
Wear A Kilt

Ask @GlindaBells

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Would you consider yourself to be easily shocked? I know that is hard to quantify, but could you give an example of what you once found to be shocking upon revelation/discovery/witnessing?

The nuns did not prepare us in health class for testicles. I had never seen them or heard about them until my first time. I knew about penises...but not the whole package. "What do they do?" <---wide eyed innocence. lol

How sexually attractive is weirdness, in the true sense of the word (not the hipster definition, in which people consider themselves weird for liking obscure bands :P ) but genuine, true, weird, freakish, abnormality? On a scale of 1-10, where 5 is indifference.

I would need an example of this, I think. The word "freakish" makes me a bit skittish. lol

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How do you feel about a “Loser Pays” system with respect to civil litigation? How about in criminal prosecutions? If you don’t know what it is, I unfortunately cannot describe it intelligently in 300 characters or less. If you got this twice I didn’t think I sent it correctly the first time.

JessePinkmanGS’s Profile PhotoGrackles Know Your Real Name
You mean when the loser has to pay for the attorney fees and court fees for the winning side? Yes, I think that's reasonable. For criminal prosecutions, many criminals are poor and have public defenders, so the chances of them paying fines (especially when incarcerated) is not very good.

True or False: If people don't believe in anything, they will believe anything. ?

If people are skeptical by nature, and don't believe in anything they can't touch....then they wouldn't be prone to being gullible and believing just anything. Non-believers want scientific proof.

Would you find it weird dating someone with the same name as your mother/father/sibling/close relative, and calling out that name during sex? Is it a big enough issue to be a dealbreaker?

Yeah, it would be weird. But you know....I don't think people call out each other's names during sex. I think that's just in the movies. In my experience, anyway. It's more like "oooooh my GOD!" Much more than "Oh, Frank! I love you, Frank!"
Liked by: THE Grappler

Would you teach your children that the only viable way of dealing with bullies (and I mean real bullies, not someone who occasionally cracks a joke that hurts your feelings) is humiliation and violence? There may be exceptions out there, but I've never seen anything else work.

JessePinkmanGS’s Profile PhotoGrackles Know Your Real Name
Girl-bullying is so much different than boy-bullying. Girls can take psychological bullying to a whole new level, especially with social networking. Violence won't work on a girl-bully to get her to stop; not like boys. I'm really not sure what will. Parental and school intervention may help...I'm really not sure. It's sad. :(

Have any of you taken a trip across the United States on a Greyhound bus(Or even short distance)? What was the experience like? Was it scary? For those of you in the UK and Australia(or elsewhere), same question, but with your bus services and countries. Thanks! :)

ThomasGWS’s Profile PhotoThomas
Only once on a Greyhound Bus, as a child. I thought it was an exciting adventure at the time. I don't remember feeling scared at all, just very curious and excited.
Liked by: Thomas

Do you like to read novels? If so, what are you currently reading and would you recommend it?

ThomasGWS’s Profile PhotoThomas
I love to read, I read about a book a week. I watched "Orange is the New Black" first season on Netflix last week; it's about a women's prison. I loved it so much, and noticed it was based on a book of the same name, so I got the book. The TV show is MUCH better than the book.
I think it's the only book I downloaded onto my Kindle where I only gave it two stars. So no, I wouldn't recommend the book, but I would definitely recommend the TV show.
Liked by: Thomas

Someone recently asked if any of you were bullied in school, so I thought I would ask if any of you were a bully in school? Well, were you? *no judgment from me* <3

ThomasGWS’s Profile PhotoThomas
No, I never bullied anyone in school.
Liked by: Thomas

Are you more afraid of change, or lack of change?

Afraid of change, I think. Not knowing what to expect makes me nervous.

Have you ever poked yourself in the eye putting on mascara? And how do you put on mascara if you have an eyelid twitch without making a mess?

ColonelReb’s Profile PhotoBuster
No. Have you ever noticed when women put on mascara, they open their mouths at the same time? There is a scientific reason why women automatically do that. It's because opening our mouth suppresses the urge to blink. I saw it on Dr. Oz, so it *must* be true.
Liked by: Buster

Do you like hugs?

Ryou1’s Profile PhotoRyou
Depends on the person. I love kid hugs the best. My nieces and nephews throw themselves at me in one big gigantic kid hug. What's not to like?
Liked by: Ryou

Jim Carrey has refused to participate in the promotional campaign for Kick-Ass 2 due to its graphic violence. He said he can’t in good conscious do so after the shootings at Sandy Hook. Should he return payment to the production studio or donate it and all future royalties to charity?

JessePinkmanGS’s Profile PhotoGrackles Know Your Real Name
Wow, good question. I had to think about this a minute.
Promoting the movie you are in is part of a contractual obligation; every actor knows that. It's unprofessional to bad-mouth a movie you have just filmed. And why complain *now* about it being too violent when the name of the movie is called "Kick-Ass"? Was this a surprise to him that the movie had violence?
I think the timing was just bad with the Sandy Hook shootings. People understand it's a fictional movie, after all, it's a sequel.
Yeah, if he's going to take a strong, negative stance on the movie he just filmed, and was paid millions to star in, I do think he has a moral obligation to donate some of that money to a charity or cause which is about non-violence.

Do you think everyone deserves a happily ever after? Do you think you deserve a happily ever after?

I think we can live our lives well, and live happily as a result of the choices we make. xoxo

You know I'd never buy without looking carefully first(?). Has to be a reason the existing owner won't do the work. I was considering redoing the entire roof anyway....as you say - costs need looking into... I read somewhere that a tradesman will cost 100 euros a sq metre for roof.

Grapplersama’s Profile PhotoTHE Grappler
You must be very talented at building/fixing things to consider it. Let me know when it's all done and I'll show up with the wine and cheese. :)

What COULD your dad do about a mouse anyway? And why scream? They're not exactly crocodiles.

ColonelReb’s Profile PhotoBuster
I DON'T KNOW! Mice are creepy, dirty, sneaky little varmints and if there is one in the house, I'm scared to go to sleep because what if I wake up during the night and it's on top of me crawling around???
Now, stop being so logical about this. Mice + Women = Scream. The end. :)

What type and quantity of firearm do you believe necessary to defend your household and person? If your government does turn against you, you think your 9mm or AR-15 will be adequate defense again tanks, drones, etc. ? In America, we need our guns to defend against “government tyranny?"

JessePinkmanGS’s Profile PhotoGrackles Know Your Real Name
If it's government against citizens, there is no amount of weapons we can personally amass that we can use to defend ourselves. The government will always win.
In the case of defending our homes from intruders, burglars, etc...one handgun ought to do it. Assault weapons are not necessary for civilians for home/personal defense.
Liked by: Thomas


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