

Ask @hevharv

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What makes you happy?

various things, such as bonnie, pickles and the gruffalo
my friends and famo obviously
reading and watching films and shit
lauren firth's hot chocolates because she's pro at making them

What disappoints you?

the fact that i could be asleep but once i'm awake, i'm awake... so here i am, not having to go to school and up at this time. WHY OH WHY

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What perplexes you?

who named the colours
like why did someone decide to call blue 'blue' and red 'red' etc
it just confuses me
like why did someone decide to call a table a table. and who gave plants their names? and why
o m g LIFE

Hey I'm a girl who tries to raise awareness for serious things like bullying and it would be great if you could please follow me on Facebook? And possibly share me as well? My Facebook link is on my ask page I can't write it on here cause ask blocks people from sharing Facebook links in questions x

no matter how many times i get sent this the answer would remain the same

what days is your yard open?

saturdays are our main days with lessons from 9am until like 4 or 5pm, then im not too sure on the weekdays but in the holidays they do holiday courses where you can stay for either half day or full day but i dont know about the times, and you can also book private lessons for during the week but i have no idea when the instructors are in or whatever, and we're closed on sundays unless your a livery ofc

Are you ticklish?

i dont think there is words to express how ticklish i am
my skin literally crawls in places if someone like grazes their finger tips across me. i am too ticklish to the point it isnt funny cry cry

how much are lessons at your yard?

erm i cant remember of the top of my head... i think it's like £35 for an hour group and £25 for half hour group and as for other prices for diff lessons i dont know :P look on the website

Oh please, God help you. You were crying as an excuse to get sympathy from people... Honestly, I can't stand people such as you.

yes, i dont get embarrassed at all crying in front of people, i love it when my make up runs and my face goes blotchy
shut up mate ahahah

why do you go home early? are you allowed?

i have a free every tuesday p5, im not staying at school when i don't have to lol

if someone told you that they would like you more if you dyed your hair red would you do it?

no that's stupid
i dont live to please other people lol

Well why would you cry in an open place and not tell anyone about why?

because it's none of your concern
sometimes you cant help it, just shut the fuck up

Oi Anna Rose Lee agen waz pised aat ov ma brayns las nite. I wan 2 b ur frend waz wunderin coz I hat u hahaha lol. Shup m8 u complet id

get owt ov ere m8
u r not wntd

If you were to write a book what would it be about?

anything that happens to come into my head when i decided to write it i suppose


Language: English