

Ask @hevharv

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I am really frustrated because all my friends are taking their horses out and starting to compete, but I'm just stuck at home still trying to get my horse over poles without it freaking out. :/ I just really wish that I could go out and do stuff that they do.

for starters, it's no good comparing yourself to your friends when it seems like your in a completely different situation to them. theres always going to be people that do more than you etc so making silly comparisons isnt going to help at all - just concentrate on yourself and your horse and im sure you'll be out there competing in no time at all :)

do u lyk foots up ur fanny

hi jack
do you look melt in the middle dog poo shovelled into your stretched arse hole?

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do you think she is ruining him? will she do well in the furture on him?

no she isn't ruining him at all! shes riding him really very well as theres been a drastic improvement in their flatwork and his way of going is much much better. and i think she will :) of course since razor hasn't been off the yard in 5yrs or so you can expect that the start of their competing will probably be a bit shaky, but as long as she keeps riding him positively and quietly the way she already does he'll be absolutely fine. hes a really talented horse and shes a talented jockey as well :)

Yeah heather you abuse your horses so much, that's why they're two of the happiest horses I know... If only you were nice to them.. ;)

Abbey wilson
punching them and cutting their ears of this way forward. ;)

Yeah but I swear Grace has ruined the horses she's got?

yes, they are so unbelievably ruined i just can't handle it :/// they are not ruined at all, they're happy and very well looked after, they go beautifully for her as well. i have no idea who you're looking at, but it definitely isn't grace if they've got ruined horses.

everyone can ride razor better than cara i have heard

soooo not true lol
cara gets on him and he holds himself in a decent shape, shes getting some brilliant work out of him, he jumps boldly with her 98% of the time. of course there are some people that will be able to ride him better than her, but you will always find someone who can ride your own horse better than you. stop being such a shit stirrer and grow up a bit

What would you expect a horse that costs 10 grand to be like?

erm established on the flat, good paces, a decent set of results of behind it in whatever discipline and no older than 10

Out of all of you at the stables who do you think has the most potential to get somewhere in horses?

all of us at the stables... well i personally think that the lead reins are going to be jumping at hoys very soon
Liked by: dc

How far do you honestly think Grace Dixon will go with eventing? I don't really think she's going to go that far, she has no results.

..maybe she has no results because she is 14 years old and only really started eventing properly at the end of last season? grace is still learning and she isn't lucky enough to have a complete schoolmaster/mistress that can take her through all the phases easily and get her a good set of results, but i think when shes older she will go far because shes got these tricky little shits to learn on right now. shes got all the time in the world to prove herself/get established and whatever so it's stupid trying to think about how far she will go now. shes a talented jockey and she gets better everytime she gets on, and im sure she will prove you wrong :)
Liked by: dc

what are your nicknames?

'heavy' as given to me by a 6 year old ahahahahah
Liked by: dc

What are those things you put around your horses legs?

...either tendon boots, brushing boots, or travel boots/bandages
all of which are to protect the legs

Cara Hayward is a bit of a dick if you ask me.

...well lucky nobody asked you, isn't it?
she's nothing of the sort, so shut up.

Are you mood swingy?

i dont know, my mood ranges from extremely ott happy and hyper to pissed off, and my in between is called 'tired' which is when i am dead on my feet and end up falling asleep everywhere

did bonnie get clipped this year? xxxx

no, she wasnt in enough work for it to be worth it to give her a hair cut, and since she was out most of the time having a nice thick shaggy coat kept her warm :) x

did u clip roxy? xxxx

nope, she needs sedating and it costs a lot, plus she was better off with a nice thick coat anyway and didn't really sweat much so it wasn't beneficial, and her summer coat is going to be lovely when it's come through as well x

I swear you smack your horse so much...

if this is a reference to roxy, stfu. yes i do give her a smack sometimes, but she bloody well needs it. its not as if im abusing her, and at the end of the day i'd rather give her a quick smack and get her going forward then than booting her repeatedly to try and get her forward where i would probably end up damaging her ribs. does the horse in the picture look unhappy to you? no. shut up you prick

Do you smile at strangers?

well if i happen to make eye contact i smile because otherwise it just looks like im giving them some horrific evils


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