
Majed Jarrar

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https://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answer/138095458370?utm_source=copy_link&utm_medium=android https://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answer/141509249602?utm_source=copy_link&utm_medium=android Totally contradictory!!! btw it's not wrongly attributed to Hanafi. https://islamqa.org/hanafi/darulifta-deoband/27389

1. I have taken from my teachers that the ~135 km is the standard calculation, and ~90km is what we were told is the fatwa. There's no contradiction in my two answers.
2. So Hanbalis in the past 1,000 years have written that "a farsakh is 3 Hashemite miles, and a Hashemite mile is six thousand arm spans, and an arm span is twenty four adjacent fingers, and a finger width is six grains of barley aligned such that their centre widths are side by side, and a grain centre width is six hairs wide."
Which brings the calculations to 138 km ± 1 km (at best) or ± 10 km (at worst).
On the other hand an English mile is 5280 feet (nowhere near 6k arm spans), so brings the calculation to ~77.3 km.
I wonder which is more likely: did Abu Hanifa know about the English mile before it was instrumented, or did the modern Hanafi elders confuse Hashemite miles with English miles.

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What book you would like to write about?

How to run an Islamic school
How to be a successful board member for a mosque
How to disagree respectfully with another Muslim about a religious matter.
The problem is I have an urge to publish them on www.dummies.com
But the problem only dummies who actually want to learn go to that website
Which is 0% of my target market.

What is their fault so that you call it impossible on their dream (khilafah) or the way they use it to achieve it?

Their ideology and method.

what is the differance between mandatory and obligatory ? which one is the translation of #واجب #

All could mean the same thing, or could mean different things based on the context. I use all five in my translation
In Fiqh we have many levels of obligation
The ruling that you must do something, you will be rewarded for it, and you will be punished if you don't do it, is waajib, and I use obligatory (in English it stems from moral obligation)
The ruling that it is greater than obligatory, such as standing on Arafat in Hajj or washing the face in wudu, is Fardh, and I use mandatory (not to be confused with arkaan: pillars, and Imam Ahmed implied that they are in fact different).
A ruling in which if it's not done you'll deserve punishment, but if done does not grant a reward necessarily, unless a proper intention for reward accompanies it, such as: the nafaqa (alimony), and I use compulsory to describe this kind, because it is more related to a penal code (court order) than directly to a reward.
Finally, the ruling of something really important to be done, such as bathing on Friday, or congregational prayer (in other than Hanbali mathhab, where it is obligatory), is called waajib lafdhi, and I use: imperative for it.
That's all my personal preference, and I've seen other translators use them differently. I suggest you also ask Bradford, Starling and Ferber and see what they've got, and let me know.

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Does only the word talak cause divorce or are there other statements uttered by the husband which cause a divorce ??

There are circumstances, the person who did something of the sort must personally speak to a Mufti and inform him what he actually said and how.

Waht is your opinon for faculty of alsun ? I need to study Japanese as a first language and engilsh as a second language. Your opinon is important to me.

If you study something in which you're
1) talented
2) passionate about
3) planning to make a good career of
4) benefiting others around you
Then you have hit the Bullseye, and you'll be the Imam Allaamah of that field inshaAllah.
Most people can't find all four, so try for at least three, but not less than two for sure.

How to overcome a heartbreak

For me? There's no heartache which BBQ lamb ribs can't fix. 😁
I may also suggest some Qur'an, prayer, du'a, and thinking about your own death, your life in the grave, your resurrection, standing before God for judgement, and your eternal afterlife as good subjects to focus your mental energy on.

2 continued) to right, and in the beginning of istinja, a little bit “splashes” from one side to the other (and I can’t tell if it’s in the normal washing area or not) is it still okay, and I assume it’s cleaned off? JAK. I appreciate any help you can give to stop the years of suffering from waswasa

1) yes, in our mathhab, the leftover water in the first six rinses is najis. However each rinse, the leftover is less najis than before. So if you splashed from the first wash, it'll need six more washes, but if it splashed from the last wash, it just needs one more wash.
In other words, when you do seven washes and no sign of najaasah remains, you can guarantee that everything has been washed. Whatever probability that something scattered at nth rinse, is met with the same probability that the following rinses washed it away.

Shaykh, please teach me a quick way I can convert hijri dates to Gregorian dates so I can reflect on dates of birth, deaths, and events more when I read them in books. This will really help me and many others. May God bless you.

There is a quick way, but I don't think learning it will help you or many others.
Just like how I don't think translating all books of fiqh or aqeedah to other languages will help many people.
Knowing the dates in hijri has many significant benefits that link not just to Islamic history but also to Fiqh and Aqeedah.

ASA.. When Ibn Taimiyyah (r)'s opinion contradicts official opinion, if anyone follows his opinion in that case, should he be censored/discouraged?

Not at all, but should not be allowed to claim that this is the true Hanbali mathhab.
Liked by: IbnAriadi

In my culture cousins and brothers wife are not considered non Mahram. However this is opposite to Islam. Their argument is that Fiqhi rulings are also based on Urf. What is the ruling?

Rulings that are not explicitly stated in Sharia, then Urf is a source.
God explicitly stated which women are mahrams and which aren't in verses 4:23 and 4:24. There's no room for further interpretation in those verses.
Liked by: Umm Anṣār

what if you feel that you don't have anyone to stand by you anymore even family they think that you are the reason of your own misery, I don't think I have a place in this life anymore I don't know what to do or what to think .. help me

If you put your trust and dependence on anyone other than God, you will surely lose and be disappointed.

حضرتك انا عايش في احد بلاد اوربا وفي بنت مش مسلمة بحبها وقررت انوا هتجوزها علشان مقعش في الحرام كنت عايز اعرف النقاط الي من الناحية الدينة والاجتماعية الي اخلى بالي منها علشان مقعش في الحرام او في مشاكل بعد كدا ؟!

يجوز للمسلم الزواج بمسلمة أو نصرانية أو يهودية
وليس له أن يمنعها من حقوقها الدينية كصلاتها للمسيح وسجودها للصليب
وإذا صامت - صوم دينها - يحرم عليه اجبارها على الفطر
ومنه الجماع
لكن يكون البيت مسلما
يعني لا يوضع الخمر على مائدة الطعام إطلاقا
وإن كان لها أن تشربه
ولا يطبخ خنزير أو لحم غير حلال
والأولاد ينشؤون على الإسلام
وتحثهم هي عليه
ويحرم تعليمهم دينا غير الإسلام
أو أخذهم للكنيسة ولو المرافقة
ولو في الأعياد
ولو لزيارة الجدة والجد
ويبرون بأمهم وأهلها دون تهنئتهم بأعيادهم أو زيارتهم فيها
هذا كله ينبغي عليك أن توضحه لها قبل الزواج بهدوء وتؤده
فإن قبلت فخيرا
وإلا فغيرها أفضل منها
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Assalamu alaikum .. What are the duties & responsibilities of husband & wife towards each other?

The duties and responsibilities are too many to list in this space, see a book of fiqh, chapter on marriage.
As a general guideline:
Love for each other what they love for themselves.
Nine tenths of good companionship is in turning a blind eye.
Have mercy on them as much mercy you'd like to receive from God.

Assalamu alaikum. How to make wudu after tooth extraction? As you know, you shouldn't rinse your mouth for 24 hours.

In our mathhab rinsing the mouth is obligatory, and if you can't do one part of the wifi, you replace that part with tayammum, in its order.
You start by washing your hands three times,
Then the order comes to wash your mouth, but you can't, so you hit the earth with both hands and collect the speckles in the air, and wipe your wrists and face,
Then resume the rest of the wudu, wash your nose, etc.
If you had already asked a scholar from a different mathhab that sees the washing of the mouth as Sunnah but not required, and they told you to skip the mouth, then you're fine.


ربنا هو الشافي


Language: English