

Ask @hevharv

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do you have any pics of you riding? xxxx

On this laptop the only one I have is of me wearing a size 20 dress and a hat that's got a pink bobble on top of it whilst I'm cantering and shooting a bow and arrows lol
Liked by: Bethandstorm Grace.

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oh my god ahahhahahah I feel like I'm famous..... I don't make friends like that, I don't have time for people right now other than my special ones like Georgia and you ;)

I feel privileged, friends with a famous person and all that ;-)

how do you get to be friends with harley? she said you were on of her best friends on that facebook tag thing and i dont understand how you can do that, i really want to be friends with her but every time i say something nice shes just like thanks and nothing else :(

I'm not actually sure what happened that meant Harley and I became friends haha? I can't remember how we even started talking or when lol
But there's more to making a friendship than just showering someone with compliments etc, I know I'd be a bit freaked out if someone was trying to make friends with me by constantly telling me I was amazing or something, I'd find that all too weird.
If you want to be friends with her, why are you asking me this question? Shouldn't you ask Harley lol?

this might be kinda personal but with everything thats happened why did you decide to stay with alex?

Nah don't worry it isn't too personal. I suppose yes the most logical and probably the widely considered "better" choice would've been to ditch him, but then when it's something that close to the heart it doesn't always leave room for rational thinking. So I stayed with him because I loved him and I believe in him... If I'm wrong then I've gone against nearly all better judgement etc but that would be my choice and mistake to make and up to me to deal with the consequences :)
Liked by: Sammie Mosby

what you been up to recently gorgeous ?

Taking care of Steven Hawkins during a wild game of ring of fire, watching Vampire Diaries, being made cocktails by a 10 year old, chilling with dogs, eating badly yadayadayada... I'm havin a blast
Liked by: Amie Capozzi


Only recent one I have no h8 was taken at 2am amidst a Fringe marathon and I didn't have make-up on and hasdnt got dressed in 2 days lol

tried to fb you but messenger isnt working and you never read your dms, but just heard and i hope you're all ok xxxxx

Thanks b, did your mum tell you? X

Why are you going around saying your a horse whisperer? :L

I'm not just a horse whisperer, I'm a horse Shaman.


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