
31 people

50 posts


What do you hate the most when you’re driving?

Other drivers. Or more specifically, the kind of assholes that speed up to get around you just to make a turn or just to come to a stop. It’s like congrats, you were in a rush to end up in the exact same fucking spot you would’ve been if you just stayed where you were. Dickhead. Or the other assholes that speed up so you can’t merge. Or the assholes that speed up to get around you then slow down and then speed up when you try and overtake them, like wut? Every time I encounter one it has me wishing they’d die in a car fire (not seriously but seriously)

I have nicknames for my pets what cute, odd or funny nicknames do you have for your pets?

This guys nicknames are: dickhead, arsehole, barrington, god, aggressive bastard, baby b, mini lion, purrmaster 3000, used to be called Barry big balls before his castration now he’s called Barry no balls
I have nicknames for my pets what cute odd or funny nicknames do you have for

Usmannnn pleaseee delete the question that had number ends in 166 please it's humble request just cause of one dickhead we can't put someone in trouble pleaseeee I'm begging you delete the number

Yar ma deletw kr doon ga Mjh pehlay batao Kon se answers delete krne ki baat kr rahay/rahi ho ap? Mjh samj nahi ayi

Khubaib bhai pleaseee delete the question that had number ends in 166 please it's humble request just cause of one dickhead we can't put someone in trouble pleaseeee I'm begging you delete the number

Bhai mere pas ni hai wo number ma to. wasey b shoutouts band kiye Pareshan ni ho. Na mere pas wo number hai aur na mujhe zaroorat Allah apki mushkil asaan Karey.

i love you more than anything but you can be a right dickhead sometimes look you should be proud of yourself for achieving what you have during these hard times but stop bringing others down in the process just remember not everyone can achieve as much as you have and that mental health is a thing

I understand. I’m not trying to rub this in anyone’s face, I’m just tryna say that within a year I’ve achieved so much and I’m proud of myself. Mental health is important and if you’re struggling I encourage you to talk to someone and get the right help.

This Dickhead literally accused you of having something against Rojo just because she didn't appear more, and has the stones to say you're being rude. Some people, jesus effing christ.

I like to hear people’s favorite characters, but sometimes there’s a weird obsession that is just too much. And these type of guys will only accept the answer they already have mind anyway
+3 answers in: “Why couldn't Rojo be featured in more episodes? Do you have something against her or something? Something similar to Aggregor? Rojo is one of the toughest female antagonists in the franchise because she's an action woman.”

Je podle vás správné, když herec nebo režisér přijde o kariéru, protože ho manželka nebo jiné ženy obviní z násilí či sexuálního obtěžování?

luna24601’s Profile PhotoSlečna Esterka z Gallifrey
Ako som povedal pár dní dozadu F tha bitch Amber Heard.
Kde je cancel culture teraz. Zbytočný sú už dosť teraz by boli aspoň na niečo.
Ale aby to nebolo len o nej.
Wesley Snipes je známy že sa správa pri natáčaní ako absolutný dickhead a chodil aj ožratý... Napriek tomu mal ešte role aj keď v menších filmoch.
Nemyslím si že je nutné aby prišli o kariéru úplne všetci čo sa doma správali jak kokoti. Určite je mnoho hercov a celebrít ktoré majú toxické manželstvá že je to až nechutné len to nevyšlo na povrch.
Ale myslím si že by bolo fajn nejak sa k tomu aj postaviť. Amber Heard je najodpudivejšia žena akú som kedy videl a jej face jej nepomáha. Johny Depp stratil angažmá a ona ignoruje petíciu kde sa vyzbieralo extrémne vela podpisou aby odišla z Aquamena. Vysmieva sa tomu a nikto jej nič nemôže. Zvláštne. Takto by feminizmus fungovať nemal však že.
Je to sick shit. Že sa mu vysrala na postel a bodla ho nožom a on ešte príde nakoniec o kariéru je ako fakt humus.
Sledujem jednu ženu a ona robí "advocate for a men". A povedala tam jednu krásnu vetu.
"If man advocate men it sounds like fuckin chauvinism but if woman advocate women its power and unity?".
And that shit is sooooooooooo true.
Už ak žena sa rozhodne robiť "obhájcu mužov" pritom bola vo vzťahu kde ju muž mlátil týral a nakoniec od neho ušla aj s dieťaťom tak prosteee.. asi neni všetko allright ani na strane mužského postavenia v spoločnosti.

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الاجانب بيتكلمو كدا !!!! انا ع كدا مش عايش معاهم طيب اسألي حد من الاجانب كدا عن الجمله اللي انتي فاكره ان معناها انا الملكه يا وسخه دي معناها ايه كدا بس يستحسن تسألي بنت مش شاب

Akeed mch ws5a b m3na ws5a 3arfa m3naha aw7sh MN keda bs b2olk y3ny 3la 7war el shortcuts eb2a es2l el aganb Elly enta3a m3ahom Lmao or AF or dickhead wla ay 7aga MN dol m3naha eh hy2ololk , good luck , bye
+9 answers in: “انتي عارفه معنى الجمله دي I'm the QUEEN , bitch ؟”

انا رأيي اتكلمي عربي احسن انا اول مره اشوف الاختصار دا ثانيا الجمله بكتابتها كدا وقعت على اللي قال مش اللي بتتوجهله يعني تترجم غير كدا خالص

Enta awl mara tshof el shortcut da 3chan enta aslun mt3rfch English bytktb ezay 3la social media De zy slang word keda w b3den el aganb bytklmo keda f chat aw ay 7aga zy Lmao or AF or IDGAF or dickhead okay ?
+9 answers in: “انتي عارفه معنى الجمله دي I'm the QUEEN , bitch ؟”

They started this game. You all enjoyed it. Now I'll be the one to finish it. Your eyes will be open but you wont see anything. Your ears will be open but you wont hear anything. Most importantly. You'll figure it all out. But you wont be able to explain it to anyone else :)

don’t spoil twd for me dickhead glenn hasn’t died yet for me

I should point out that my old boss that got me my new job isn't the same boss that made me hate my life every single day.

TheDirtQueen’s Profile PhotoTPO
This is something I can relate to. I’ve had jobs at a grocery store and as a merchandiser that goes around stocking shelves at different stores. I’ve been banned from one store and I got escorted out another. So when I say what you dealt with is relatable to SO many people, it’s the truth. But at least you dealt with it in a mature way and just left and let that dickhead be. Chances are he was just as miserable as you were and he had a tiny penis. Don’t ever let anybody, even if it’s your own family members, have any type of power over you

I know it’s up to my brother as to what he will or won’t put up with but I stayed with them for a week recently & left feeling disturbed, also worried about how bad things are when I’m not there. His partner seemed to get jealous at us laughing/spending time together. I lol’ed at Dickhead Disorder 🙂

Yeah, it's difficult to intervene w/ someone when you're concerned for their welfare in an intimate relationship. I'm hearing a lot of red flags here tho, in this narrow & anonymous recounting; if it is how you're describing, then I'd definitely be encouraging your bro strongly to get the fuck out of there. If his partner is relying on "anxiety" as an excuse for being possessive, selfish, rude, etc then that's a definite yikes from me.
Which is current internet lingo for, Dump Him. Easier said than done, but hopefully your bro can take inspiration from my exes: when he inevitably has a massive freakout over being dumped & threatens to kill himself, just shrug & marry a rich guy. You don't owe it to someone, no matter how much of a mess they are, to remain in an intimate relationship with them, or ANY kind of relationship. You're always allowed to leave.
Sure, this might warrant some side-eye, depending on the circumstances. Who could forget Newt Gingrich divorcing his cancer-stricken wife & taking up with someone much younger? From the sound of it tho, your bro's situation is much more clear-cut, & it's good for you to offer some perspective.
IF shit is how you say it is. I got no real choice but to take you at your word.

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+3 answers in: “I need some advice related to mental health (not mine). Can you help, Soul?”

Ok, here goes. How much leeway in regards to behaviour do you give someone with MH issues? I dislike my brother’s partner and always have tbh. I find him selfish and thoughtless. He’s open about anxiety issues he has. I make an effort to be nice but a recent illness & loss of employment has 1/2

- exacerbated his issues. I understand he is going through a very tough time but I see my brother struggling to hold things together emotionally/financially while his partner makes callous remarks. I told my brother MH issues do not make these things excusable & wonder if I over-stepped the mark."
Welp, bearing in mind w/ a few tweaks this could be about me, I basically have a zero-tolerance attitude towards this kind of "anxiety-induced assholery." This may even be because I've been treated w/ this kind of zero-tolerance attitude, when I was at my absolute lowest point, & almost died as a result, & the attitude from those responsible was...good, die then, you depressing fuck. So to me, this is just...How It Is.
Should it be like that, tho? I've had time to reflect, & basically...no. They should have been more considerate, & their treatment of me made me harder to those in need of deeper kindness. My "assholery" tho was smoking a lot of weed, being broke because I smoked a lot of weed, self-hatred, & just general low mood. I certainly wasn't shit-talking for no reason; at worst I was just distant & kind of a miserable presence.
I guess it's always gonna be up to your brother to decide what kind of crappy treatment he should tolerate, but I've never encountered a recognised anxiety disorder that excuses being "callous." Difficulty empathising, maybe, "poor social skills" like awkwardness or general "weirdness," being boring & annoying in conversation, yep yep, but "callous?" Selfish? Thoughtless? No, these aren't symptoms of any condition I know of.
A lot of mental illness symptoms can be summarised lazily as "annoying to put up with," emotionally-draining in close proximity perhaps, but being just generally rude & inconsiderate? Even if so, what's the excuse? They get anxious if they can't just mouth off at ppl w/out any pushback? Yeah I don't buy that. If anyone's partner is being emotionally abusive - or "emotionally fucked-up consistently" if we want to avoid the A word - I'll tell them the same thing Britney told me: Dump Him (or her). You don't have to keep dating someone just because they're mentally unwell.
But I feel like you probably know that, & want to know specifically if you "crossed a line" socially. Uh not really? Maybe your brother feels you should stay out of his business, & you should respect that if so, but if you mean is "mental illness" some kind of shield against being criticised for nasty behaviour...no.
This is the same school of crap as trying to excuse racism as "economic anxiety." Yeah everyone has their reasons for being a rude asshole, m8. Almost no one just does it for its own sake; it doesn't matter. You're still not supposed to be a rude asshole. Using your mental health as an excuse just paints everyone suffering similar afflictions as being douchebags themselves.
There's no such thing as Dickhead Disorder. Your bro's partner should find someone w/ more positive coping mechanisms. And a job.

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+3 answers in: “I need some advice related to mental health (not mine). Can you help, Soul?”

Do you consider yourself egalitarian, or do you subscribe more to the philosophy of survival of the fittest? And why? Q2: When society breaks down, what will be your weapon of choice?

my own philosophy is just don't be a dickhead aha and my weapon of choice would be a bow staff since i have been training using them for a few years now aha

️PATA Nhi YAr Tum Itna ️sb ️Aik ️Sath kesy Soch lia ...?? ️Mjhy ️tw ️lag ️Rha such main e chutiya ️Ho ️SIRF LIKHA Nhi ️Hoia .... ️Aik banda ️Tumhy izat ️Dy ️Rha Tum usi ki leani kr rhi sadqy tumhary tum log un sa set rehti ho jo tumhari choot ly kr ghaib ho ️Jaty...

jabroon’s Profile PhotoSYED MUJAB HASSAN ZAIDI
First of all ??️ you are a mature fcuking man so "can you be my bestie" crap is a trap that you set and think girls are stupid enough and secondly that is not izzat you have been irritating me since two fcuking days. Grow up kiddo . And btw dickhead
the last line showed your cheap mentality and obviously your upbringing.
Tum Woh ladkai hou jinko ladkiya bhaw na de Tou randi boltai Hou.
Aur agar by chance koi de Tou characterless.
Now take your lame ass away you stinky soul

Do you think in order to boost ratings, ITV should film the next series of 'I'm a Celebrity, Get me out of here' on North Sentinel Island - aka the Island that has been in the news due to the tribe that inhabit it who have a tendency to fire arrows at anyone who tries to make contact with them? 😬🏹

Definitely not. We should be leaving the tribe alone as they do not want to be associated with us and they are used to their ways of living so why can’t we just let them be? We’re only putting them at risk by going near them as they aren’t immune to any of our diseases. That missionary guy was a dickhead to risk not only his life but the tribe to try and shove his religion down their throat.

A portal to another world opens in front of you. You don’t know how long it will stay open or if you’ll be able to get back after you go through. What do you do?And which world would you choose ? A reminder , you might not be able to get back again !

Phil Jones is a dickhead and Mourinho needs to fucking go

Does anonymity encourage people to misbehave or does it reveal how people would choose to act all the time if they could?

It encourages ppl to misbehave. People CAN act how they act anonymously, all the time. They choose not to, because they wisely don't want to deal with the consequences.
Anonymity removes consequences. Whether they would've "wanted to anyway" misses the point by miles. Who cares? How could you possibly ever know w/ certainty anyway? Do ppl without guns still want to kill each other? Obviously. Can they do it without guns? No.
Can you be a dickhead anonymously w/out anonymous? Not really. Technically, but like killing someone with a gun at a distance vs killing someone w/ your bare hands, you're not really DOING the same thing, even if the outcome is similar.
People would misbehave all the time if they could. I would. It's right to do so. It's difficult to blame anonymous shitheads for letting off steam anonymously, given all these opportunities the internet furnishes them with to do so. I can hold them morally accountable for their decisions, sure, but circumstances will always play a part in how these things happen.
The thing about misbehaviour is WHY. Getting rid of anonymity won't tell you that, but having it makes it much harder to diagnose.
Ultimately tho, ppl have been faking or being discreet to get away w/ shit since forever. The internet makes it easier, & so we're lumped with a shittier brand of villains that perhaps was common in other eras, but it's basically the same issue.
Nothing 24 hours in the stocks won't fix imo.

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Hey,tbh idk you bt ur too pretty❤️AF I wish if we could b frndz..can we be if u don mind?? 🙈 Cz the guy who gts u in his lyf...will b really lucky to have u..if he eva cheat on u he'll b the biggest dickhead Too adorable❤️#fanboy 1 compliment❤️:ur hair are amazing..😘 Loads of love

Me- You can be my friend but only if you untick.😊 Thank you soo much. Stay Khush and cute. 😂
The Inner Me- Hey bhagwan, staif na ho.👅

Hey,tbh idk you bt ur too pretty❤️AF I wish if we could b frndz..can we be if u don mind?? Single or Taken❓? Cz the guy who gts u in his lyf...will b really lucky to have u..if he eva cheat on u he'll b the biggest dickhead Too adorable❤️#fanboy 1 compliment❤️:ur hair are amazing..? Loads of love

Aw!! Thank you so much?, Yes we can definitely be friends and I am single. ?‍♀️

Kennst du Leute, mit denen du deine Beziehung verbessern wilslt aber es nicht kannst Warum kannst du es nicht? Wer sind diese Leute?

ja sicha,weil ich ein dickhead bin, ...
Liked by: K A T H I Jasmin

Paul McCartney said: "If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be a vegetarian." What do you think about it?

My friends a dickhead in fortnite
Liked by: ariana zak

O behan Urdu bol lain plz pehli baat mjha sympathies ni chahiye apki dosri baat google pr likh lain dickhead kia hota ha ajeeb aik sorry bol ra hu uper se baatain kr rhi ho ap .. English mere ni apki MA ha..

Fuck English it defines Language not knowledge
Ap na gali de
Mene bashaan demaag ha toh uska screw tight kur le u understand aur
Kya kaha lol
Talk to my HAnd !!!
I dont think ur human ur some sort of animal
Mere angreezi sabko samj atey ha
+9 answers in: “What big , hard and has cum in it??”

I was insulted, called rlly bad names by this guy, i lost my great aunt, there are fake ass rumors about me in town which arent even true and i lost friends bc of that..

CamilleLovatics’s Profile PhotoCami♡ॐ
omdsss you are going through alot!! all those bad names that you were called are all fake,tell yourself you are a strong independent beautiful young woman who doesn't deserve to be treated like shit,he sounds like a disrespectful dickhead that has no respect for girls whatsoever,you don't need that in your life! aww i am so sorry to hear that,r.i.p hope you and your family are coping okay,i know how hard it is to lose someone so close to you! people need to leave your name out of their mouths and mind their own damn business,if they were you friends they should believe you and not those rumours!!

yeah, its not like this website is popular in arabic countries or anything! no chance of them being on here! they probably dont even have internet over there!

It's not like I already follow critics from that region of the world, who have already written 1000s of words on the political & cultural climate of the (extremely diverse & numerous) societies in that (very large & vaguely-defined) geopolitical group.
Nah, I'm gonna have a good listen to this anonymous guy who sounds exactly like an unedited draft of a Fox News segment, being read by Donald Trump. Or, you know, every insane right-wing nationalist I've had to block on Twitter in the last 3 years.
But this act, the "I'm gonna say something mean & obviously false then try to take umbrage when I'm mocked, or ignored, or receive any reaction aside from praise & agreement" shtick, has been around even longer. I remember when it was something ppl did when their LiveJournal was caught up in some drama, or when they got banned from a webcomic forum, or an online RPing community.
I saw this bullshit back when the ppl doing it were, literally, still wearing diapers. & since then they've grown up, learned to read & write, & developed sufficiently that they can be radicalised online, then they show up & do *the exact same dumb shit* that failsons were doing across the internet back when they were 3.
All because some jowly dickhead millionaire 1000 miles away decided the US needed casus belli to attack an oil-rich, insufficiently-protected part of the world. For an economic advantage. Imagine going on the internet & seeing all the ppl & perspectives & shit, then going "I'm gonna become an anonymous footsoldier for US imperialism, because racism makes my dick hard."
We don't need these ppl, you know? Trace their IPs, find out who they are, & send them to work camps. They'd do the same to us.

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I’ve been a victim of his harassment he blew up my kik and if I didn’t answer he’d blow up my ask every second he doesn’t have like a personality if you say anything he’ll just repeat the same shit over and over

miley ray cyrus
He is probably brainwashed or i dont know anymore, he's just a sickhead that annoys girls with his pervert questions and stalks me 24/7 and steals my stuff, he should be reported and blocked by ask cuz he's a dickhead

✎ [6/10] Through someone else's eyes: Are people judging you because of what you wear or look like before even getting to know you?

ittle bit. not really from my outfit, that sometimes looks weird and childish but it's pretty basic and cool.
Well, i'm mostly judged because i wear glasses and have a calm personnality, peoples think that i'm a tight-ass.
(geez, i swear the next people who will says this to me, will have a real THIGHT ASS)
Also , i don't like when they say : "hey you look better without your glasses :)"
ya , u too dickhead
Liked by: Biet-chan 에일리

i see you all are ganging up here against me and my keyboard has some technical issues . i saw how people speak english in india , its more like a joke . a bunch of wanna be idiots in that country . and yea . I HATE INDIA .I WILL NEVER VISIT THIS COUNTRY AGAIN

You wont understand in the sweetest manner so listen up asshole ,you wanna worship your culture ? Go pray for people in Las Vegas instead of accusing India n fighting over social media like immature dickhead . Now the next questions you sent im reporting n blocking them all because im least interested in entertaining fools like you. Namaste bye ??

If a man said to you that ALL GIRLS are weak pathetic stupid little fairies and your rightful place is in a kitchen, and pushed you, so you knocked him out with a high kick! What would you say as you stood with one foot flat on his face and looked down at him......?

wow, what an interesting qn....honestly, im a pretty lame person, i'd probably say " who is the weak one now? you might need to check your gender again dickhead " in a dramatic tone.

Firaz bhai dekiya bohat anonymous questions atte ignore them lyt lo unke khud ke identity nahi hai tho aap aapne identity ku kharab kare waise logo ke answer de kar. Bro he is crossing the limits but to be honest he is just enjoying u r answers and emotions. Just ignore ths type of dickheads okey ?

Akbar Ali
Hmmm yes ur ryt he's a big dickhead I should have ignored him anyways thanks bro with friends like u that guy can't do anything to my image

i want to be traditional & do the men are provider thing but i fell for a man that didnt make much but is hard working very nice guy who respects me & my family. but i have to work to help pay bills. I helped him with his debt cos i do better. what do u think of this ?should i of chosen a richer guy

You should leave him, because you sound like a dickhead & no guy should be with a dickhead.

wat vind je er van als mensen in je gezicht liegen terwel je de waarheid wel weet ....?? en ze gewoon door gaan💗🏽♀️🤔 #massa #13/05/17 #skippemag

Dan ben je wel een dickhead 🙃🌝
Liked by: catarina

Language: English