

Ask @hevharv

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so are you and rosie not friends anymore?

nope we havent spoken since :/
i don't think that we can ever move past that

why did you snap at rosie? :o

on friday i was in an absolutely foul mood, and i was really irritable. she was on the sofa and i was on the floor beside it and she like moved her legs the tiniest bit so they were knew me and i just went absolutely mental and like shoved her and shouted at her :L

Last person you smiled at?

maundie because shes sending me pics of someone who likes theyve been dragged through a bush backwards and has a nose like 6 inches long oh my

What do you say during awkward silences?

depends who its with
if theres an awkward silence and its like between other people but im there with grace or something, it's the trademark looks that we give each other trololol. otherwise i just enjoy watching people squirm

What annoys you?

most things annoy me, im quite an irritable person... but since its at the top of my head i will mention the people that get really nosey and ask about the financial status of others because it puts people in such awkward positions, and plus thats a private matter lol

What wrong:(

oh im just angry and stupidly over emotional and i dont even understand :L im just being pathetic atm haha. love you child ♥

why you crying? :(

im just having a total meltdown and being pathetic hahah
ive been having an i hate people couple of days

what are ya doin right now?

currently, i am sitting on my own crying
and thats not even a pisstake, it's the whole truth

Mood right now?

like i said like 5 secs ago
im in a really bad mood lol
im so pissed off it's unreal and just generally in a foul mood

SJ or XC?

xc in general, but i haven't taken gruff on an xc course so i may change my mind to that regarding her


Language: English