
Wear A Kilt

Ask @GlindaBells

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What do you think about doctor-assisted suicide? Do people have a right to end their own lives, or is suicide always a symptom of a mental disorder?

GSCAustin’s Profile PhotoCAustin
If I was diagnosed with Alzheimers, and knew it would bankrupt my entire family, and the burden of care would fall on them, while I didn't even remember their names...I would end it. Because, it's just inevitable that day by day, I would become more of a pain in the patootie to them all. Suicide in this case would not be a symptom of a mental disorder.
But I would never expect or want a doctor to have my decision on their conscience. I would commit suicide in that scenario (which is my worst fear btw) but I would do it on my own. Doctors take an oath to save lives, it just seems wrong to ask them to put that oath aside to be part of my death process.
Liked by: Thomas CAustin

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Wow, your boy Will's Y!A profile discloses his income =D

sadwithmyself’s Profile PhotoSad With Serena With Myself
He's not my boy, he's Kat's special boy...but I think his profile is so hilarious. Why would anyone post their income and info about their business on Y!A of all places? Did you watch his work out video? We have it memorized by now! It's so fun! hehe

A question of definition: is a "perv" a less-than-attractive man that is attracted to women?

hmmm....well, this is a very good question. I'm thinking of all the men I know who are attractive, and not very many of them strike me as pervy. But the ones that are pervy, are older, out of shape, and socially awkward. (like they grab your azz when they give you a hug, or tell dirty jokes at an inappropriate time like at a work meeting).
My answer is, a "perv" is usually a less-than-attractive man who has sexually inappropriate and/or bad social skills with women.

What's your favorite way to cook chicken?

Ryou1’s Profile PhotoRyou
Baked in an orange sauce, or a teriyaki sauce.
But if we have a big family gathering, I will make hot shredded chicken sandwiches in a crockpot. It's kind of a pain, but it's really good and can feed a lot of people, on hamburger buns.
Liked by: Thomas

OMG, the one night I can't sleep and no one is on ask.fm. Where did everyone go? Am I the only one with no life tonight? :'(

ThomasGWS’s Profile PhotoThomas
I have no life every night, so you're one up on me. :)
Liked by: Thomas

What is the most bizzare/stupid/ridiculous or just downright outrageous thing that has been said to you or asked of you in a job interview?

AnitaakaMabel’s Profile PhotoMabel Bloggs
One man I was interviewing with wanted to know which car in the parking lot was mine. He seemed very interested in my car, which is nothing special or unique in any way. He was peering out his office window, and I had to say, "third one from the left, the black one." Why would he need to know that? It just seemed really weird. I was afraid he was going to write my license plate number down and do something freaky like stalk me. I declined the job. lol
Liked by: Mabel Bloggs

Would you say your have made an improvement on Kristen's Stewart's face by pasting yours onto it

Neo_gs’s Profile PhotoScooch
Nah, I'm expired and she's not. Plus, I don't have a good vampire face anyway.

Why are people so mean about Florida the last few years or so? I heard someone say on tv that the only thing worse than Florida is chlamydia. :o Then online today people were saying "sink, Florida sink!" in response to a resort building caving in to a sink hole near Orlando this morning? Why? :(

ThomasGWS’s Profile PhotoThomas
Hmm...I don't know, I don't think I've heard anyone say anything mean about Florida, other than my own whining about having to go there for an outdoor wedding in August. lol
Those news stories about houses and buildings collapsing into sink holes are really horribly scary. I feel so bad for the people who experienced it. The pictures of it are horrifying...and really, a natural disaster that should be treated the same way any other natural disaster is treated.
Liked by: Thomas

Were you secretly hoping, maybe just a little bit, that when Skylar walked into the pool everyone would have been like, “Meh, just let her be. She’s just acting out. She’ll come up when she runs out of breath. Or not, and that would cool, too.”

JessePinkmanGS’s Profile PhotoGrackles Know Your Real Name
Yes! Lol Skyler's not my favorite character.
That was just a bizarre scene that seemed out of place somehow. She waited until everyone was there, and she does that right in front of them? I guess it was a cry for help, but she had to have known that she could never tell anyone what was really going on. So it was like "Help me, but I can't tell you that my husband is a meth king".

What causes rather unimpressive people to have such certitude in their opinions? I have met some very brilliant, very arrogant people, but more often, the most cocksure seem to be those of rather average intelligence and skill.

JessePinkmanGS’s Profile PhotoGrackles Know Your Real Name
I've met people like that before too. I think that probably underlying that, is real insecurity. So they try to hide it by being loud, opinionated, and arrogant.

What is your favorite punctuation mark and why?

Ryou1’s Profile PhotoRyou
Exclamation points! Because when used, they show that what a person is saying is very important to them! It's kind of like shouting! Or writing in all caps! The eye is automatically drawn to that sentence! Okay, then! Bye for now!

Is it possible to age gracefully, in regard to one's temperament?

Yes, I think so. People tend to get more mellow as they get older, more tolerant, more understanding, because they've had a lifetime of experiences from which to draw.

What would you do if you were walking down the street at night and passed me getting attacked by a big, burly handsome vampire in a dark alley? Would you try to save me or would you keep on walking and say, "sorry about your luck"?

ThomasGWS’s Profile PhotoThomas
It would all depend on if you looked like you were enjoying being attacked by the "big, burly, handsome vampire". If you were into it, I'd mind my own business. If you were screaming for help, I'd try to help you. :)
Liked by: Thomas

(Banned from GS) Since women tend to like non-sex hugs as signs of affection, what is the ratio of affectionate hugs to sexy time hugs. This is important info for men to know. I will take an average of all responses.

Neo_gs’s Profile PhotoScooch
I can't even begin to guess at this one. So I'll just say 50/50.

What do you think caused the catastrophic, reportnik-led decline in GS?

Y!A allowing users to become Top Reporters. Anyone who can take out a question or an answer all by themselves will be tempted to use their power for personal reasons, vendettas, or against someone who has a different opinion then themselves.
It's a shame; GS used to be fun, and now it's all petty and nasty. Absolute power = absolute corruption. And GS is now corrupted because of people who are immature and petty. :(


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