

Ask @hevharv

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i really want to be your friend and come and meet you and ride horses with you :( xxxxxxxxxx

You have done 3 things wrong
1. You havent actually spoken to me properly you've just begged friendship :L
2. You express a desire to meet me without knowing me (weirddddd) also you evidently just want to make friends with people to joy ride on their horses....
3. It's never ok to send that many kisses ever its just scary

what have you done today

Puked, fallen down the stairs and slept basically
as you can see, I am living the life

heard you cheated on alex? you are awful

Evidently you heard wrong because that has never happened and never would

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Did you try and commit suicide yesterday? I really hope you're ok XX

Uh nooo I did not
Where are you getting your info from because it's slightly misleading

Wow what's he called and is he yours? What kind of horse is he and what does he do like discipline wise?

Registered name is Pistol Pete, but obvs just Pete for short. Not entirely sure on his breed but I think he's an ISH, he's quite the all-rounder :) no he isn't mine, he belongs to one of my friends and she is soo lucky he's such a cool horse

Is the horse in your cover photo trained to do that?

Well he's trained to canter of course lol ;)
But no I doubt he's ever been cantered around with someone holding a quiver of arrows and a bow, he's just absolutely fabulous and doesn't care at all :)

dont have you on facebook but maybe :P

Then add me :P Just inbox me saying who you are as well because I am partial to getting added by the occasional random scary people hahah

i actually dont have a good reason but il think of something :')

No, if there isn't a good reason at the top of your head that means you'll be clutching at straws for a reason which means it isn't a real reason at all but one that is mostly manufactured, so tell me who you are! Message me on facebook or something :P

how are you feeling right now at this present moment in time?

Cold and a bit lonely hahaha but otherwise I'm good :)

best not knows sorry man D:

Give me a good reason why it's best not to know and then I'll believe you that it's actually best not to know :P

What's cool nowadays?

Apparently, it's to religiously worship something fictional or a celebrity to the point your obsession causes your entire brain implode.
Liked by: Zoë Lara Collinge

what are you doing for your critical investigation in media and have you handed anything in for it yet?

I'm doing it Dyer's Star Theory and how applicable it is to the newer generation, but I'm heading more into an angle where it looks at the semiotics of 'stars' and how due to sites such as YouTube and Tumblr etc the line between 'celebrity' and 'fan' is becoming blurred, and the problems that are surrounding that :)

two best male friends and cant say alex

Do you mean I can't say Alex Ripley or can't say Alex Drummond? :S
Either way if it's male friends then it's Jack Milburn & Drummond anyway :P

Brief thing of your day xx

Waking up in comfort of hugs
Bitten by Chloe
'Treatment Poo' and some skinny old woman with a scarily deep voice
A chip in Drummond's mcflurry. Drummond's discovery of the chip and a smack on the arm
Liked by: Alex Ripley

what people do you talk to most on facebook chat?

It's mostly the two group chats I'm in :) So one of them is Jack, Chloe, Eva and Leanne, then the other is Rosie, Abbey, Tami, Drummond, Jess and Amie

why does everyone care about your relationship so much surely it's up to you to decide?

I don't have the foggiest idea why people care so much, it's kind of ridiculous if you ask me. People should just worry about themselves tbh


Language: English