
Majed Jarrar

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معليش ي شيخ ممكن استفسار ؟ لي الملائكه مبتدخلش البيت الي فيه كلاب

لأن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال كدة، وده يكفيني.
+3 answers in: “انا عندي كلب و قرأت انه بينقص من عمل صاحبه قيراط او قيراطان و مش عارفه اعمل ايه يعني لو فكرت اني امشي الكلب هيموت و في مره بعد اسبوعين من بعد محبناها صاحب اخويا اخدها يومين رجعت مش بتمشي على رجلهاو عالجناها فلو مشيت هتموت اعمل ايه لأنها كبرت معانا”

What about the woman who wears hijab but gets raped at night when she went out alone?

The cause of harm is in the rapist, regardless of the reasons or circumstances.
The Prophet - peace be upon him - said: "When a woman walks out of her house, the devils ˹roll out the carpets to˺ make her attractive"
A Muslim woman is obliged to be modest in public, and to be vigilant at all times, not walk alone at night or in unsafe areas, regardless there's an imminent theat or not.
+1 answer in: “Are women who don't wear hijab cause others to harass them? Should they be blamed if they actually get raped?”

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Could you please elaborate? I have to show your answer to someone

The answer depends on the purpose of the building.
If you're building a highschool, then it is permissible, even if some kids will gamble or deal drugs in the school yard.
If you're building an events hall that can be used in permissible events sometimes and impermissible purposes sometimes like gambling, then you're not at blame, and you can still build it.
If you're building a mall, a hotel or a resort that some of its premises will be rented to prohibited uses and other for permissible users, then it is still permissible to build it.
If you're building something that you know - certainly - will be used - primary - for prohibited purposes, such as selling weapons, gambling, liquor or pork products, then this is a prohibited act.
God said: "Aid one another towards the common good and righteousness, and aid not one another towards vice and aggression."

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+2 answers in: “Sheikh please I really need an answer. Is it permissible for a Muslim engineer to help design/build a casino in Canada?”

اكمل دراسه ولا لا لاني عامية وما عندي فكرة اذا هم صح ولا لا تقرر علينا بالجامعه

أغلب مسائل العقيدة عند أهل السنة متفق عليها بين والأشاعرة والماتريدية وأهل الحديث والحنابلة.
ودراسة العقيدة على "بعض" الأشاعرة عندي خير من دراستها على "بعض" السلفيين. فالأمر يعود في مجمله للمعلم.
المعلم الذي يحرف الكلام ويكذب ويسخر ويجهل ويخترع قصصا مكذوبة على الطرف الآخر، هذا النوع موجود في كل الأطياف فاحذريه
أما المعلم المنصف، الذي يفرق بين المعاصرين وتعصبهم وبين عقيدة المتقدمين وانصافهم، ويعلم الطلبة تعظيم السلف، فتعلمي على يديه سواء كان أشعريا أو غيره.
+2 answers in: “شيخ ماجد انا سأدرس عقيدة اشعرية ما رأيك اكمل؟”

انا عندي كلب و قرأت انه بينقص من عمل صاحبه قيراط او قيراطان و مش عارفه اعمل ايه يعني لو فكرت اني امشي الكلب هيموت و في مره بعد اسبوعين من بعد محبناها صاحب اخويا اخدها يومين رجعت مش بتمشي على رجلهاو عالجناها فلو مشيت هتموت اعمل ايه لأنها كبرت معانا

تعطيها لمن يحتاجها في المزارع أو الفلل التي تحتاج كلب حراسة.
أو تسلميها ملجأ الكلاب وهم يتصرفوا.
الحاصل: تتخلصي منها فورا.
قال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم، لا تدخل الملائكة بيتا فيه كلب
يعني بيت مقطوع البركة، مقطوع الرحمة، واختلف العلماء في حكم الصلاة في البيت الذي فيه كلب هل هي باطلة أم معدومة الأجر أم غير ذلك.
فالأمر خطير، ولو استطعتي أن تخرجيها من بيتك قبل أن تبيتين الليلة فافعلي الليلة قبل الغد.
+3 answers Read more

يا شيخ او انا بقلد وجوب صلاة المسجد و صلاة الصبح في المسجد خمسة و نص مثلا فاتل بصحى خمسة و ربع البس و اتوضى و انزل هل واجب اصحى قبل كده تحسبا علشان لو كنت محتلم و محتاج غسل ؟ علما باني غالبا لا احتاج للاغتسال

لا، لا يلزم
وإذا وجب عليك اغتسال وقت صلاة الجماعة سقطت عنك الجماعة اتفاقا.

هل هناك مشكلة في كتابة اسم النبي םבםב ﷺ بهذه الطريقة حيث قيل لي أن هذين حرفين عبرانيين هما الميم والباء فينطقان (مبمب) لمن يعرف العبرانية؟

صلى الله عليه وسلم
ليس هناك حرج.
Liked by: GG yaQeën

سلام عليكم هل من الممكن للاستفسار عن مركز اسلامي و القائمين عليه بعينه في اوتاوا أم يفضل السؤال من خلال رمز

هات ونشوف

طب معلش عشان حصل لغبطه دلوقتي في الركعه التالته باب قال التشهد الأوسط تاني بس انا ماكنتش اعرف لانه كده كده كان على كرسي فلما هو كان بيقول التشهد كنت انا بقول الفاتحه وبعدين كبر عشان القيام بس ركعت عشان كنت بقول الفاتحه أصلا وبعدين يعتبر كملت الركعه الاخيره دي مع نفسي كده صح ولا اعيد؟

لو فاتك ركنين مع بابا يبقى انقطعت جماعتك وتكملين لوحدك.
Liked by: يُمْنَىٰ.
+1 answer in: “شيخ لو الإمام جاب ركعه خامسه اسلم ولا اكمل معاه؟”

I'd appreciate more logical answer. I am sorry but my abba sent me to school, where i learned to question and use logic.

And I have a degree in quantum physics. What does school have to do with anything?
God gave you a mind and commanded you to question to find the true religion.
If you find it, and know that this is the real command from the God who created you, then what right do you have to question Him?
Allāh said: "No believer, man or woman, when God and His Messenger have decided a matter, ought to have liberty of choice in their decision. And whoever disobeys God and His Messenger has gone astray; far astray." (33:36)
+3 answers in: “When a man dies & leaves 1 wife, 1 son & 3 daughters. How to divide the shares? Also, the son had borrowed money from the father but not clear how much. No written wasiyya neither paperwork for the loan exists? Dad said years ago to take back the borrowed money from my bros share of the inheritance”

شيخ لو الإمام جاب ركعه خامسه اسلم ولا اكمل معاه؟

في مذهبنا، تنبهه فإذا لم يجلس تقوم معه.
لأنه ربما لم ينسى وإنما بطلت منه ركعة.
ولعموم إنما جعل الإمام ليؤتم به
وجلوس الصحابة وهم أصحاء خلف النبي عندما صلى بهم جالسا - بأمره- صلى الله عليه وسلم، دليل على وجوب اتباع الإمام مطلقا، حتى في أعذار الصلاة.
عموما في مذاهب أخرى إذا قمت للخامسة بطلت صلاتك فالأمر واسع
+1 answer Read more

Assalamu Alikum Shaykh, if I wish to meet with you in person to discuss a lengthy personal situation how would I go about this? Jazakum Allahu Khairan

Call the mosque secretary at 6137228763 or email them at oma@ottawamosque.ca to book an appointment.

The Quran is described as a guidance and mercy. What does mercy mean in this context?

Mercy to the believers:
1. The Quran teaches them about their God and His attributes and qualities
2. It teaches them what God loves and how to attain His love through doing the halal and avoiding the harām.
3. It renders a picture of Paradise and Hellfire, with full details, like no other divine revelation has ever done before, making the believers yearn more for Paradise and avoid the Hellfire.
4. The Quran the words of God. Reading it is like listening to Allah. In Paradise, the believers get to listen to Allah. The Quran to them is a taste of Paradise.
And a lot more,
Allah said:
And we reveal of this Quran that which is a healing and mercy for the believers; but it won't increase the wrongdoers except in loss.
Liked by: GG Eman Rady x' Ayra

شيخ هل تدلني على شيخ ممكن بالتجويد أحفظ عنده القرآن الكريم في اوتاوا؟

كثيرون جدا، شوف المسجد اللي تصلي فيه وحتلاقي.
العبرة بالهمة مش بالدلالة
ربي يوفقك
Liked by: م GG مُهاجِر

No those were my only doubts. I never said they were overwhelming, I'm just looking for an answer to my questions. Shouldn't you have an answer since you think these issues are very small and insignificant?

Insignificant doubts or futile arguments do not necessarily require an answer. And even if there's an answer to them, one isn't required to say it.
"The devil said: 'I am better than ˹Adam˺. You created me from fire and created him from clay.
So God said: 'Get out of ˹this Paradise˺, then."
One simple answer is: God created both, and knows the goodness in both. And He commanded the devil to prostrate to Adam knowing their two essences. But God didn't need to explain all that.
The Prophet said: "The devil will whisper to one of you about who created this and that until he gets you to say, 'then who created God?' So if any of you find that in themselves, let them seek refuge in God, and say 'I believe in God and His angels' and let them stop ˹that futile argument˺"
The answer is very simple: God is the First and the Last, He has no beginning nor end. And even though the question is important. It is futile to argue with your own devil. Therefore the Prophet taught us to silence.

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Liked by: GG Mohamed Yousef
+1 answer in: “Ya sheikh I'd like a reply to my inquiry about having doubts. I know it could look bad for the new convert you're taking care of, but honestly some things need to be explained and not always overlooked.”

What should one do when a parent asks one to purchase something considered haram/makruh (ie. cigarettes, music, movies etc.) for their consumption? Is it permissible to not obey parents on this action?

If they asked a Mufti and were told it's makrūh or not harām, and follow that opinion, and you follow the harām opinion, then you're required to bring it to them.
Also, if they're not Muslims or new Muslims who haven't learnt about the prohibition.
Otherwise, it is required to disobey them if they know this is prohibited and ask you to get it, for the Prophet said: it is prohibited to obey any creature towards ˹that which leads them to˺ the disobedience of the Creator."
Liked by: GG

اعمل طباخ في الولايات المتحدة في مستشفي حكومي واضطر احيانا الي طبخ لحم الخنزير بناء علي التعليمات فهل عملي حلال أم حرام ؟

إسأل مجمع فقهاء أمريكا، عندهم خط ساخن للفتوى وخط تشات للفتوى على موقعهم

A prayer performed by someone who has not recited the Essence of the Quran during it is deficient, incomplete. Someone said to Abu Hurayrah: [Even though] we are behind the imam? He said: Recite it to yourself, for...." Does this hadith mean we have to repeat after the Imam? If so, only Al-Fati7a?

We're required to listen attentively to the Imam in prayer. If it's a whisper prayer, then it is okay to recite alfātihah yourself.
Nevertheless, in our matthab, the Imam's recital always suffices.
Liked by: GG


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