

Ask @hevharv

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why isn't someone else your best friend

why aren't potatoes baked beans?
because they're not
same difference

?so whose your best friend? rosie? why? i like me more? I'm more of a best friend? im my own best friend so isnt that proving something? ive got the credentials to meet your demands and become your best friend? I'm not liking the way rosie punches people in the street, id ont do that. pick me.

rosie is the best

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Can we just make a cake out of rainbows and smiles and all to get along?


Why are 67.245% of the questions being asked to you today being so mean? (Not a real statistic)

i don't know people just don't appreciate me these days :'''(

So would you ride your horse if it was ill?

no lol i wouldn't ask her to work for me if she was sick, that's not fair

Do you ride your horse when you are ill?

normally yes but this has been like one of those shitty clockwork monkey things that bash together those cymbals going off in my head repeatedly and the concussion of it is making my entire body shake. and making me cough till i heave and puke
and not hungry. but i dont really care about not hungry its nice actually lol

he is horrible to you you are just to blind to see it just because he drops in a nice compliment every once in a while and acts nicey nice in front of you doesnt mean he cares about you

when i was really sick the other night i left my phone downstairs and told my brother i didnt want to speak to anyone. i went to sleep. in the morning, my bro informed me that he had to put my phone in silent because 'some twat wouldnt kept ringing' yh that twat was alex lol attempting to check in on me
but i was comatose awkward
but yes he does care
that was just one example before u go all 'BUT DAT WAS ONE TIME ONLY THING'
so in the famous words of jonny burstow: crap in a bag and eat it.

is alex horrible to you?

yes one day he forced me down a drainage pipe and i was squashed in there for hours until i exploded out of a tap in some poor old ladies house when all she wanted to do was fill up her kettle but instead she got a heather which she boiled in her kettle before she realised i was there and set me free

do you hate alex?

yes, that happens to be why i am in a relationship with him
because you go out and actively try and spend time with people you do not like

...i'm sorry to be making this so public but i'm too scared to ask you in person i just saw you coming out of the spa when i was driving past and whats happened to you?

yes I went to the spa to get my mum some pepsi
but what on earth are you talking about?

What are you plans for the day

paying a visit to my loved of loved four legged black creature and paying a field visit to the little brown monster with four legs and then i'm going home and doing absolutely nothing i believe


Language: English