
Majed Jarrar

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I get the feeling that you are not gonna answer my questions

There are a few thousand unanswered questions. Statements like these just add the counter, and my stress, and can't even help you because I don't know who you are or what you asked. 🤷🏽‍♂️
I hope this message invites you, and all dear readers, to become more patient and considerate when they ask questions.
Liked by: GG

يقرأ النبأ العظيم يا مولانا

ممكن يفيد طبعا :)
+1 answer in: “بحس ان مفيش فرق بين القرآن والشعر وكده او بحس ان مفيش فرق بين القرآن وكلام الشعراء عموما من ناحية عمق الكلام وجماله ؟! عاوز رد مقنع يقنعني بأن كلام القرآن افضل بس كلام مقنع مش عاوز حد يقولي انت ايمانك ضعيف او يقولي تامل القران لا انا عاوز حد يعملي مقارنه بحيث اقتنع،انا مؤمن بس عاوز احسن بجمال القرآن”

بحس ان مفيش فرق بين القرآن والشعر وكده او بحس ان مفيش فرق بين القرآن وكلام الشعراء عموما من ناحية عمق الكلام وجماله ؟! عاوز رد مقنع يقنعني بأن كلام القرآن افضل بس كلام مقنع مش عاوز حد يقولي انت ايمانك ضعيف او يقولي تامل القران لا انا عاوز حد يعملي مقارنه بحيث اقتنع،انا مؤمن بس عاوز احسن بجمال القرآن

ولا حاجة، زيك زي اللي بيقول مش عارف أفرق بين الطب والشعوذة.
الحل: تشعر بالأسى تجاه نفسك، وتتعلم اللغة العربية.
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The christians use this verse from the bible against Islam. 1. How can we refute it? 2. How to understand it as salah and dhikr are "repetitons". "But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking." Matthew 6:7

The original word is battalogeo, which came from old Hebrew of Batel, same in Arabic, which means vain talk. There's no indication whatsoever in repetitions in the older manuscripts of the Bible.
In contradicts Matthew 26:44, "Again Jesus left them, went away, and prayed the third time, saying the same words." Christians today of all denominations repeat many prayers on daily basis.
The Matthew gospel was never found in original language. The earliest manuscripts found in the end of the 1st century CE is in Greek. Neither Jesus nor any of his disciples spoke Greek. There's no historical proof that the four Gospels can be traced to the four disciples.
We are prohibited from arguing or refuting the Jews and the Christians, unless they transgress. God commanded us to call them to the path of our Lord with wisdom and the good word. That means to lead by example, and to return their harm with good.

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And I'm sorry another question following up with the one regarding going to my friend who passed away at her grave: if many of us were going, and it was permissible to pray janazah there, can we pray the janazah prayer in congregation?


My friend passed away a couple of weeks ago and by the time I got to the masjid they had already finished the janazah prayer. 1) Can I go to her grave and pray the janazah prayer? 2) Can I pray it anywhere else other than at her grave? 3) Can someone who has already prayed it pray it again?

Marwa Kamal
There's no harm inshaAllah to go to her grave, even if you're a group of women, and pray Janaza, even if some of you have prayed her Janaza before.
Yes to all 3 questions.

Sorry in advance, might be a silly question, but if I put cream (Vaseline, etc) on my hands, can I still make wudu, assuming it doesn't prevent water from reaching my skin. Or should I wash my hands with soap first and try to get it off?

Vaseline and similar petroleum jelly products are oils, not creams.
Either way, wiping the skin with a skin product that completely dissolves in the skin is not a barrier to wudu. The oily or smooth feeling on the skin isn't a barrier.
What would be considered a barrier, then? If your skin gets covered with something solid, such as acrylic paint, a wax mask, a piece of dough, etc, that would prevent the water from actually touching the skin underneath. In such cases, the barrier must be removed first.
Liked by: Hala IbnAriadi GG Ftma
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طيب لو هو ماعندوش مشكلة ان لو الدهب غلي او رخص عن السعر ده، وانا كمان ماعنديش مشكلة، على اعتبار يعني كده كده الدهب سعره بيبقى حاجة تانية بعد المصنعية، احنا متفقين عشان مفصلين عدد الماظات معينة وشكل معين للخاتم، برضو غلط؟

خليني اعيد صياغة السؤال
واحد معندوش مشكلة يعمل حرام
وواحدة معندهاش مشكلة تعمل حرام
هل يفضل الحرام حرام حتى لو برضا الطرفين؟
واعلمي يا اختي أن الرضا بالحرام أعظم من الحرام ذاته، فلا يجوز أن نقول أنا معنديش مشكلة ارتكب كبيرة من كبائر الذنوب وهي الربا.
وفقكم ربي وهداكم لصراطه المستقيم.
Liked by: نور فرحات
+2 answers in: “دلوقتي، لو انا هافصل خاتم ألماظ، دهب فيه الماظ، اتفقت معاه على الشكل والسعر خلاص، ينفع اديه شوية من المبلغ قبل الاستلام؟ وباقي المبلغ وقت الاستلام؟ او: شوية من المبلغ وقت الاستلام، وباقي المبلغ بعد الاستلام؟”

Is it allowed to take the university loan with interest while i have no other choice?

Which country, what program, what's your family needs, and your capacity to work are all some factors among many that must be known. If you're in Ottawa come see me for an appointment. If not, speak with your local imam.

يعني كده العربون حرام؟

العربون جائز، وهو عقد للوعد بالشراء، وهو منفصل عن البيع.
لكن، في مسألة بيع الذهب والفضة ينبغي التنويه:
- العربون يضمن سلعو الذهب حسب وصفها، لكن لا يضمن السعر النهائي لها، لأن ثمن الذهب والفضة يلزم أن يباع بقيمته في ذلك اليوم. فلو اتفقتم على خاتم ذهب فيه ١٠ غرامات ذهب عيار ١٨، وكانت قيمته يوم دفع العربون ١٠ دنانير، دفعتي عربونا بقيمة دينار. ثم جئتي يوم الاستلام، وجب أن يسلمك الخاتم الذي اتفقتم عليه بنفس الوصف، لكن وجب أيضا إعادة حساب قيمة غرام الذهب يومها، فلو تبين أن قيمته ٩ دنانير ونص او عشرة ونص، وجب المبلغ الجديد.
Liked by: نور فرحات
+2 answers in: “دلوقتي، لو انا هافصل خاتم ألماظ، دهب فيه الماظ، اتفقت معاه على الشكل والسعر خلاص، ينفع اديه شوية من المبلغ قبل الاستلام؟ وباقي المبلغ وقت الاستلام؟ او: شوية من المبلغ وقت الاستلام، وباقي المبلغ بعد الاستلام؟”

دلوقتي، لو انا هافصل خاتم ألماظ، دهب فيه الماظ، اتفقت معاه على الشكل والسعر خلاص، ينفع اديه شوية من المبلغ قبل الاستلام؟ وباقي المبلغ وقت الاستلام؟ او: شوية من المبلغ وقت الاستلام، وباقي المبلغ بعد الاستلام؟

لا يجوز. بل يجب التقابض. يعني دفع المبلغ كله في نفس المجلس الذي تستلمين فيه الخاتم.
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Q about the concept of wishing for other Muslims what i wish for myself. I wish for wealth so i can spend on my parents and family and give charity and be independent from peoples money. Do i have to wish wealth for a Muslim who likes to show off, is stingy on others, wastes on stupid things etc?

Wish for them to to be generous and wealthy.

I thought a lot about asking that but I can’t really find a solution for it , I am a Muslim woman so proud of being a Muslim but I am in love with non-Muslim guy , it happened so quick and I cannot get rid of the feeling though I only met him once,,, what should I do ?

That's a lust. One simply cannot fall in love with one meeting. Avoid contacting him and you'll forget him over time.

هل يجوز جمع المغرب والعشاء بدون سبب على ألا يكون العادة ؟

كلا، وهو إثم.
ولا يفهم حديث جمع النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم الصلاة "من غير مطر ولا برد" على أنه من غير سبب.
وقد فصل سادتنا الحنابلة أيما تفصيل في هذه المسألة، وذكروا ما يزيد عن ١٦ سببا للجمع. تجدها في مطولات المذهب كالفروع والكشاف.

Please, I really need to know how much to keep trying after I've made istikhara. I switched into a course late and the prof recommended I don't take it, given that I missed a lot. Also, the timing of the midterm isn’t the best for me. Do I take these as signs and drop the course or keep trying?

If you find it unwise to continue, drop the course.

Dear sheikh, I'm confused as to what time fajr ends. Does it end when the sky begins to lighten or does it end at Sunrise time? Can we trust the calculated sunrise time as an end point for fajr time?

Yes, it ends with sunrise. And yes, its calculation accuracy is ok.

What if he doesn't have any siblings?

I don't like this type of hypothetical questions. Go find out, let me know if he doesn't.

How much should one keep trying for something before he takes it as a sign of his istikhara and stop pursuing that path?

You have got to give it all. Don't turn around unless it appears it keeps going farther away from you or less likely to get.
Liked by: Abdullah Hsham GG am

Does the first wife have an opinion on whether her husband can take a second wife?

Obviously, she has an opinion.
Whether he listens to her is whole different story.
Liked by: am

Clarification: I met a guy at school that I would like to it3araf 3leh, but I'm not sure how. I don't wanna transgress any limits or do something 3yb/that would displease Allah. I don't even know how to show him that I'm interested in him (and is it bad for me to be thinking that?)

Not at all. Let your friend talk to his sister.


Language: English