
Wear A Kilt

Ask @GlindaBells

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How do you react if your new, hot date looks at you like a complete idiot after you crack a joke or make a comment, quip, etc., you thought was funny or clever? What if *they* tell a joke they think is hilarious that is either excessively crude, sexual, offensive or just plain stupid?

JessePinkmanGS’s Profile PhotoGrackles Know Your Real Name
Well, I'm not a funny person anyway, so it wouldn't be strange that he didn't laugh at my epic fail at humor.
If *he* tells a joke that is off the radar crude, or offensive, one is forgivable but if it keeps happening....that's when I say "excuse me, I'm going to the lady's room" and then shoot out the back door instead. :)

Are we all slaves? Were we all born born into bondage and kept inside a prison where we cannot smell, taste, or touch. A prison for our mind?

What in the world have you been smoking, Gun? You're all wacky.

So when we all get unanimously bored of Ask.fm, should we all just meet up at someone's gaff (mine) and conglomerate there instead? I'll have plenty of booze, so you can bring the nibbles. Oh yeah, I will make Larry his own little den so he can keep an eye on his mum. Sound good?

YAY party at your erm..gaff *slowly learns new word*
Nice of you to include Larry! He'll need his special blanket, and all the seagulls removed from the beach. If not, I'll have to share my xanax with him.
So when we all get unanimously bored of Askfm should we all just meet up at

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When, if ever, should the government intervene to prevent a woman who would like an abortion from having one? What methods should be used to ensure she doesn't get one? Imprisonment? House arrest?

JessePinkmanGS’s Profile PhotoGrackles Know Your Real Name
None. Abortion should remain legal. It's the only way to stop women from being desperate enough to use coat hangers and back alley abortionists. If it's legal, it's safe and regulated.
For the record, I personally wouldn't have an abortion, but I'm not all judgy about it.

Do you ever wonder where that infinitely tiny dot of super-energy which purportedly blew up, and through an unlikely series of events and coincidences created us so I can ask you this question, came from in the first place?

Integration20’s Profile PhotoIntegration20
From my dad's dirty imagination.
Liked by: Integration20

So your dinner date is almost over, and you and your beau order drinks. When the waiter brings them, he trips, and all the drinks spill into your ass-crack. The waiter immediately sticks his hand down the back of your pants, rubbing his hand and forearm between your cheeks. What drink did you order?

sadwithmyself’s Profile PhotoSad With Serena With Myself
Ah....trick question! I was just going to go with letting him massage my behind. However....margarita on the rocks, no salt.

If Jesse Pinkman walked up to you right now, what would you say?

I'd tape a pic of Boss to his face and jump on him. Then realize something was really wrong when it was not a British accent that said "get the hell off me, you freak."
Nah, seriously...I'd buy him a drink while we made plans together to fly to the UK to see Boss and Mabel. ONE WAY tickets. Mwahaha

What are your thoughts on military bronies proudly displaying their cutie marks on their uniforms? http://www.guns.com/2013/03/13/bronies-in-the-military-photosvideo/

Applepop’s Profile PhotoⲆⲣⲣⳑⲉⲣⲟⲣ
I feel so out of the loop on this whole bronies thing. I mean, I know My Little Pony, but I thought maybe someone made it into a dirty cartoon and that's what the joke was about. But from your link, it appears relatively harmless.
(whispers) Is it a gay thing?

Why does no one record video answers? I think it would be more fun.

It would be very fun. But, I'm not sure many people would do it. Look how long it took Jesse to finally post his picture, and now he's getting secksually harassed.
*sets up camera*

Who the hell are you asking to send you crotch shots?? *furrows brow intently*

Whoa...who's sending crotch shots and where are they??
I'll expect yours shortly, mkay? Thanks. *waits patiently*

So you're on a dinner date. The waiter accidentally spills your drink all over you, and then proceeds to take a napkin, and wipe the drink off your crotch. He is literally scrubbing at your crotch for about 10 minutes. Do you tell him to stop???

Wait, so it's crotch now instead of boobs? Lol
That's pretty awkward. Either way, my answer is the same. I would take the cloth and do it myself. :)

What do you think about resisting a useful technology because it might replace people's jobs? Are jobs sometimes worth delaying progress? http://www.freakonomics.com/2013/07/26/would-a-computer-driven-vehicle-make-this-kind-of-error/

GSCAustin’s Profile PhotoCAustin
There is no use in resisting technology, because as much as we might whine and complain about change, many things have become easier and more efficient automated. It's not a new thing, that technology is replacing manual labor. When we look back through the years, look at all the jobs that have been replaced by machines.
Milking machines instead of farmers hand milking cows
Washer and dryers instead of sending clothes to a laundress
Refrigerators instead of the ice man
Automated answers "press 1 for__" instead of telephone operators or receptionists at companies
Travelocity, Expedia (and others) replaced travel agents
Google replaced Encyclopedias
Digital access replaced meter readers
Self check out at the grocery store replaces cashiers
ATMs replace bank tellers
One can only hope that new jobs are being created to help support technology, especially online. That allows people to work from home sometimes, and can improve the quality and satisfaction of their job. But really, there is no use resisting. If a company can save money by replacing employees with technology, they're going to do it.
I can't help but hope though, that they have the option that says "press zero if you'd like to speak to a customer service rep". And hopefully, the person you end up talking to speaks English and is not outsourced to another country!

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Liked by: CAustin

So you're on a dinner date. The waiter accidentally spills your drink all over you, and then proceeds to take a napkin, and wipe the drink off your chest. He is literally scrubbing at your boobs for about 2 minutes. Do you tell him to stop? Your date does nothing. Are you mad?

lol That would be a long two minutes of him scrubbing at my boobs. I would pretty much immediately take the cloth from his hand and wipe it off myself. And if my nipples harden, it wouldn't be nearly as awkward as it would if they hardened for the waiter. xoxo

Does mankind really love freedom? Do we underestimate or overestimate mankind's love of freedom? Or do you think it depends on the individual - some values freedom more than others?

Yes, I do think humans innately love freedom. People are happiest when they have choices, options, opportunities. We tend to get depressed when other people, or things like dull boring jobs, control our lives. I was never more miserable than my short stint at an office job where I was penned up in a cubicle for 8 hours a day. To me, that was hell.
That being said, there are some people who tend to thrive on a pecking order, and having others tell them what to do. Some people are more comfortable handing over the controls to their spouse, boss, or church.
So, yes, I guess you are right that it does depend on the individual.

Do you allow your cats to go outdoors?

AnitaakaMabel’s Profile PhotoMabel Bloggs
Just Larry. But because he's scared of birds, he only really makes it around the perimeter of the house before he dashes back through the cat flap panting and slightly hysterical from his bird-phobia.
Miss Slutty McSlut was a rescue, found in a sewer, and she is not about to leave this house. But she likes to sit in the windowsill watching Larry dash around dodging birds and laughing at him. lol
Liked by: Mabel Bloggs

Hey! You are friend with babyvelvetdolphin right? Gunny Fan and babyvelvetdolphin make such a sweet couple, don't you think? There is definitely a spark between those two! If you ever run into Gunny please tell him to not be afraid to show his true feeling to her! He is such a sweet guy!

Erm....you mean GunFanatic and BabyKat? I think put in the same room alone with one another, someone will not be coming out alive. :)

Have you ever been part of a protest or public assembly? What was it about? Did it accomplish anything?

GSCAustin’s Profile PhotoCAustin
The closest I've ever come to that was in Junior High School. Some girls starting making a big deal about the fact that we weren't allowed on the wrestling team. High dramatics and righteous indignation ensued, which was followed by a group of us going to the coach's office and demanding our right as girls to be on the wrestling team.
We fled crying when he told us shaving our heads, and twice a week weigh-ins were mandatory, as he waved his electric razor in the air shouting "Who's first??" I could have sworn I heard him snickering behind me as I shoved the other girls out of the way to run....*shrug*
Liked by: Thomas CAustin

I was going to say "singlet", but changed it to vest to prevent any possible confusion. lol

Singlet or vest...neither one would make an American think of an undershirt. lol

Have you seen the movie: "The Passion of The Christ"? What's your thought on it?

No, I've never seen it. I'm not a big religious-movie watcher.

Has someone ever been so cold to you that it makes you feel like an Eskimo?

Not in a romantic relationship, no.


Language: English