

Ask @hevharv

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who is the most valuable person in your life right now?

Alex for reasons I cannot begin to fathom but I can say that the positive impact he makes on me is one that I am eternally grateful and appreciative for and I just simply love <3
Liked by: Luke Francis

prettiest girls you know?

I know a lot of very pretty people lol
Give me names it's easier than thinking of people in a list

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What New Years resolutions will you make and why?

To actually be decisive and make proper decisions about things
I'm sick of letting myself teeter on the edge feeling completely unbalanced because I'm too much of an emotional idiot to make proper choices. I need to stop allowing things to mean so much to me

Have you achieved all the things you wanted to achieve in 2013?

Don't really start the years with goals in mind
I just sort of drift and see what happens :L

Who do you value most in your life right now? Name 5 people and say why.

Anna-Rose Lee - She is literally one of my favourite people in the world and I really can't elaborate right now but I'm very thankful for this total retard <3
Abbey Wilson - A long time friend and her sunny nature is always something to improve my mood
Chloe/Jack/Leanne/Eva - All count as one solidly formed unit and I fucking love them, they have the ability to turn the most mundane things into something hilarious and fun and they're just brill!
Heather Baxter - Becoming increasingly closer to her and it's lovely to just have someone to talk to about everything, love her
An I cant think of anyone else really

Name 3 things that make you happy and 3 things that piss you off

-Spending time with the people who's company I enjoy
-Anything that gives me some form of escapism
-Going back through old stuff
Pissed off:
-Being lied to
-Being betrayed
-Being made to feel like I have no choice but to do something

sorry that wasnt my only question i was also wondering if there any exercises to improve my horses jump in general?

Depends what you're working on really
to be honest you're pretty safe with any form of gridwork as it improves collection, bascule, power etc so that's a safe one

random question but how do you stride jumps properly? like if I wanted a one stride double how would i pace it?

Depends on your own length of step, but for most people it tends to be 4 normal human steps for one stride, and 2 normal human steps for landing & take off
So for a one strided double, you'd have a pole, then take two steps for the landing, then four the stride, then two for the take off for the next jump :-)

how many pairs of boots do you have for riding?

erm 2 pairs of short Ariats, a pair of short Sherwoods, a pair of short dublin boots, a pair of Saxon long boots and another pair of long ones that I can't remember the brand for and then I have leather chaps and like a thousand pairs of gaiters for the short boots

do you have any horse stuff for sale?

yeaaaaah I do actually lol just need to clean some of it :-)
-Black pink equine pony sized grackle
-Black pony sized grackle
-Black cavesson bridle in pony size
-Cob size pink and blue checked travel boots, barely used
-Blue amigo pony sized travel boots
and a couple of numnahs

why was he making a mold of your face?

Really it was just a cover story so we could do naughty things in the art hut... basically just so I could say I looked a bit dishevelled because I had mod-rock on my face but really... you all know what was happening ;-)

why did you have an interesting day?

Just was very amusing
jack drew me some lovely pictures in English one titled 'pikey girl crying'
had a free where we took some ugly mug shots, none of which were what he aimed for
Went scrounging for food together at lunch which is always fun
Then period 5 he was making a mold of my face with mod-rock shit and it was just hilarious
Liked by: Luke Francis


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