
ashley ♡

Ask @AshleyBearr

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ah that's cool! i did online school for a few years in elementary school. and i'm a senior too!

ohhh! that's cool! O:
awesome same year woo!
are you excited for senior year or nah? o:
Liked by: cora

ASHLEY! i've decided to join the camp nano challenge in November. so pumped.

well nano in November is just nano o: unless they do it on the camp site too o:

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(@sadistics) -on wattpad- here, Hi Ashley c: Andrea is daaaa name. You're an amazing writer I fricken love youuuuuuuu AshleyBearr <3 lol

hiya andrea! :D
aw omg thank you so much I love you too ok <3

how's the weather in Maine right now?

it is cloudy and hot
and im annoyed that it's cloudy because mars is supposed to look like a second moon tonight and if I don't get to see that then I don't get to see it at all because I will be dead by the time the next one comes around

so do you start tomorrow? (or wait are you a senior or?)

yeah I officially start tomorrow c: I do online schooling so technically I could start whenever I want, but I'm starting with everyone else :3
yeah I'm a senior! (: you?

rice is always good haha but i start sept 4 so next thursday (my district is so weird and always starts at the end of the week like why)

rice is amazing I love it xD
ooooh! my sister was supposed to start today, but construction on her school backed it up to sept. 2 xD the rest of the district started today, except for the sophomore+ they start tomorrow xD
yeah ours is too. they start on a Wednesday every year xD

Hello everybody!! :D I hope you all are doing okay. You're ridiculously amazing and BEAUTIFUL, okay? :)

hello! (:
Liked by: Alby

im good im good but summer is almost over omg not excited for school ugh but how are you? :)

when does school start back up for you? o:
I'm good! :D chilling at my friend's house and eating rice xD

what do your new reading lists mean? :)

I am so excited about these reading lists omgomgomg!
okay so
cinder: sci-fi/fantasy
kai: favorites
thorne: teen fic/romance/humor
cress: currently reading
wolf: horror/action/mystery/suspense
scarlet: chasing pages
winter: saved for later
jacin: saved for later 2
iko: friend's stories that I plan on reading/have read
Liked by: patty

Have you ever left your pants unzipped?

I don't wear pants tbh
I wear shorts year round
but I've been told on more than one occasion "your fly is unzipped."

Hey beautiful! Im here to remind you to stay awesome and keep smiling! :) It makes me happy with you smiling! :D

hello! (:
every day I smile whenever I see one of these messages <3 you are such a great person; god bless you <3
Liked by: king Katie Cruz trish

opinion on Daven (@starlightt)

well I've only had one conversation with her, but she seems positively lovely! c:
and I love her name (daven your name is gorgeous I love it so much)!
Liked by: chloe

Ashley what would you do if you met Daniel J? I was thinking really hard on what would happen if I met my own celebrity x) I don't know

SparksKisses12’s Profile Phototrish
oh gosh
I would either
- cry
- faint
- hug him for an obnoxiously long time
- smile like an idiot
or maybe all of the above
Liked by: trish

do you reply to some comments? if so, which ones and why? (in general i mean)

well I reply to all message board posts & all private messages (unless they're requests for anything, or if I become uncomfortable with the conversation)
as for comments, I don't reply most of the time. even if they're questions--usually other commenters answer them anyway. but when I do reply it's because I have the urge to xD
like when someone says something beyond rude (on some occasions demands for updates go way too far) or if someone has a question that hasn't been answered and I feel like answering it

share a fun fact for each (or all) of your stories?

Perception: I switched the main character's name like three times before finally settling on Celyn
Man Hunt: I got the idea while watching the movie Hide & Seek
Kendall & Me: The story came when I randomly edited a picture and slapped on a title
One Shots: Was originally for IASWAA, but is now for all of my stories
Playing Therapist: it is *not based on a true story, despite what some people think (the ending is a joke on PLL, not me signing my initial, I promise!), but it is inspired by something I went through (most of the events are still fictional though!)
Faking Delinquency: Nothing was planned AT ALL. Vanessa and Ty weren't even planned. I just kinda put them in there and then loved them to death so kept them. Nothing that stuck was planned, so it was really awesome to see how it turned out!
The Gate: I'm really attached to a character in there that is dead the entire time. Tis odd.
It All Started With An Apple: It was originally going to end differently, but I'm happy with how it turned out. c:
Hey, Beautiful: The title came before Sean's phrase

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Liked by: leah

Hiii!!! How are you? Have an awesome day, beautiful person! And keep smilling. (because it looks amazing on such a beautiful face!) :)

HIII! I'm great, how are you? c:
I hope you have an amazing day <3

Have a great day!! Life's short so SMILE and continue inspiring other people like me! :)

you have a great day too you amazing human! <3

How would you describe most books today?

(because whenever I go to a bookstore and see all of the books I just get all giddy and I'm like, "THEY'RE SO BEAUTIFUL.")
Liked by: Mariam

what's your favourite beginning of your books? and what's your favourite end of your books? :)

idk why but I really like Playing Therapist's and The Gate's beginnings :3 though playing therapist's is probably written better than the gate's :3
ummm as for the eeeendddinggg
I honestly don't know
maybe Faking Delinquency?
or maybe The Gate
I dunno xD
Liked by: Mariam patty theo


Language: English