
Majed Jarrar

Ask @MajedJarrar

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They say at a younger age your brain is not fully developed so you should wait until you are 18 years old to make such decisions (marriage, etc.). What are your thoughts?

yeah, and some people reach their 40s with a maturity of a 5-year old. People who want to get married should get married, and they should not delay preparing themselves, spiritually, mentally, intellectually and financially.

A close friend is considering to get married to a man who is from Hizb ut Tahrir. Is it permissible to get married to him as we know they differ in aqidah? Whar should I tell her?

Hizb ut Tahrir still exists? I thought these people went extinct decades ago lol.
The founder of the hizb is a neo-mutazili, and I recall they used to enforce the followers to reject all Islamic beliefs that go against logic. So for example they deny the pleasure and torment of the grave, they deny the false messiah, and they deny the hadeeth-ul-ahaad.
Nevertheless, I wouldn't recommend marrying someone in a political party unless she's in that party with him.

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Assalamu alaikum sheikh, Is it unfair to apply for a scholarship knowing I might decide not to attend university this year,because someone else could have taken advantage of it?

If getting the scholarship will make you decide to do so then no it's not unfair.

Salam. I have a friend who never prayed in his life and he is a muslim. So i teached him the prayer according to a easy way; like saying some dhikr in Qiyam instead of Fatiha, saying only SubhanAllah x1 in sujud/rukuu. And same dhikr in tashahud. And i left tahmid/tasmi. He is non arab, is it okay?

No, it's not okay,
Alfatiha is a pillar, the prayer isn't valid without it. If they are unable to memorize it, then they can read it from a paper. If they can't read or are blind, they can hear it from a recording and recite it along, if they are deaf or incapable of that, but are able to memorise one or two verses of it, then they repeat what they have memorised until they have recited a minimum of seven verses of Quran, 25 words, 120 letters (all three minimums must be met).
So, if he only memorized alḥamdo lillah rabbil alḁalmeen, that's one verse, four words, thirteen letters. He must repeat it ten times to be as long as alfatiha.
If he can't memorize any verse of alfatiha, but can memorize a verse of Quran (must be a complete sentence so verses like: walAsr doesn't count), then he repeats it until it's as long as alfatiha (the conditions above).
If he can't memorize a single complete verse of Quran, he can replace alfatiha with saying subḥanaallah, walḥamdolillah, wa la ilaha illa Allah, wallahu akbar, until it's as long as alfatiha.
This is all regarding his current prayer, as he must start memorizing alfatiha right away, next prayer he reevaluates. He must not settle for these exemptions except for the current prayer only, and only if he can't memorise alfatiha fully before the current prayer time is over. He can only continue with this exemption if he has a severe learning disability that it's impossible for him to learn alfatiha.
The same goes for all other pillars and obligations of the prayer, if there's still time to delay the prayer and memorize them, then he must do that, otherwise if he can read it out well from a paper, he must do that, etc.
Their prayer is invalid the way you described, and if you told him these exemptions without knowledge from a trustworthy scholar, then you now may share the sin of misleading him and ruining his prayer, along with the major sin of speaking in the religion of God without knowledge. So please be cautious and refer to scholars when you don't know.

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And according to maliki madhab its not wajib to say the tasshahud and it was the opinion of Sa3id bin Musayyab and other from the 7 fuqaha. But I am going to tell him try to memorise the whole Fatiha inshaAllah. Thanks for your advice. Barak Allahu fik.

Then ask a Maliki about the fatiha, don't do patchwork in pillars of salaah.

I think it would be really difficult to learn the Fatiha. He cant even arabic. He must learn the tajwid of it even? Prononunce the ض, ص، ذ and so on. If he recites it wrong... i dont know if its going to work on a hour or a day? He is need of a teacher. Can he get a teacher now? (Night time)?

I already answered the tajweed, no he is only required to pray what he can annunciate, and must learn before next prayer. Yes, plenty of tajweed teachers around, take him to a masjid or pm me on facebook.

I thought about a thing. If chess is haram in our madhab...why is not something like Playstation 4 haram by analogy? PS4 takes more time, more wealth, like everything. You can sit there for hours and play. But im not a scholar so Im asking you. Is the analogy between chess and PS4 Valid in Hanabilah

"why is not something like Playstation 4 haram by analogy?"
Because you're "not a scholar," and analogy cannot be used be laymen.

By reading the questions of al-Fatiha; is it permissible for a person to recite al Fatiha from a paper in Salah BUT by using a translieration because maybe one cant read arabic? If its correctly translirated (not translation) like "Alhamdu lillahi..."?

Yes, as long as the transliteration properly reflects the Arabic sounds.
For example, alhamdu lillahi changes the letter حـ to هـ, so it's not a proper transliteration. A proper transliteration would either be alḥamdu lillah, or al7amdu lillah.
This is not related to the person being able to annunciate the letters perfectly. They may not be able to pronounce ح and ص and ق properly yet, but that doesn't mean the transliteration can deform the proper annunciation.
So, four cases when reading from the paper:
1. The transliteration is written properly to reflect exactly all the sounds of the prayer and
a. The person reads it properly, including all sounds, then their individual prayer is correct without disagreement in opinion, and they lead other Islamically-illiterate Muslims (Muslims who don't know alfatiha) in prayer, but cannot lead anyone who knows alfatiha properly from memory.
b. The person attempts to read it, but can't annunciate it properly, their prayer is correct, and can only lead other illterate-Muslims who can't pronounce it correct.
2. The transliteration is written incorrectly, has a typo, or changes a sound to another, for example the letter qaf to kaf, and
a. The person knows how qaaf is pronounced and ends up reading it kaaf because of the improper transliteration, then the prayer is invalid without disagreement in opinion.
b. The person doesn't know how qaaf is different from kaaf and ends up reading it kaaf anyway because of the improper transliteration, then the prayer is invalid because he was reciting a deformed prayer.

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Liked by: Umm Anṣār

He could not a single verse of the Quran. He said he dont pray bcz he cant read Quran. So whats better in your opinion: let him leave prayer (he cant a single verse in Quran) or let him pray with what i mentioned? I am afraid if I say memorisize everything now...he will be overburndened and leave it

A Muslim, literally, is the one who submits himself to God. Worshipping God on your own terms does not make you a Muslim.
The religion of God isn't some childish video game that you raise or lower the difficulty level as you please. God set it to very easy terms, but terms which you cannot play with, or pick and choose from. I explained thoroughly that he is only required to do what he can do. This doesn't mean he does what he feels like doing. Can, means maximum ability and effort that can be demonstrated, without becoming a physical burden.
If he can memorise thousands of lines of music lyrics, he has no excuse repeating alfatiha twenty times in one hour until he memorised it.

You never answered,sheikh. How do I "prepare myself" for marriage over these 2 years?

Ask ustath hesham aghbary in person (Friday halaqa at uoMSA, Monday or Wednesday at Ottawa mosque, Tuesday at salaam mosque)

http://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answer/139525061186 Hmmm can we eliminate the imam part? The last time I asked him another Shauna came up😂 plus he isn't qualified,or at least claims not to be. Quiet often when I ask about something he says I'll search and get back to you. And gave wrong info once or more

That's a sign he's trustworthy. Finding an imam who says let me look that up for you is more rare than red gold.
Everyone makes one and two mistakes, don't judge based on that. Learn from him and others, and don't eliminate imams please it's haram to kill religious people of other religions, let alone ours 😊

Salam Ustadh. I read some questions about qiraat. I have a question: If one recites different qiraat in prayer (byself) and learn other those qiraat (history, rules and general information)... does it count as reviving the prophetic sunnah (as the hadith states about a person revining my sunnah)?

Learning it counts, teaching it counts, reciting it counts. Your deeds are evaluated by your intention. ☺

Salam ustath What do I do if I see a potential Muslim in one of my female teachers. *Boy here

There is no such thing as a potential Muslim. All humanity is invited to Islam, and that's the default upon which you deal with everyone. Guidance comes from God only. People would have bet all their money on Abu Talib becoming a Muslim and Abu Sufyan on not to, yet, the opposite happened.
Liked by: Umm Anṣār Man sur

if I made a nadthr to fast 3 days.. and today after I woke up I decided to fast as part of the nadthr fullfillment.. but I didnt have the neyya from before fajr.. will this fast count?

No. Obligatory acts of worship require an intention before initiating them.

That was it basically, during prayer, I'd get forceful thoughts about wanting to go into the state of ihram (for hajj/umrah) there and then, but id repel them straight away, and the mind plays up basically when in prayer...

If you kept telling yourself do not think about strawberries during prayer, what will happen?
You'll think about strawberries of course.
The harder you try to repel the thoughts, they'll come back. So how do you remove them?
By focusing on the prayer! If your mind was busy in the first place, it wouldn't wander off.
Liked by: Mohammad Hamza

My fee is too much to pay again , I won't be able to afford if God forbid I fail . 😭 Ameen to your Duas . Please pray I may pass . Please it's a request

May the almighty grant you the best for you.
Again, don't fret about the exam or the whole degree. Do your best and ask Allah for the best of ways. If Allah destines you succeed in this degree, alhamdolillah. If not, alhamdolillah. Look back and see how many things that happened in your life, both good things and bad things led to the better alhamdolillah.
If you attach yourself to dunya, you'll immediately begin to be ungrateful to God, because the nature of dunya calls for greed and selfishness. If you pass this one you'll want to pass another one, and if you pass another one you'll want a higher grade, and a better job, and a higher salary, and a better car, and a better house and a better spouse, and it will never stop.
Be pleased with that which God has decreed for you, and you will be the happiest of humanity.

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Liked by: Manar Shawkey

Sorry, ill explain that soon, yes, same questioner. Apologies.

Okay. Either you can afford Hajj this year, and you haven't performed Hajj before, hence it's obligatory upon you to perform it this year.
Or you can't afford it, hence you can't do it.
Or, you've done Hajj before, and can afford another one, but you have the choice to delay.
There's nothing to fret about.
If you are constantly daydreaming about going to Hajj, that's great, dreams are good. But you need an action plan to achieve it.
Also, you shouldn't be distracted with anything in your prayer, not even thinking about other forms of worship. Prayer is about letting everything go, and focusing on worshipping God now.
I hope that clears your doubts


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