
Majed Jarrar

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ممكن تترجم الأمثال العربية اللي ببعتها لك؟ 🌹

من جميل ما قرأت في صغري في هذا الباب، ملحق في كتاب المورد، أظنها طبعة ١٩٨٩، كان فيه معجما الأمثال العربية وما يقابلها من الأمثال بالإنكليزية.
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For revert Muslimahs who have struggle wearing hijab what is your advise?

Build your faith strongly and steadily, even if it is slowly. Read and learn a lot; Focus on establishing prayers, learning the Qur'an, the Seerah, etc. Dress modestly until you're guided to wear the hijab. Stay connected with the community, build a connection with the mosque, avoid cults or fringe groups. Ask the Almighty for guidance, support and steadfastness in every prayer.
The Messenger of God said: Indeed, this religion is deep; therefore dive in it gently.

Assalamu alaykom. I was wondering the validity of the statements of sh.Khaled AlMaghribi (Palestine) regarding the signs of ending of the world + appearance of the Mehdi in two years [specifying year of events, counting letters in an ayah to signify smthing, predicting assassination of kings, etc]

Please stop listening to him and anyone who claims to have apocalyptic prophecies. These are quite literally, without a doubt, mentally unstable people.

Salam alaikum Sheikh, I have heard another Sheikh talking about halal food in Canada, and he said that specifically chicken here in Canada is all halal because it has to be slaughtered everywhere (by law) .. What do you think?

There's plenty of wrong in that statement.
A. Canadian law requires all federally registered slaughterhouses to "ensure that all species of food animals are handled and slaughtered humanely." it's not poultry only.
B. Requirements for meat to be halal are not just to be slaughtered but also include that knives must be sharp; stunning must be reversible, not deadly; blood must drain from the animal; the animal must be treated humanely before killing; and slaughtering must be performed by a follower of an Abrahamic religion (i.e. Jewish, Christian or Muslim). All these requirements except the last one are required by the Canadian food inspection agency.
C. The last point is the issue here. If the meat is slaughtered by an atheist or a polytheist, the meat is rendered impermissible to eat. Neither CIFA nor slaughterhouses require that the people who do the slaughtering must be a follower of any religion.
According to majority opinion, if two animals were slaughtered simultaneously, one by a Muslim, Christian or Jew, the other by a polytheist or an atheist, then both animals were mixed up, then both are rendered impermissible to eat, for the doubtful prohibition overrides a doubtful permissibility.
Only if a person can tell for sure that the slaughtered meat was done by a Muslim, Christian or Jew (for example, with a halal certificate, a kosher certificate, or personal knowledge of the local butcher who slaughters your meat), then the said meat is permissible to eat.

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Salam alaikum Sheikh I have heard another Sheikh talking about halal food in

Is islam areligion of peace?

The definition of peace used to mean the absence of war, or refusal of war. It meant Britain and France were at peace one day, even if they went to war the next morning.
After WWI, the original definition of peace transferred to a new term: pacifism; the rejection of war. With the LoN - and later, the UN - Peace got a new definition: the improbability of war.
Today Germany and France are at peace, because it is not possible for them to go to war.
With people like Trump in power, and alt-right taking up authority in Europe, I personally believe the definition of peace will change yet again in the next decade.
That cliché question is meaningless, because peace is an action by political leaders. It's like saying is Islam a religion of climate protection?
However I suppose you mean, does Islam reject violence? And the answer is of course it does not. Stopping crime, punishing criminals, and warning those who are thinking about committing a crime to think otherwise, is a critical pillar in a community's resilience.
Islam is a religion that promotes justice. God says: "Verily, God commands justice (to be established)."
If someone murdereda member of your family, Islamic law would execute them - unless you decide to pardon them. A pacifist law, would require they're forgiven, and take away your right to seek justice.
Judaism, Christianity and Islam are all religions that command their adherents to establish and seek justice.
Some pacifists from the three religions try to use the verses that promotes forgiveness "turn the other cheek" "whosoever chooses patience and pardoning..." etc, to claim that this is the only acceptable view.
The real question is: can peace be sought without establishing justice? The colonialists would like to persuade the people they invade with yes, but history shows that patience was never a permanent solution.

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ياشيخ انا حياتي واقفه اقدر اكمل ازاي اعمل ايه في مستقبلي اللي راح انا 22 سنه واخر فرصه ليا معهد هقدم فيه خسرت تعليمي وفوقت من كل دا متاخر اوي ابدا ازاي بعتذر بس زي الغريق اللي مستني قشايه يمسك فيها ساعدني وجزاك الله الجنه

وفقي ربي، الحياة هي الدار الآخرة، وما أعددتِ لها من عبادة الله وطاعته وتقواه، وحسن الخلق.
عدا عن هذا، فالطبيب والسمكري والبقرة كلهم يغدون ويروحون في الارض برزق الله.
لا بأس من تعلم علم أو حرفة أو صناعة لو احببتِ، والإتقان في ذلك، كالعلوم الشرعية وأولها القرآن، وهي أولى وأجل وأشرف مما دونها في العلوم، ثم يليها علوم الدنيا كالتربية أو التمريض أو الطب أو الخياطة أو غيرها. لكن العلم وحده ليس مقصد الدنيا، اختي الفاضلة، ولا ما خلقنا لإجله، بل هو وسيلة للعمل.
من بين مليارات من البشر، من ربنا عليكِ بالإسلام، وباللسان العربي، وهاتان نعمتان عظيمتان يقضي البعض عشرين سنة في تعلمهم، وقد يسر لك ربنا ذلك من غير تعب ولا همّ.
لا زال عندكِ من العمر والصحة والقوة والتركيز - بإذن الله - ما تستطيعين به أن تغيري مسار أمة - بإذن الله، فاستعيني بالله ولا تعجزي.
https://youtu.be/UY2_a75LDncMajedJarrar’s Video 141654787650 UY2_a75LDncMajedJarrar’s Video 141654787650 UY2_a75LDnc

As salam alykum. Is it allowed to give non halal meat too homeless? For example a homeless might want a burger from McDonald's, is it allowed to buy a chicken burger and give it to him to eat, or only something halal.

Alaikum assalam,
You may not buy meat/products made from pigs - or dogs - even if you were to gift them to a non-Muslim. As for other meats in North America that are not marked as halal, it is still considered halal according to the Maliki school, because it's a Christian majority country, so you may use that opinion to buy, for example, a non-halal beef burger to your homeless buddy.
McDonald's supports illegal Israeli settlements on Palestinian lands, in violation of a dozen UN resolutions, beginning with 181 in 1947, through the infamous 242 in 1967 and until UN resolution 2443 of 2016. Even if their meat was halal, even if they were selling prayer rugs and ihraam clothings, it is prohibited to support a company that supports transgression, stealing people's lands and building illegal settlements.

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As salam alkyum, is it allowed to eat meat from a shia, if you are unsure that they might say certain things before killing the animal, such as Ali or bless this meat by Ali, etc.

Alaikum assalam, the default ruling that it is permissible to eat meat slaughtered by any Muslim, Christian, or Jew, unless the butcher is known to have blasphemous beliefs.
Liked by: Mohammad Ali

Regarding the calculation method question: I'm a woman and don't know which method is followed at the local mosque as I pray at home...

What country do you live in?
Liked by: Wejdan Isleem

I am an engineering student trying to set some summer goals to takle some advanced topics, though I was thinking should I include studying mathematics? I mean next year I am senior so I've passed all fundamental maths before but I feel shaky regarding it. Any advise to get a head-start as a graduate

Math and physics graduate courses, try to finish minors in either or both.

For about the first 9 years of my mature life, I didn't know that masturbation would nullify my ghusl, and so I took regular wudu to pray. What is the condition of my salah for all those years now? I am making a salah make-up plan right now.

If you had never done ghusl, you'd have to make up all your prayers, fasts and acts of worship before learning to do ghusl.
If you're used to doing ghusl, e.g. every Friday, but only didn't do ghusl after masturbation, then that's a good reset for purity. For example, if you masturbated once monthly on average, then it's only a few days - maximum a week - before you did ghusl on the following Friday.
As for Hajj and Umrah, if you did ghusl before beginning then it purified you throughout. If you masturbated during either, there are likely other obligatory requirements for expiation. Let me know if that happened.
The price of ignorance is very high. The cure always begins with asking questions.

قطوف بينقلوا من إجابات حضرتك بس لو حطيت في أخر الإجابة ( مش للنشر على قطوف أو هيك ) ما بينشروا وبيحترموا طلبك أو طلب السائل

أهلا وسهلا، ينشروا براحتهم كل ما هنا، لكني نادرا ما اجيب بالعربية كما هو في البايو.

بالنسبة لسؤال الاخت التائبة التي سألت عن ذنبها هل اهتز له عرش الرحمن

MajedJarrar’s Profile PhotoMajed Jarrar
اعلمي أن ربنا كريم ودود، يحب أن يرى أمٙته تتوب وتنوب وتؤوب إليه.
ومهما اقترفتِ من ذنوب في الماضي فاستري على نفسك، وأحسني توبتك يتقبلك ربك بقبول حسن.
يا اختي، نساء الصحابة كن يعبدن الأصنام، فلم يقعدن يولولن على ما فات، بل تبن وأصلحن وصرن من خير نساء العالمين.
أما بخصوص العادة السرية، فأنصح بمراجعة الأستاذة@om3othman
وبالنسبة لوضع الإجابة على قطوف، فأتذر عن ذلك إذ لست مشرفا على الموقع، ولا متابعا له (لضيق الوقت)، ولا أعلم المشرفين عليه.

Is playing chess permissible?

In our mathhab, it is prohibited, whether it was for money or not, whether it was causing to delay prayers or not.
For numerous reports of the companions, such as: Ali, may Allah be pleased with him, saw two men playing chess and said: "what are those idols upon which you are solemnly gathered around?" (verse from Quran), then he said "it would be less painful if, instead of these chess stones, you were holding hot coals in your fingers until they cooled off."
There's a minority opinion in our mathhab that it's discouraged.
Also it is prohibited due to similarity to backgammon, which are more severely prohibited due to explicit hadeeth by the Messenger of Allah: "whoever plays backgammon (lit. means with dice), it is as if they have dipped their hands in pig's blood"
And "whoever plays with dice, has indeed disobeyed God."

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