Ask @Neo_gs

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would you ever be a competitor on a reality TV show? let's say the competition is in an area you are very interested in and skilled at, the prize is something you really want. would your decision be affected if the show had very high viewership, heavy advertising, etc.?

sscabss’s Profile Photoscabs
I already do stupid stuff in front of strangers. Might as well make it pay off

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I find I'm more interested in American politics. The issues are so much more interesting... abortion, gay marriage, wars. Are there any interesting issues in Canadian politics? I feel kind of bad that I'm not on top of that.

sandrawhat’s Profile PhotoWhat
The Canadians are calmer than us nutty nuts in the US. They have less drama
Liked by: What

Do you think that the phrase "Failure is not an option" is one of the dumbest phrases ever? Dumb simply because if you are not willing to try, and take on the risk of failure, you will never try anything of significance.

But what if the task was a heart transplant? The option of failure is death.

If there was a national I-Burp-A-Lot Day, how would you celebrate? What would be a fitting I-Burp-A-Lot gift for your fellow celebrators?

I would drink beer...but then I would drink beer to celebrate any event

What is the major problem in your city?

If I read message boards, it is the ghetto trash who comes to live in subsidized housing.

what does it mean to you to "have class"?

sscabss’s Profile Photoscabs
I guess it means to have tact around people. Keeping ones promises. Standing up for those who cannot stand up for themselves.
As a Fat Albert character would say..."Man...he is like school on Sunday: No class!"
Liked by: scabs

Would you be willing inhale a toxin which would take tens years off your life expectancy in order to become very attractive or very rich or very famous (which of the 3 would you say yes to) ?Although it's not guaranteed, the choice is against the added probability of dying sooner.

sandrawhat’s Profile PhotoWhat
This is a puzzle. If I go with very rich, that means I could stop working and use the money to enjoy my "retirement" while I have some youth and energy left. My last 10 years wouldn't likely be too thrilling as I'd probably be old, feeble, and living in a nursing home. If my original lifespan was going to be 85, then living to 75 would be acceptable. If my life span was only 70, then 60 would be dying young.
Liked by: What

The zombies are at your door, how will you defend yourself?

AspiringHousewife’s Profile Photoтeмple
Is this a trick question? Don't open the door! Zombies can't turn door knobs. Also, turn off all lights and be very quiet. Zekes are attracted to noise and lights.
Ok, are they crashing through the door? And how many? If there are just a few (maybe 5-6), I could grab my pistol and shoot them in the head. I'd also grab a large kitchen knife as a back up for hand to zombie combat. Are there considerably more? I'll have to make a quick exit grabbing as many supplies as I can.
Liked by: тeмple

What was the last thing that made you very happy? And the last thing that made you very sad? I just found out that a character was brought back in a series of books I read... she was supposed to be dead. Very happy.. And you?

sandrawhat’s Profile PhotoWhat
Very happy...I thought I was going to visit with my "sister." didn't happen.

Opinions please? Remember, you are in a safe PC-free place and honest answers are welcome and there is no judgment from me. I have my own opinion and it's not necessarily PC. :(

ThomasGWS’s Profile PhotoThomas
Well, you asked for an opinion and here it comes. Our society has shifted more and more to what people "feel" than using actual facts, logic, and science. People are being celebrated as heroes because they "feel" something different and then are given awards and recognition for it. Ok, what if I feel like a Polynesian woman in a white man's body? Can I apply to the gov't for special female minority business owner preferences for contracts or loans? If they don't give it to me, can I then call the NY Times to do a story on me that my personal freedoms are being restricted by the gov't?
And last I remember, Queen referred to a female. If this "she" has a penis, then she is a he. Maybe they should have given he/she both King AND Queen.
And how about if I feel like a college age girl and want to use the women's locker room? How can the possibly deny me my personal freedom to be who I want to be?

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Liked by: Thomas Buster

Have you ever asked or answered questions in Gender Studies on Y!A or while intoxicated? If so, do you think anyone noticed? Were you incendiary? Really nice? Other? Did your alcohol induced content get reported? lolol!? xD

ThomasGWS’s Profile PhotoThomas
Oh heck yes. It can be quite fun.
Liked by: Thomas

Do you ever have certain people or animals that seem to feel an affinity towards you, that you attract? Little girls seem to think I am on their level (very possibly true) and that I am a load of fun. I have a play-date scheduled for tomorrow with a 7 year old girl. I hope I'm sober by then.

GlindaBells’s Profile PhotoSuit Perv
Cats usually like me.
Liked by: Suit Perv


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