

Ask @nauman1420

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Thoughts on 7up Fest

I generally like concert's vibe but the people are usually trash and they don't know how to behave. Last time at coke fest, some guys would throw a bottle far up in the air and then the bottle cap would come shooting down on some poor person's head like a bullet lmaoo ajeeb harami😂 tiny people getting crushed, pushed around, stepped on etc
Not to forget the groping, harassing and taking pics of girls and the eyeing. It doesn't affect me at all, but the vibe is killed by all this like no I'm not there to witness any more of you trash. Thanks. Rant over.
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- To someone ❤️.. "

Every woman has a specific effect on men. It's more or less the same on majority of them. And how they behave with you is not entirely a reflection of their own character but also a reaction of the effect that you inspired in them.
And if you wanna see their real version, give them power, make them feel important.


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