

Ask @hevharv

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have you removed your facebook account?

Nope... my name is Liam Chunder Manning on Facebook lol
A joke sort of backfired on me so if you want to talk to me, you will find me there

what feeds did all of your horses have?

Pickles had the tiniest handful of high fibre mix and balancer to make sure he was still getting all the goodness from only a tiny amount of feed.. when he went into more work, he had half a scoop of the same mix and no balancer (he gets fat off of air)
If it was in the summer, Bon would get half a scoop of high fibre mix, garlic, vervain, table spoon of honey and breathe easy/ventipulmin as it depended on how much she was struggling with her breathing
Roxy had huge feeds though oh man

Weekend plans?

Today I chilled with Alex in the morning and then I've been at home I started packing (aka I put a singular towel in my suitcase #gdwork) then I stopped packing and I've just been chilling again now my dad is about to order chinese and then I'm seeing Jess and whoever else is going out... then tomorrow I'm spending time with my mama and finishing packing, then off to Abbey's so we can spend the night before heading out to Spain on monday :D

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heather that question was aimed at me :L

Ah right! I haven't done any scrolling around today, I will get caught up on the latest hate fest that appears to be directed at you... how twatty of people
Liked by: Harley

Rosie is selling Frankie?! wth thats so sad :(

Sorry but no tears will be shed when I haven't got a clue who they are ffs

why do people spend stupid amounts of money on feed when they can get the same for so much cheaper. then these people moan about not having money. ridiculous.

This is a really random moan :s and it's kinda stupid as well because cheaper stuff will tend to be second rate which means you're gonna have to feed so much more of it for it to even to be effective, so in the long run if you start out on cheapy shitty feed it's gonna cost you sooo much more lol
Liked by: Becki Gerard Harley

Did you ever seriously want to work with horses?

No hahah wouldn't mind always doing like a day a week somewhere or always having horses, but it's not exactly a very successful or money generating career path

wuu2 today hun x

Not much went Kingston with Rosie and then home for a bit then fence judging for the jump X at the yard :-)

last book you finished reading? out of ten and what was it like? :D

We Were Liars by E Lockhart
It was absolutely incredible and written so well, a huge plot twist as well that really throws you off... poses a lot of "important" questions as well I guess. Yeah I loved it :-)

Will you answer the house phone? xx

Just switched the answer phone on l o l
but it doesnt even tak erecorded messages soooo JOKES ON YOU

Why did you put the phone down on me and now have decided to inconveniently ignore my messages?!

Notr ingoring you at all just laughing too much to talk hahahahah ur fucking nuts u turd

opinion on spiritchloe

How many times do I have to answer this question with "I do not give a shit"

how did you get such a good bum

Dunno it just grew that way I guess
(ps it's really not that good lol but ty)

do u think sally ann Belmont is sexy

I do not think I am equipped to judge that since I have never seen her although I think Katie can help you out there... though I suppose it's weird asking someone if they think a member of their own family is sexy. Unless your mantra is incest is best. Then it's normal I suppose.

What did you get up to today? c:

Worked in the morning & then the afternoon I just helped my mum out and did some reading in the sun, then in the evening was with Rosie, Tami, Amie, Drummond, Chris, Jon, Abbey, Luke, Harriet, Charlotte, Lara and Anna
Liked by: Harley

reading anything interesting these days?

Just started We Were Liars by E Lockhart and it's amazing :-) Really metaphorical and almost written in poetic verse rather than a usual novel format... I love it and I've only read a few pages

if the twin flame theory is taken into account, do you think that elena is damon's twin flame? c:


my mare has just recently started napping all the time towards her field when i ride her. how would you ride through it?

Seems like you've already pin pointed the reason that she's napping, but I'd double check her teeth, tack, back etc and just make sure there is no way that she isn't in pain - but from actually handling it and dealing with it riding wise, I'd firmly and positively, keep her active with lots of different shapes and transitions. Keeping her mind active will give her less of a chance to think of her friends back in the field and more focused on you. When coming up to the area that she naps, completely block her so she has very little chance of getting to where she'd like to go... for example if she is napping to the right, right rein into the wither to control the movement of her right shoulder and your right leg should be working like the clappers to send her away. Also make sure you are actually giving her room to get away from whatever leg you have to use most (in the case of this example, you'd want to keep your left hand out and open away from the shoulder so she has somewhere to else go.) If you do need to tell her off, tell her off with one smack behind your leg (preferably on the side that she's napping toward to warn her off of it). You'll be ok :-)

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