

Ask @hevharv

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Do you prefer DE or SC? <3

I like them both equally but neither are really "up there" in the grand scheme of things anymore lol

you have big hips

Erm unsure as to whether that's a compliment or you are implying I'm fat so I will just respond with a hearty ok.

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Would you rather be rich and famous or poor and happy?

Sadly I'm far too materialistic and money orientated to be poor and happy

How sad that that is what you say you enjoy in your spare time

Ok, in my spare time I enjoy engaging in many activities including hula hooping whilst listening to countrified banjo music
I also like sledding through mud naked
Better? x x x x x x
Liked by: Sammie Mosby

you and amie as friends, fucking funny as considering all she used to do was say how much she hated you loooool such melts

Can someone smell an unwashed scrotum?

why are they your closest friends? x

Rosie's my spirit animal and a donkey tamer
Amie is a drag queen n a don, y should we not be
Cara's a nob but we got 11 years man
Liked by: Amie Capozzi

Once a cheat, always a cheat. Do you agree?

Not necessarily, would be ignorant to think that nobody could ever change

What is your most sentimental possession?

Bracelet made out of Bonnie's tail hair, amber bracelet my nan left for me and my 18th birthday scrapbook haha :-)


Language: English