

Ask @hevharv

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so.. Alex fingered your friend. How does that make you feel? You gonna break up with him?

makes me feel great, particularly because i consented it and it was instigated by the one and only me :D

Your hot friend in the bright dress was soooo making a beeline for Alex's dick. And he got some fingers up her private areas I heard.

ofc ofc
Liked by: Emily Maunders

Were you with Alex the whole time at Bens? Because I am more than one hundred percent sure I saw him fingering that girl in the bright pinky red dress.

intentionally making up bullshit what is your problem lol

heard you play the triangle really well - but we aint got time for no illuminati shit


turn the lights off then you turn them BACK ON!!!

!!!NO KCAB meht nrut uoy neht ffo sthgil eht nrut

You are a total mug he's probably cheated on you multiple times already and will just be adding to that number continuously whilst you're away.

i really fancy some quiche

Well it's true. He'll cheat on you, probably with one of your friends or something like that Rosie girl or whoever.

yes that is DEFINITELY going to happen xxxxxx

Aren't you going away on holiday soon? Have fun everyday thinking about who Alex will be sleeping with. The minute you're gone he is going cheat on you so bad.

fuck off you are all such stirring cunts lol


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