to help their abdominal muscles to strengthen so in turn their back/topline can relax. I'd just stick to looooads of circling and figures of eights, serpentines etc. It's not a quick fix at all and one that you'd have to take time with but it'll be worth it in the end!

what's it like?

He's called Ector, he's big, he's pretty and he's really fucking bolshy lol. He's an arrogant pig to handle at the best of times, is a savage to other horses and a menace to most people what with the biting and occasional kicking.. he's 17, his back end moves independently from his front, he doesn't have any health problems he's just a big old really talented freak basically and I love him hahaha


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