

Ask @hevharv

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i dont understand

Seriously what is there to not understand? I'll narrow it down for you:
I wasn't set up for taking care of a horse.
I stopped taking care of that horse.
She went back to her owners.
Laura had Bon for herself again and is looking for a retirement home for her.
Horses = happy
Heather = not that happy, but better off in the long run
Heather no longer rides horses at all
Heather struggles through college and spends time with people who have a positive influence on her
Simpler for you?

why did you give up on roxy lol cant have cared about her that much if you easily just threw her away because she wasnt perfect

Firstly, I didn't give up ON her, I gave HER up. There's a massive difference you utter scrote.
It wasn't a case of not caring about Gruff, it was BECAUSE I cared about her that I decided it was better for us to part ways. You're all (well it's probably always one sad person) so quick to say that I threw her away because she wasn't 'perfect'. But that isn't true in the slightest. I didn't have the time nor the willpower to work with a horse of her bluster. If she had come to me later in life, then yes, I would have stuck it out with her and things would have probably gone so differently, but during the period I had her wasn't right within myself. I could barely look after myself without going crazy let alone taking care of a very stubborn, very temperamental, very powerful mare. Giving her up was in both of our best interests, and god it was anything but easy. I mulled over making that decision for AGES, looked for loopholes etc... I couldn't find anyway to make it work. Every possibility was exhausted with no positive outcome where I could sort myself out with what I wanted to do, concentrate on education as well as her.
Sometimes, something has to give.
In this case, it was her.

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Ever been caught in a situation where the girls weren't allowed to pee but the guys were?

Erm can't say that I have........................

How old were you when you learned how to ride a bike?

I dunno it took me ages though because I was so scared of falling off it
Yet somehow riding horses never rattled me :S
Liked by: ♛Keegan Karki♛

queenie is the best in season 3

She can definitely stand up for herself, but literally Queenie, Madison and Nan are so hateful hahah

fave AHS character from season 1,2 and 3? :)

Hmmm in 1 I didn't actually have a favourite, it just flicked back and forth between all of them... they are all to faulted to be like pure favourites but like everyone else I did indeed fall a little bit in love with Tate despite the fact he was more than a little insane haha
Season 2 was Sister Jude because of Jessica Lange's acting mainly... but I thought Dr Arden was also really intimidating and pretty creepy haha
Season 3 again it's really tough... but Cordelia is definitely someone I'm loving at the moment :)

hiya how would you normally warm up your horse just wondering xxxx

In general i'd just start with a loose contact asking the horse to stretch down and out, walk trot canter on both reins like that, start asking for bend still long and low and then gradually pick up the contact, start asking for lateral movements to make sure they're really moving away from my leg... then just progress with the schooling session. If I was jumping I'd play around with stride length in my warm-up a lot more like asking for collection then big steps etc

hey so what did you think of tvd100???? i loved it!!

'Did we really get through 4 bottles of bourbon?!'
Stefan sums up my thoughts perfectly

can i at least have a spoiler then, im really excited by it :D

No sorry can't think of anything that I can say that's fairly subtle :P


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