
Majed Jarrar

Ask @MajedJarrar

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The subtlety between ithbaat allafdh and ithbaat almana is very nuanced. Doesn't ithbat allafdh necessitate ithbat almaana because otherwise there is no meaning to ithbat allafdh. It seems like there is a degree of overlap between ithbat almaana and the kayfiyya when it comes to the Hanbalis?

You kinda figured it out right, but the reason things don't appear in fine details to you is because you're looking at them from distance.
Liked by: Esraa Y. Rajab

https://justpaste.it/1ax3g I'm sorry this is long, and again I am fully aware of the gravity of the situation, علمني الله واياكم وزادنا ايمانا ويقينا وفقها.

No worries, may Allah forgive you. Allah said: "do not make the oaths to God an excuse to not do righteousness, piety, or reconciliate with people, and God is all-hearing, all-knowing."
The Prophet said whoever makes an oath to God to not do something, then finds it's more righteous to do it, let them do it, and expiate.
The expiation is stated in the Qur'an, chapter 5 verse 89.
Liked by: Esraa Y. Rajab

The prayer of Dhuhr starts 13.05 and ends 16.45. Which time is it haram to postpone the prayer to? In this case there are no excuses, I am free and have much spare time. Do we count with the Ikhtiyari time and Daruri time?

All of Dhuhr is ikhtiyari. You pray with the congregation, even if it's in the last fifteen minutes of Dhuhr time.

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Shaykh how is it that none of my superogatory prayers are accepted before I make up my missed prayers and my Lord says about Himself: و كان الله شاكرا عليما?!

عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال: يقول الله: ما تقرب إلي عبدي بشيء أحب إلي مما افترضته عليه.
وعن أبي بكر الصديق رضي الله عنه قال: إن الله لا يقبل النافلة حتى تؤدى الفريضة
قال بعض العلماء: من شغله الفرض عن النفل فهو معذور، ومن شغله النفل عن الفرض فهو مغرور.
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Salam, how can it be blasphemy to recite Qur'an in janaabah when many from Salaf like ibn 'Abbas, Salman al-Farisi, Sa'id bin alMusayyab, Ata', Bukhari and etc said it's fully halal to recite Quran even if your junub? I however don't do it nor recommend it but its a khilafi mas'alah. Just a Point!

Certainly. However, I was quoting the fatwa of the salaf that those who know that it's a requirement to do purification for an act of worship then defiantly and willingly choose to do it without purification, then it is an act of blasphemy; such as praying or touching the Qur'an without wudu; let alone while junub.
The recitation has a khilaaf among the companions. Just like some companions believed it was completely permissible, others, like Ali bin Abi Talib, said it was prohibited to recite one letter in janaabah, even if it was a du'aa. but the majority of the companions, and the four mathaahib, are upon the prohibition of recitation during janaabah unless it's not intended to be Qur'an (e.g. du'aa is permissible).
Liked by: Esraa Y. Rajab

السلام عليكم **** كنت قد سألتك يا سيدي عن مشكلة الحجاب بفرنسا احتاج العمل لاكمل تعليمي فانا طبيبة لم اتخصص بعد و اعيل اسرتي وقت الشدة فزوجي مريض و ابي عليه ديون كثيرة ارجو الاجابة يعني لو حضرتك مش هتجاوب او بتبحث اتمني الرد و جزاكم الله خيرا عنا

وعليكم السلام، ليس عندي جواب يا سيدتي الفاضلة. حفظكم ربي.

I see that you try to make it easy for the lay person but then why do you tell people who start practicing again that they have to make up all their missed prayers (for years!), can't they follow ibn Taimiyyah and the other reliable scholars who were of different opinion?

Because, firstly, there is no matter more serious in one's religion than the five daily prayers.
Second, this is a matter upon which all four imams of the mathaahib and the mainstream opinion in all four schools agreed; for the Prophet said: the debts of God have even a greater right to be paid back in full; and a dozen other proofs from the Qur'an and Sunnah about the imperative of the five prayers, and once it becomes due upon a Muslim, it must be done, even if it was delayed for years.
Thirdly, I usually don't bring this up unless someone has repented, already began to establish the prayers and looking to expiate the missing ones. I wouldn't advice telling those who are currently missing prayers about this, because the devil may put despair in their hearts. Rather, focus on repentance and establishing the five daily prayers regularly. Even less so that I mention the Hanbali mathhab requirements on this, which includes that they 1) must be made up immediately, taking all of one's time in the day except what's necessary for living and making a living. 2) must be made in the order they became due, so praying five Fajrs then five Dhuhrs won't work in our mathhab, and 3) that all suprerogatory prayers are not even valid until all obligatory are made up. The majority opinion is easier than these three requirements, and I usually advice people to follow the majority opinion in this case.

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Can you post a picture of your hand so we can kiss it, and gain spiritual ecstasy😜? lol (I used to be part of a Sufi group that believed our leader could give a spiritual boost of sorts through kissing his hand...I still cringe at those thoughts)

Can you post a picture of your hand so we can kiss it and gain spiritual ecstasy
Liked by: Doaa Ali

Have you ever heard about a medieval era Hanafi fatwa forbidding marriage to a Shafii??? I was just informed about this and I'm extremely confused how this could have ever happened.

Yeah, the Shafi'is responded by: it's okay to marry a Hanafi woman as an analogy to marrying a Christian or Jewish woman. It sounds funny now, but it wasn't when it got to actual battles where mosques of the other rivals were burnt in central Asia for a few decades.
The world doesn't run short of idiots. I was about to list you some of the horrific fatwas in the 21st century but I don't want to be like those who busy themselves chasing the faults of their Muslim brothers.
The Messenger of God said: "O you who claim to have believed with your tongues but your hearts haven't; do not chase the faults of your brethren; for whosoever chases the faults of their brother, God will chase their faults; and whomsoever is chased by God, their faults will be exposed, even if they hid in the most private chamber of their home."

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Liked by: Marwa Kamal

طوفت طواف الاقاضة سريعاً خوافاً من أن أحيض من غير أن أسعى هل يمكن أن أسعى قبل طواف الافاضة ان لم أحض؟ ام يلزمني اعادة طواف الافاضة مع السعي

لا يصح سعي إلا بعد طواف قدوم او ركن، فإذا سعيت بعد طواف القدوم ثم طفت الإفاضة فيجزئ سعيك قبل الطواف لأنه حصل بعد طواف.
وقد روي أن النبي جاءه في الحج من قال سعيت قبل الطواف فقال صلى الله عليه وسلم: لا حرج. وقد حمله الجمهور على أن الصحابي سعى بعد طواف القدوم.
Liked by: أحمد رجب

Is it permissible to have this belief: '' I belive fully in istawa as Allah mentioned but I dont know the exact meaning of istiwa - as it may have many meanings'' or is this a Mu3tazili aqidah

Short answer:
The first sentence before the exception is true and sufficient.
Long answer:
Ithbaat allafdh, means to believe in an attribute of God (your example: istiwaa') to mean what it means linguistically.
Ahlusunnah say, we affirm istiwaa' ala alarsh linguistically, which means to raise, to settle, and to ascend over the Throne, all synonyms were used by the companions and the salaf to explain istiwaa' of God. Part of ahlusunnah, Hanabila, say, we do not know the full meaning (tafweedh alma'naa), while ahlulhadeeth say we know the full meaning (ithbaat alma'naa). Neither of them deny the dictionary meaning is true though. All ahlusunnah state we don't and can't know the method (how God ascends, etc) and can't ask about it (tafweedh alkayf).
The part of Ash'aris and Maturidis who believe in Tafweedh allafdh say, we can't even know what istiwaa' means, to begin with, and we are definite that it can't mean the dictionary meaning of the word, because it doesn't logically suit God, according to them.
As for the other part of Ash'aris and Maturidis, they do Ta'weel allafdh, which means they say: istiwaa' means something else, definitely not what the linguistic meaning, but rather a whole other word, which is more appropriate to God, in our own logic, which is isteelaa', to conquer. Both Ash'aris and Maturidis say there is no method (Ta'teel alkayf).
1. Ta'weel allafdh means to say I don't know what x attribute of God means, but it surely can't mean what the dictionary say. This is the opinion of many deviant sects, it was spearheaded by Ash'aris and Kullabiyya.
2. Ithbaat allafdh means to say I know what x attribute of God is, because it's an Arabic word, and God used x not y from the Arabic dictionary for a reason. Some of ahlusunnah (i.e. ahlulhadeeth) say the dictionary definition is the exact meaning (that's ithbaat alma'naa), others say (Hanabila) say we can't know the full meaning, but the dictionary meaning is true (tafweedh alma'naa).

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You mentioned there are three types of Tawfid. Tafwid Lafdhi, & Ma'na. Tafwid of Kayf is agreed upon. Basically, Tawfid Lafdhi means basically we have no clue what the world an sifah means, at all. Tawfid Ma'na means we know the lingistic definition. What about Salafis, how can they do Itbat of both

The salaf differed on tafweedh or ithbaat alma'naa. But agree on tafweedh alkayf and ithbaat allafdh.
You don't need to worry about it.
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If I'm an intermediate or upper intermediate English learner and I want to be translator, what does it require ?

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لله أجب ... انا محتاسه ...اتكلم ازاى مع خطيبى .. وايه المواضيع اللى المفروض نتكلم فيها اصلا ..انا بنت طول عمرى مش عايزه غير رضا ربنا ..ومتعوده على الجد ف كل تعاملاتى مع الشباب ان لزمت الضروره بالتعامل يعنى ..

حافظي على عهدك أن لا تكون غايتك إلا رضا ربك.
أما وضع الحد في الكلام في الخطوبة فمطلوب من المرأة في هذه الفترة، لأن الرجل - غالبا - سيتصرف كأنك زوجته إن أذنتي له بذلك، وإن ألح في الاستزادة من الكلام أو النظر إليك وخشيتي أن ينفره صدك ومنعك فيتركك، فلا بأس من التلميح بالصبر حتى الزواج. وكم يحتاج المخطوبين في هذا الزمان الصعب، والغلاء الفاحش، من تقوى ربهم والسعي في مرضاته والصبر عن المعصية، وعن استعجال الأمر قبل أوانه، حتى ينالوا البركة في زواجهم وحياتهم.

واعلمي أن طاعتك لزوجك من أعظم القربات التي تنالي بسببها رضا ربك وتفتح من أجلها ابواب الجنة مصاريعها لك، وأن تزينك لزوجك وإحسانك في عشرته ومصاحبته وطاعته في المعروف أجرها كأجر ما يصيبه الرجل في المحافظة على الخمس في الجماعة والجمعة والحج والجهاد. هذا وعد الصادق الذي لا ينطق عن الهوى، صلوات ربي وسلامه عليه.

هو يجوز شرعا أني أقول لنصراني أو يهودي أنت أخويا أو ما شابه؟ وهل في القرآن في سورة الشعراء أخوهم نوح أخوهم هود أخوهم صالح أخوهم لوط بناء على إنه كان من قومهم يسري عليه نفس الكلام إني أقول لنصراني مصري مثلا أنت أخويا أو زي أخويا وهل دا ميناقضش شيء في البراء؟

لا بأس سواء كان بينكما احسان كالجوار أو الصداقة طويلة العمر، أو لم يكن بينكما معرفة سابقة وكنت في خطاب تلّطف له وتريد تأليف قلبه.
لكن لا يكون هذا ديدن، ولا يستخدمها بصيغة التعميم لأن ذلك قد يجر إلى قدح في العقيدة.

رأي حضرتك في كتاب معالم في الطريق لسيد قطب ؟

لسة من بضعة أيام قرأت منشورا على الفيسبوك للشيخ خالد بهاء يتكلم عنه. وصفه يغنيني عن الجواب.
Liked by: مصطفى

Salam Alykom akhi, Some sugar-free candies have "sugar alcohol" to make up for the taste, is it permissible to eat them? Jazak Allah khayr

If you're thinking, is that alcohol khamr, i.e. intoxicating alcohol? Then the answer is definitely not.
They're called sugar alcohols because chemically speaking are alcohols (they have the CnH(4n-1)OH structure). Famous examples are: sorbitol and xylitol. They're found naturally in fruit and vegetables. They taste sweet and they're not intoxicating.
Permissibility aside, if you're diabetic and think it's fine to binge eat these "sugar free" stuff, then think again. While it's true they're not chemically sugar, they still contain calories, usually between 30% to 75% of the calorie count of table sugar.
Unlike regular sugars which get digested at the beginning of the small intestines, the sugar alcohol gets digested at the large intestines (also to glucose), so the impact on your blood-sugar level may be delayed a few hours, but it's still there for sure.
Also, The digestion releases gas, which may cause bloating and dhirrea when consumed in large quantities; which is why these products will often have a d disclaimer about a laxative effect. It is the same reason why shouldn't eat too many prunes because dry fruit and stone fruit are rich in sorbitol and other sugar alcohols, and they'll cause a laxative effect on you.

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Liked by: AW Marwa Kamal

Why there are some fatwas about eating chicken and not beef and what are all the views about eating chicken in Canada

Your first question sounds rhetorical and I don't think there's a need to answer it.
As to your second question, find a scholar whom you trust their 1) credentials in knowledge and 2) righteousness, and follow their fatwa, and don't mind the rest.

مادام الموضوع قد أثير، أشعر أن بي طاقة كبيرة وعندي الرغبة والحماس، لكن سوء ادارة الوقت والمشتتات يمنعني من التقدم، واستحضر دائما بحسرة: ومشتت العزمات ينفق عمره حيران.... كيف استطعت التوفيق بين المجالات المختلفة؟ كيف نظمت وقتك؟

لا أدري يا أخي، وأنا مثلك أشكو من التشتيت، وكم من مشاريع بدأتها ولما انته منها، وما نراه من مشاريع اكتملت إنما هو من ستر المولى. لكن احرص على التذلل بين يدي رب العباد، وطلب توفيقه، وطلب الدعاء من الأم، والمحافظة على السنن وورد القرآن خصوصا في الأيام التي يكثر فيها الشغل والهم.
حفظك ربي ووفقك وسدد خطاك.

في العقيدة : حقيقة التوحيد للشيخ محمد حسان والثمرات الزكية في العقيدة السلفية وأصول الإيمان لنخبة من العلماء ، كفايا كدا للمستوى الأول في العقيدة وانتقل للمستوى الثاني ؛ ممكن تقترح عليا !

هذه ليست بداية موفقة.
أهم المراحل هي المرحلة الأولى، لأن ما بعدها مبني عليها، لذلك الأولى بك أن تجعل بداية طريقك من كلام السلف، فكلامهم أعلم وأوضح وأحكم وأسلم وأعظم بركة من كلام الخلف.
راجع أيضا كلام مولانا @khbahaa
وعليك بمراحل دراسة العقيدة من كتاب السبل المرضية @Abufhr ، رابط الكتاب موجود على معرّف (البايو) في صفحته


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