

Ask @hevharv

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have you watched pll of last week?!?!

Not yet, only ones of it online I can find are in like some disgusting slow-mo sound thing :(

you're too fat to wear jeans like you were wearing today

Trust me I didn't wear them intentionally lol, first ones I picked up and they weren't even mine but too late to change
Liked by: Anna-rose lee

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You're really very extraordinary. I think I may have fallen in love with you.

That's flattering of you, although I fail to see how I am extraordinary in way shape or form

i also like find boys who dont wash their genitalia properly and run my finger around the nob heads to gather a healthy dollop of smeg. i then put it in a bowl, mix it up and eat it like yoghurt

This is quite possibly the best thing I've ever received in my life
Thank you so much for inspiring me with idea for my next meal

have you ever worn the same pair of socks for over two weeks and then your feet sweat into the material and it has a weird almost vinegary smelling scent to them? that is my favourite smell of all

Aw babe, I love it <33333

dont you hate the smell of when you stick your finger into an unwashed belly button :( it makes me so sad but at the same time i love the way my fingertip tastes after

You have successfully made me cringe omg

Why are you so addicted to Ask.fm?

it iz d sunshien ov mi lyf wivowt arsk efem i wud b nuffin it haz med mi hu i am 2dei n 4 dat i am eternali gr8ful fenk u arsk efem 4 bein sukh a big meeninful fing in mei lyf x x x x x x x x x
cen wi al giv a rownd ov aplaws 4 arsk efem?

best friend? trustworthy friend? sisterly friend? funniest friend? dumbest friend? hottest friend?

Why do I always get these lol
Best friend - Rosie Lee
Trustworthy - Tami Aftab
Sisterly - Grace Dixon/Alex Drummond (if it were brotherly)
Funniest - hmm I dunno I've got lots of funny friends but Harriet Fisher and make my die laughing with the simplest of looks
Dumbest friend - Heather Baxter bless her soul <3
Hottest friend - I believe all my friends are just glorious gods so I can't really answer that one sorry

what would you say is your biggest flaw? both like appearance wise and personality?

Appearance I really don't know there is a lot I don't like haha
Personality, probably that I just give up so easily. A lot of the time I've pretty much given up on something before I've even started lol I work myself about it like I WONT BE ABLE TO DO IT and all that shit and then yeah I sort of make it so I really cant do it whatsoever haha

erm this is going to sound really weird but you have really good expression in your voice when you act and i was just wondering if it was something you could just do or if you did anything to help you practice?

Thank you haha!
Well I can remember always being able to do stuff with my voice, but ngl I think it came from the way I used to read books out loud when I was younger, and I when I read speech I would say it in the exact way that I thought the character would be saying it and then if I thought it sounded wrong I would say the same bit over and over in different ways until I thought it sounded right... no idea why the fuck I did that hahah I was so weird but I suppose it definitely helped me

love how the anon will come to you about it, oh well I love youuuuu <3

Anon is the ultimate dinlow

Who is your oldest most reliable and trustworthy friend that has been there for you the longest? :)

No questions about this, Harriet Fisher <3

Harley is an attention seeker

No, she's not
I don't even understand why you're coming to me with this lol, because evidently nothing I say is going to alter your opinion. But let's be real, you probably haven't even exchanged 2 words with her so your opinion doesn't matter :)

Who is your happiest friend? :)

I've answered this a thousand times over and it will always be Abbey Wilson hahaha she is like some crazy exuberant happy puppy :')
Liked by: Jay Ravat


Language: English