
Michal Altair Valášek

Ask @ridercz

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Whats your definition of hard luck? ?

An old man turned 98
He won the lottery and died the next day
It's a black fly in your Chardonnay
It's a death row pardon two minutes too late
It's like rain on your wedding day
It's a free ride when you've already paid
It's the good advice that you just didn't take
It's a traffic jam when you're already late
It's a no-smoking sign on your cigarette break
It's like ten thousand spoons when all you need is a knife
It's meeting the man of my dreams, and then meeting his beautiful wife
And isn't it ironic
Don't you think?
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If you could start any Rumor about yourself, what would it be? ?

I don't know. I don't even know what rumors are circulating about me currently, nobody wants to tell me. Maybe there aren't any, because the reality is vivid enough!

Are you outgoing or shy?

Outgoing, if I have to choose from these two options. But I'm kind of asocial so I don't like parties etc., where I don't have clearly defined role.

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what makes a guy hot?

In my eyes, there are two aspects: body and head.
The body is easiest to define: to be balanced, in moderation. I don't like extremes, neither overly muscled nor overly slender. I don't even care much about faces, but nice ass, back and shoulders are what makes guy hot.
Regarding head, if we are talking about "hot", it usually denotes physical atractiveness, so I don't insist on superb intelligence or character, but extreme stupidity pisses me off even in this context. Of course the "hot" guy should have a nicely perverted mind to fit with *my* perversion, because what I would do with a hot guy, who is totally vanilla or have kinks that aren't interesting for me?

How do you treat people in general?

I think I treat them mostly indifferently, sometimes being friendly. Some others tell me I'm generally intimidating. It's for you to decide.

Má cenu počkat si na SLA tiskárnu od Průši, nebo koupit nějakou Číňanku? A nebo se na SLA vykašlat a zůstat věrný i3 MK2S ? :-D

Otto Pavouk Malich
Záleží na tom, co od toho SLA 3D tisku chceš. Mně celá ta technologie přijde pro mé účely poněkud nepraktická a nezajímavá. Uvidíme, s čím přijde Průša.

Do you think love fades away?

I won't say it fades away, but it changes, transforms. And sadly, sometimes it does not survive the transformation.

Were you happier four months ago than you are now?

I'll answer this question once you tell me how to you measure hapiness.

What one thing would you do to change the world?

Remove the belief to anything supernatural. Including any religion.

Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile?

Probably my daugter. Combining craziness of her parents with ingenuity of youth.

Who had the most positive influence on you?

It's a tie between Mysh (my girlfriend) and Esta (my Czechoslovakian Wolfdog).

Are you getting weird anon questions?

Lately I'm getting number of questions in English, that aren't exactly weird, but seem to be kind of random, non-personalized. They're of the "question of the day" variety and I don't know where they came from. Also had no time to answer them yet.

Citation that describes you

It's not worth doing something unless someone, somewhere, would much rather you weren't doing it.
-- Terry Pratchett
Liked by: Aiden Corso Luna

what motivates you to study ?

First, the need to create something I don't know how to do. So I learn it.
Second, just duriosity, although in this case I don't actively study, just read some interesting article or book.

Nenosíš toho po kapsách trochu moc a ještě k tomu věci, který nikdy nevyužiješ?

Naopak bych toho rád nosil víc a vymýšlím, jak to nějak rozumně zařídit, aby to šlo pohodlně.
Většinu těch věcí denně používám, většinou několikrát denně. A u těch ostatních nepředstavuje jejich nošení žádný zásadnější problém - zejména s ohledem na případ, kdy by byly potřeba a já je u sebe neměl.

Hele, ty jsi takovej koumák ohledně zákonů. Nejde nějak změnit (ať už legálně či ne) místo narození? V době narození našeho syna jsme byli horliví muslimové a nechali jsme ho narodit v Arábii a pojmenovali ho Mohamed. Teď už má české jméno, ale kvůli místu narození má mezi vrstevníky problémy.

A jak se jeho vrstevníci dozvěděli o jeho místu narození? To není zrovna téma, na které přijde často řeč. Ať jim to prostě neříká nebo lže.

Co ty a zbraně, nesnášíš je, nebo jsi naopak fanatik co má doma kromě těch legálních i několik nelegálních?

Ani jedno. Zejména o střelných zbraních si myslím, že to je dobrý nápad a že je dobře chodit ozbrojen, pokud člověk umí se zbraní zacházet. Problém je, že já bych se svou šikovností a zrakem byl nejspíš nebezpečný zejména sám sobě. Z tohoto důvodu nemám ani zbrojní průkaz ani zbraň.

Proč bydlíš v Praze a né třeba někde na zapadlé samotě?

Protože jsem kvalitně domestikovaný a civilizovaný kůň. A na zapadlé samotě bych během pár dnů zešílel.

Z jakého důvodu s sebou taháš ty nitrilové rukavice? Snad ne pro případ poskytnutí první pomoci?



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