

Ask @hevharv

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You're not overweight at all! Ignore pathetic people like that, you're the perfect weight and beautiful x

thank you! that's really kind :') x

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You're overweight.

so i get sick lose weight and get called to skinny and now i am back to my normal weight (roughly) and appaz i am fat
alright then mate lol

What is the major problem in your city?

major problem... the paths aren't made of conveyor belts so i can just stand still all day and be transported to where i wanna be without walking
big problem i would say

Maybe I won't be. Tell me what changed.

maybe i would tell you if i knew who you were? but then again maybe i wouldn't
just leave it lol you'd know the reasons if you needed to know

Then help me understand. You became disinterested the minute you got a boyfriend.

that is a complete and total lie
you are seeing what you want to see - it makes no difference what i say, you'll still be against me with that mindset.

i am going to ram my fist so hard up your ass that it comes out your mouth

been sent stuff like this aaaall before get with the times

Who out of your friends knows the most about you?

hmm out of absolutely all of my friends to ever exist i would have to say it is actually callum haha, many things were shared between us on our walks over the years
Liked by: Callum Hilton

do you find you chill out more when you are around horses?

used to, now not so much. horses used to be my form of escapism but now i am finding lots of additional stress through it, and i really do not need that!

Describe your day in detail

well i didn't sleep all night because when i tried i was having horrific dreams, yay. so i accidentally fell asleep around 8ish and then was just flat out, nobody bothered to wake me up so I missed my first two lessons and pretty much the whole morning until period 4 where i dragged myself to school, had a lovely chat with callum hilton and billy boulton, printed my essay that is due in like 3 days late oops and then i went to walk with alex to get lunch and he shoved me around a bit, what a bitch. then whilst he ate lunch and listened to music i read some of my book which was nice and chill. watched caswell eat an apple like a pro then went to drama where I had a lovely hour with brianna the queen of sarcasm, elliot the archbishop of banterbury, heather b the troll who loves self service checkouts, callum the fur coated retard and jon baines the... hairy hippo :S after that i walked home with callum and elliot and then i got home, answered an angry email from hamilton and then went to the stables, sorted loads of my stuff out and went for a lovely ride hack with daisy rooks and toni pony where we had a lovely catch up :-)
and now i am home yey

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Opinion on TOF, littlecreamconnemara, Alex Barsdell, Harley May

1) don't really know much about them, have only like seen one video. but all i hear of them is constant drama seems like troublemakers, not sure whether it's intentional or not but i really don't care either lol
2) i've only ever seen like one video but her pony has a great pop on it
3) i'm subbed to her i think she's a great rider, very quiet on that pony of hers but also very effective. since ive started watching them i can already see a big visible improvement
4) i'm also subbed to harley and can safely say i don't think she deserves the shit storm a lot of people constantly throw at her.. i remember watching videos when simon was an absolutely wild thing a while back and she handled him brilliantly, still does now :-)

what's it like knowing you're on borrowed time? i'm scared it will happen to me and my pony as i am getting too big for him :(

really can't lie on this one. it's one of the most horrific feelings in the world. and every day, the last time comes closer and it's terrible.
but at the same time, if you surround yourself with people you love, they'll help you. you won't be alone :-)

It's tough though I really get scared at how much he has changed and so suddenly and I wonder if I am the right person to be helping him... I mean I have a good instructor and I've had his tack teeth and back checked. Maybe giving up will be the best option. :/

don't give up what you want most for what you want right now
it's good that you're seeking help from an instructor.
just follow your heart :-) things that are meant to be will be.

You had no stirrups and sat some massive back from your black horse well good yesterday!! how do you do it? xxxxx

hahaha thank you!
i dunno lol just used to her doing it and i kind of know how to move with her. silly mare she is lol x

stopping a horse from broncing? help i get really scared!!

be positive and ride forward.
what's going forward can't go up! make sure you aren't over holding your horse as well. if you're holding them too tight and then putting loads of leg on physics mean that your horse's energy literally has nowhere to go other than upwards, and depending on your horse that means it will either rear or buck/bronc
just get your leg on and keep it going, make sure you have a secure lower leg and also adopt a slightly lighter seat but keep your shoulders straight. lighter seat will mean you don't get caught in the motion of a sudden big hind end movement and pinged off, but shoulders back and not on the shoulders means theres less weight on the front end to stop you toppling over their head :-)

What advice would you give to someone who's horse has randomly started napping and being a genuine nightmare to ride? We were doing so well and now I feel like giving up. :(

check absolutely everything to make sure your horse isn't in any kind of pain or discomfort - tack, back done, legs, teeth, bloods etc. absolutely everything. if it comes up with nothing, think about anything you've changed recently. it's coming into winter so have you changed your horse's diet at all?
exhaust every possible opportunity before you resort to giving up. try to work your horse through it as well - if it was all going well beforehand just remind yourself of what you can be! only give up if it's really damaging your confidence or it becomes dangerous for you and the horse!


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