

Ask @hevharv

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what jumping exercises do you think are useful for control?

well i think bounces are useful for getting a horse to sit on the hocks and package the stride, and then you can transfer the feel for jumping the bounces into work with courses and doubles etc to get a 'showjumping' canter which should be powerful yet bouncy and collected and not flat out

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So which is better then? A standing or running martingale?

well it depends entirely on the horse really. standing obviously puts pressure on the nose to stop the horse from throwing it's head up, and the running puts pressure on the mouth to stop the horse throwing his head up. however the running is less restrictive and means the horse has more of a chance to move its head and neck to get out of tricky situations if they were to dodge up or trip when jumping, so i would feel safer with a running martingale on

Are all tendon boots open fronted? Why are they open fronted, sorry for all the questions, just wondering :)

no you can get closed front as well and they're more for xc as unless you're a bit retarded, you'd want the whole cannon bone and extensor tendon protected if your jumping solid fences. showjumpers tend to wear open fronted because apparently horses can judge their tuck better and how close they are to fence if they're open fronted, but i also think it's so if the horse knocks a pole they can feel it and know not to do it next time

What tendon boots do you have, are they good?

i have a pair of leather and sheepskin open fronted tendon boots for bonnie, i think the brand is gallop and they're pretty good, the only annoying thing is cleaning the sheepskin -.-
roxy has a pair of masta pink open fronted tendon boots, i hate the colour lol but they do the job. roxy also has a pair of tekna leather tendon boots, again open fronted and i fricken love them!

What's the difference between a standing and running martingale?

standing martingale connects to the noseband, running goes onto the reins

What do you hate most?

ungrateful people.
there is so fucking much to be thankful for in life, i just don't get ungratefulness

Do you have any strange phobias?

i HATE my knees being touched
like HATE it
so much
with a burning passion, i dont know if its a phobia, but it damn near kills me when people touch my knees and they know it and yet they continue to do it, the dirty cretins
Liked by: dc

What is your favourite pair of shoes?

omg a pair of black boots that i had
and the sole came off WHY CRUEL WORLD

if a boy tryed to make yu choose between him and yur horse who wwould yu choose xxx

horse, no competition there

If Bonnie died, what would you do?

the fact that thinking about this is making me want to cry says a lot
and i know that everything's going to die eventually, but i can't actually fathom life without her.
gay, i know, but she's quite possibly the best thing that's ever happened to me.

Out of all the horses that you've ever ridden, who has taught you the most?

out of all them i would have to say midnight and blizzard are on par

who would you say are the best schooled riding school ponies/horses?

erm midnight, monty, danny and razor


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