
Michal Altair Valášek

Ask @ridercz

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What's the one thing people always misunderstand about you?

People often expect I get angry a lot. Which I almost never do. Sure, I complain a lot (usually I try to do it in some interesting or funny way), but I do it for the sole reason not to become frustrated and really angry. I consider myself a fairly satisfied, content and easy-going person.
Liked by: Monika D.

What's your favorite weather conditions?

15-20 °C, slightly overcast. I don't like when it's too cold. I really hate when it's too hot.

Jaký je tvůj přístup k výchově dětí? Co děláš, když neposlouchají? Kde je tvoje hranice v tom, co je "zlobení" a co je podle tebe normální? Křičíš na ně? Dáš jim na zadek, když je potřeba a nebo to není potřeba nikdy?

Můj přístup je zbytečně je nešikanovat, nikdy jim nelhat a snažit se pravdivě a vážně odpovědět na každou vážně položenou otázku. Myslím si že "zlobení" je normální. Pokud dělají něco, co mi vadí, tak na ně mírně zvýším hlas, což s ohledem na můj hlasový fond bohatě stačí k tomu, aby udělaly co jim řeknu. Myslím si, že mám v zásadě hodné děti (i když, zkus se zeptat za rok, vypadá to že na Alex leze puberta).
Nikdy jsem dítěti "nedal na zadek". Tresty, zejména tělesné, jsou fajn BDSM rekvizita, ale nemám pocit, že by nějak zásadně fungovaly při výchově dětí. Asi dvakrát nebo třikrát se mi za těch skoro osm let stalo, že jsem Alex praštil, když mě něčím zásadně vytočila, ale to není trest, to je forma komunikace. Rozhodně si nedovedu představit, že bych dítě nějak s rozmyslem trestal, tělesně nebo jinak.

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You are at this stage in your life when...?

...you clearly remember things that happened twenty years ago, but can't remember what you had for lunch.
Liked by: Lumir Kunath

What is “home” to you?

Place where I have my stuff. I always said "any place where is my computer", but as I started to do more electronics, 3D printing and stuff, I need more tools :)

Should people be given a second chance? ?

Generally, no. Maybe if they did something wrong, which is outside their character, for some unique reasons that aren't likely to be repeated. But mostly that's not the case and therefore giving them second chance to hurt me is just plain stupid.

If you had 5 concerts tickets to your favorite band. Who would you take with you?

I have lots of favorite bands of various styles, so it depends on the band. I would probably write Facebook post "I have five free tickets to XXX concert. Who wants to go with me?" and then select from answers.

If you could have any view from your home, what would it be?

I don't care about views. There are way more interesting things to look at that what's outside the window. As far as I'm concerned, I don't need windows at all, provider there is enought air conditioning.

What are your favorite pizza toppings?

I don't like pizza. Pizza is the cardboard-tasting food I order for delivery when I emerge from coding at 3 AM, hungry and there is nothing to eat.

HOw long do you sleep?

As long as I can, until I wake up. I got most of interesting ideas and solutions in the sweet state between sleeping and being fully awake.

Is it easier to forgive or forget?

I rarely forgive (usually there is neither reason nor need), but I tend to forget why exactly I don't like that particular person. Which is basically no problem, because I *do* remember the people I don't like and try to avoid them.

What board games are worth your attention?

I generally consider board games as incredible waste of time and intellectual energy.

How would you like to be remembered?👀

I don't really care. As long as I am rememberd, I'm fine.

Do you ever wonder what people really want from you?

Not really. If they want something from me, they should ask and maybe they'll get it.

How old is your oldest piece of clothes?

I know for sure I have and wear a t-shirt from event that happened in 2004, so 15 years ago. Maybe I have some older clothing, but I'm not sure of it.

Jsem hloupá a ty jsi technicky nejnadanější člověk, na kterýho si teď vzpomenu, tak snad promineš blbou otázku: lze uměle vytvořit vodu? Kdyby došla z přírodních zdrojů, můžeme ji uměle vytvořit z vodíku a kyslíku?

MoniikaDominiika’s Profile PhotoMonika D.
Teoreticky je to docela jednoduché: prostě stačí smíchat vodík a kyslík v poměu 2:1 a zapálit to. Výsledkem je voda (vodní pára). A hodně hluku. Akorát to není úplně praktické dělat ve větším měřítku. Mám pocit, že naposledy se něco takového v Evropě stalo při havárii vzducholodi Hindenburg.

How Good do you have to be to be considered a "Good Person"?

To be considered a "goog person", usually being dumb and docile is enough.


Language: English