@anonamouse89887#20 🇺🇸


Ask @anonamouse89887

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What's your current biggest worry?

iWillSpamYouAsk’s Profile PhotoSpam Ask
Insurance and meds. Long story short, there’s a whole lot that’s potentially changing soon regarding my medication, and my insurance is all over the place.
I’m definitely very worried about the whole thing and what this year is gonna look like. I’ve been dreading it honestly, I just don’t feel mentally or physically prepared. Like I don’t think my body is ready for medication changes, yet I may not have a choice. 😕
Whats your current biggest worry

What's in your favorite salad? Can be one you either make or buy! 🥗

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
My favorite salad to make is usually a Cobb salad! 🥗
The ingredients I like are:
-Grilled chicken breast
-Shredded cheddar cheese
-Bacon pieces
-Hard boiled egg
-Red Onion
-Catalina dressing (which is essentially made up of red wine vinegar, oil, ketchup, and a few seasonings). It’s my favorite dressing, in general. 😛
Only thing I exclude from traditional Cobb salads are chives and blue cheese crumbles. I love blue cheese, but it’s not my thing in salads. Also, I tend to make salads so I know what’s going into them, since I have very specific food restrictions. So on the occasion I can eat one, I’d rather have it be semi-safe. 😁
(Not my picture)
Whats in your favorite salad Can be one you either make or buy

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What's an instrumental soundtrack from a movie, show, video game etc. which you really like? What makes it good according to you? 🎻

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Okay, I have two… But they are from the same video game. 🤪 I think the soundtrack from the Last of Us 2 is absolutely incredible. Definitely one of those you gotta wear headphones to get the full affect. 🎧
My favorite has to be “Cycle of Violence.” It is just so intense. I love the beat, and I love how eery it is. And if you know the scene it goes with, it just hits even harder.
https://youtu.be/jHHAp9gKWik?feature=sharedanonamouse89887’s Video 174498748052 jHHAp9gKWikanonamouse89887’s Video 174498748052 jHHAp9gKWik
My other favorite is “Eye for an Eye.” I think this one portrays a lot of really high emotion, and again, if you know the scene, you just go back to it when you hear this song.
https://youtu.be/kF2R_7MKN48?feature=sharedanonamouse89887’s Video 174498748052 kF2R_7MKN48anonamouse89887’s Video 174498748052 kF2R_7MKN48
The entire soundtrack in this game sticks with me for a number of reasons, but namely because there isn’t just intense music for the sake of it, it immerses you into the scene, and it makes you feel something. You know that it’s intentional, which I think is why so many associate various scenes with them. Also, I just think Naughty Dog did SUCH a good job portraying depth of emotion, and how truly brutal that universe and the situations in it, are. 🥺😯

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anonamouse89887’s Video 174498748052 jHHAp9gKWikanonamouse89887’s Video 174498748052 jHHAp9gKWik

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What are you most attracted to in another person that isn't physical?

MaryJane214’s Profile PhotoMary Jane
Passion. I love to hear people rave about what they love, and seeing how their faces light up any time you bring up those things. In my opinion, that is one of the most attractive things about a person. And I think the way someone pursues their passions is very attractive, like, it makes me so happy to see someone just striving for something they want so fiercely. 🤩
Another top one for me is integrity. How they treat people, if they are honest and do the right thing even behind closed doors, stay true to their word, being accountable etc, is all very telling. It really attracts me to someone when they are consistently authentic to themselves, their morals and values. ☺️
What are you most attracted to in another person that isnt physical

If you wear or wore glasses, how did you feel about them and did you resort to wearing contact lenses later?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
I do wear glasses! Not nearly as often as I should though. I used to be pretty uncomfortable when I first got them in my early teens, as I thought they didn’t look good on me. 😅😂 But I definitely appreciate them now! I just need to get better about wearing them more often as my eyesight… isn’t the greatest. 🥴
I did try contacts during high school, but I had such a hard time with them. I always struggled to put them in, and my eyes were always too dry, or my makeup would irritate them, or both, so I just never adjusted. I ended up giving up on them after a while, it’s easier to wear glasses for me personally. ☺️
If you wear or wore glasses how did you feel about them and did you resort to

Say you yourself were a genie but free and not confined to a master, what'd you do with your powers? 🧞‍♀️

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Oooo, great question!
There’s honestly too many things I’d want to do… But I guess in broad terms, make the world a better place for people.
I’d want to create a cure for all terminal diseases (and heck, chronic diseases in general), give everyone access to food, shelter, clothing, clean water, and healthcare, and hopefully put an end to wars. And if I could put a bonus one in there, help the climate in whatever way I could with my powers. If I could reverse the damage already done, I’d totally do so. 🌎🌳
Say you yourself were a genie but free and not confined to a master whatd you do

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What do you think is the root cause of being absentminded (is it not caring, your mind being too preoccupied, etc.) and how often do you find yourself being that way?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
In general? I think there’s a whole host of reasons for absent mindedness, I’m not sure if there is one root cause for everyone. 🤔 I think sleep deprivation can play a big part, along with certain medications, and maybe vitamin deficiency. Chronic illness which can cause brain fog (aka potential absent mindedness), being preoccupied, stress, trauma, depression, anxiety, alcohol, dehydration, etc… I’d say those are most common causes.
For me personally, I think the three biggest ones are medication, chronic illness, and anxiety… All of which, especially combined, makes for a lot of absent mindedness. I feel that way at least once or twice a week, the most common culprit is my meds which really affect my cognitive function. Somedays, it’s bad enough that even remembering or processing basic info is hard on me. 😵‍💫

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What do you think is the root cause of being absentminded is it not caring your

What do you like most about the current place you live in? What do you like the least? 🏠🏢

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I love how it is SO peaceful here, and surrounded by nature. I love the coziness of the place itself, and how it’s quite close to many necessities, but also, close to a literal beach! Which is wonderful, cause I love being near water. In general, I love the homey feeling of this place. AND a major bonus for me personally, is the absolutely gorgeous sunsets, that I can see right outside my windows/front door. 😌
The biggest thing I don’t like at the moment is internet/connection issues. I’m hoping to get it situated very soon, but it has been a bit annoying. Also, there is some storage issues, but it’s not been too bad. Overall though, I’m very happy! Can’t complaint too much at all. ☺️
What do you like most about the current place you live in What do you like the

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When you do chores, do you do anything to make it more entertaining? 🎧📺

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I almost always listen to Youtube videos, Twitch streams, or podcasts. Rarely, I’ll listen to music, but I don’t prefer that necessarily. I’ll be honest, my most popular things to do chores to, are Ear Biscuits, Sims content on Youtube, and D*ad by Daylight streams. Those, for some reason make me the most productive. 🤔😆
When you do chores do you do anything to make it more entertaining

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What plans you have for the weekend? 🤔

hussainaliraqe23’s Profile Photo3ra2y
Really, not too much! I have to take my meds tonight which usually puts me out of commission for all of Saturday, and at times, Sunday. So, largely, I’ll be sleeping and taking it easy. What I want to do at some point this weekend though, is start a new art project (painting) I have inspiration for. 🖌️🎨
What plans you have for the weekend

Has being likable ever been a priority to you?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
When I used to struggle immensely with people pleasing… 100% yes, being likable was the TOP priority for me. I was like a chameleon, I’d morph myself to be exactly what people wanted and cut out the parts of my personality that didn’t align, with the intention of having people like me as much as possible. I basically mirrored people. 🥴
And I’ll just say this… It did me no good, I became a blank slate. Someone who had no personality of my own, no true opinions, thoughts, values, beliefs, and whenever the person I was mirroring wasn’t around, or we stopped being friend, etc, I was completely lost and felt like I had no identity.
As of now though? No, it’s not a priority. I’d rather just strive to be me, and let me people see me for who I am, rather than trying to become someone I’m not. It’s been hard to free myself of those tendencies, but I’ve come SO far in the last few years. I’m getting way better at being okay with the fact that not everyone will like me. And also, reaffirming that I don’t NEED everyone to like me. It’s normal. You can’t be everything to everyone. ☺️

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Has being likable ever been a priority to you

Would you consider yourself a private person ? Do you use social media ?

I guess, I’m more private now than I used to be. I used to share WAY more on social media, and now I kinda just keep most things for myself, and the people closest to me, in my life. I feel like it’s healthier this way. I’ve established clearer boundaries of what I share online and what I don’t.
And also, I’ve learned the power of just enjoying your life and not viewing everything from the lens of “this needs to be an instagram post” or something. Instead I think “hey, this’ll be fun to share with my friends when I talk to them.” ☺️
But yes, I do use social media. Just more-so for scrolling and keeping up with people I care about, rather than actually posting.
Would you consider yourself a private person  Do you use social media

Short or long hair on yourself ?

Currently, long hair… Or well, as long as I can get it. 😅😂 My hair is quite finicky and doesn’t really grow properly past a certain length. But I do really love long hair on myself! I do go in phases with it though, where I get really sick of it and chop it off. 😂
Here’s a comparison of the longest vs shortest I’ve had it! Personally, I just think long hair suits me better. ☺️ Also, the two different eyeshadow colors was me attempting to do a Christmas look I’d seen. 😂
(Left side is early 2021 vs late 2018 on the right.)
Short or long hair on yourself

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When did you join Ask? 😸 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ tēຖค¢i໐นŞ t໐๓๓คฯ™ ▩ ♚ ☻
I joined much later than most, in early 2022. Really, I only joined for fun, and to see if I liked it. I had no intention of staying for more than a day or two. But, it actually turned into a social outlet for me, and I found that I really enjoyed finding good people to interact with, answering questions, and then later on, asking questions as well. ☺️
When did you join Ask

What was the last thing you did which made you proud of yourself? Something that made you go "Yeah, that I did good" 😌

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Gosh, it took me so long to come up with an answer to this...
But the most recent thing is how I’ve handled my insurance situation. I got it solved by myself in just a little over 2 weeks and was able to fairly confidently make all the phone calls I needed to without getting super anxious. I’m very proud of this, as even a year ago, I probably wouldn’t have been able to do that alone. And today I’m going to pick up my medication. 😌
What was the last thing you did which made you proud of yourself Something that

What is your usual morning routine? 🌅

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
My morning routine is different from day to day, but in broad terms it’s usually pretty simple.
When I take my meds, they put me out of commission for a couple days a week, so those mornings look like me sleeping for most of it, and just taking it easy. Sometimes, it’s hard for me to even get out of on those days. 😴
When I’m not on meds though, I still wake up later than I want to, but I usually spend a while scrolling through my phone, go to the bathroom, get coffee, and make some food. And then most times, I will either get ready for the day, or I will do stuff around the house. ☺️
What is your usual morning routine

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What do you have more of in your home than the average person?

GlindaBells’s Profile PhotoStrappy Sundress
Mannequins and dolls. 😂
I am a licensed Cosmetologist who loves practicing hairstyles and haircuts specifically on various dolls/mannequin heads. Now, it’s not uncommon for Cosmetologists to have like one or two for practice, but I have several. I tend to get tired of using the same ones for everything.
Plus, it’s fun to do drastic haircuts on long hair and transform it into super short hair, in fact that’s partially why I have so many, because I run out of hair to use when I wanna do different styles and such. 😂😁
Here’s an old photo of an updo I did on one of my mannequins, since I don’t have a current one!
What do you have more of in your home than the average person
Liked by: Me - Larry Tobbe

Do you like the aesthetic of wearing a bunch of rings on all fingers?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
To an extent, yes! I like it more if the rings are on the dainty/subtle side. Though even that, I don’t think I pull off well, personally speaking. I am a two rings only (one on each hand) kind of person. I love it on other people though, and every few years I’m like “should I try it again?” And then I ultimately decide against it. 😆
These are a couple examples of ones I like! The one on the right is a teeny bit much for my taste, but I still think it’s very pretty. I’d just want a couple less rings. 😄
(Not my pictures)
Do you like the aesthetic of wearing a bunch of rings on all fingers
Liked by: Me - Larry Tobbe

If you work out, how do you prefer to do so? 🏋️‍♂️🏊

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I don’t work out much currently, but I will tell you what I used to do in previous years! ☺️
I’m not exactly the most comfortable going to a gym, so what I did is follow workout videos on Youtube. Most of them, I actually still have on a playlist. They are typically low impact (high impact cause immense pain and inflammation in my feet and legs), HIIT workouts. Often, I would also do videos focusing on one thing (core, back, legs, etc). So usually I’d do like a 45 minute workout with one or both types of video.
Honestly, I saw some good results from that! And I was quite consistent with it, only taking one or two rest days. So in like 2020, into early 2021, I was at my strongest, physically. 💪🏼
Here’s a photo from around that time period!
If you work out how do you prefer to do so

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What would you say is the secret of a happy relationship? 👩‍❤️‍👨 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ tēຖค¢i໐นŞ t໐๓๓คฯ™ ▩ ♚ ☻
Some of the key things that make for a happy relationship, in my opinion, are:
-Quality time
-Supportive of each other
-Good communication
-Able to engage in and work through conflict in a healthy way
-Helping each other grow
-Allowing one another be their authentic selves
-Catering to each other’s love languages
-Creating new moments and memories
-Engaging in various shared and personal hobbies
-Shared values and life goals (where each person stands when it comes to finances, career, desires, ambitions, marriage, kids, etc, etc)
What would you say is the secret of a happy relationship

Currently looking for a new ceiling lamp, so am curious, what does the one(s) you have look like? 💡

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Mine looks like this! There are also can lights, but these are in the bedrooms.
It’s pretty basic, but it’s BRIGHT. Like, I so badly wish I had a dimmer for it, cause it just means I don’t use it often. I prefer softer lighting, or mood lighting. Bright lights tend to irritate me. 😅😂
Currently looking for a new ceiling lamp so am curious what does the ones you

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Shout-out: Since January is almost over, how has the first month of 2024 been for you?

J_A1996’s Profile PhotoJordan
It’s been… a bit stressful. I’ve been battling to get my meds for most of the month, cause of insurance issues, etc. So I haven’t taken my meds in quite some time. And since I’m currently in an illness flare, it hasn’t done well. 😬 Luckily, I am getting my meds in a couple days, so I can get back on track, but most of the month has been a lot of phone calls trying to figure things out.
Also, had several snow/ice storms this month which has meant I’ve not gone many places. 😅 But I’m hopeful things will be turning around in February, as these coming couple of weeks will be considerably warmer. ☺️
Shoutout Since January is almost over how has the first month of 2024 been for


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