Ask @Neo_gs

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Do you believe that exceptionally talented, creative and intelligent people have an “obligation” to “give back” to society by working important and noteworthy jobs, or would you withhold all judgment should they elect to be a stay-at-home mom or construction worker, for example?

JessePinkmanGS’s Profile PhotoGrackles Know Your Real Name
I don't think anyone is necessarily obligated to "give back." If a Nobel Laureate wants to haul garbage, so be it. The individual is the one who has to live with his/her choice. The person is doing a dis-service to him/herself by not living/working to their potential. There is something I don't understand about "power women" who suddenly want to be a full time Mommy...a duty that a high school dropout could do well with focus and dedication. Let's say a woman spends years in schooling (like medicine) with internship, residency and such then drop it all to make babies. She has just burned through a decade of prime baby making years. And the "craft" of some fields erode over time. Why spend all that time, effort, and money just to make a choice the one could have done at 18 or 22 (say after a BA/BS).
I saw Austin's answer. There might be some instances where a Ph.D. physicist works construction simply because there isn't any work in his/her field.

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Has anyone ever just not liked you no matter how hard you tried to be friends with them? Like you couldn't think of any reason why they didn't like you, but they just didn't? Why are people like that? :(

ThomasGWS’s Profile PhotoThomas
I've learned to accept that some humans are incompatible with each other with no real reason. It is much relief to not worry why someone doesn't like me...though I usually can figure out why
Liked by: Thomas

Is being a bride and the whole wedding scene overrated? Is celibate heavy metal servant of Christ and single mother the way to go?

AspiringHousewife’s Profile Photoтeмple
I knew the bride when she used to rock and roll

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Would you feel more flattered or creeped out if someone told you they can easily imagine you having sex? Not as in imagine you being able to get it, but you actually having it.

Ryou1’s Profile PhotoRyou
I would invite her to sample the goods.
Ok, if I didn't know her well, it would be weird
If I knew her real well, I would tell her "And you wait this long to say something?"
Liked by: Ryou

Has anyone ever went out of their way to scare you on Halloween? If so, what did they do to scare you?

ThomasGWS’s Profile PhotoThomas
Not that I can remember. It takes a lot to scare me though
Liked by: Thomas

Do you think that committing social faux pas should become accepted behavior? Wouldn't that make everyones' lives easier?

Bad behavior as the "norm" still doesn't make it right

If you can only eat three foods for the rest of your life, what will they be? I'm going with pizza, ice cream, and watermelon. You?

GlindaBells’s Profile PhotoSuit Perv
How will I get all my nutrients? Vitamins?

Have you ever been on a date with your date and their work friends, in which most of the night consisted of “shop talk” that bored you to tears? Were you able to feign interest or was your annoyance readily apparent?

JessePinkmanGS’s Profile PhotoGrackles Know Your Real Name
This hasn't happened much. If they are boring people, I just listen quietly. Otherwise I try to steer the convo elsewhere. Of there are guys present, I can go to the topic of sports. There will be at least one guy with a similar interest. It often annoys the women, but that is not my problem

What's your wildest fantasy?

Winning a huge lotto jackpot
Did you want pervy?
How about a threesome with a couple hot college girls. I could have sex with one while the other brings some refreshments and snacks. I'd probably need the extra energy.
Liked by: Mabel Bloggs

Inspired by Mabel. What are your top 5 favorite horror movies? If you don't like horror movies, what are your top 5 favorite suspense movies?

ThomasGWS’s Profile PhotoThomas
Not sure about top 5, but these are high on my list
Dawn of the Dead 2004
The Thing (Carpenter)
Nightmare on Elm Street
Liked by: Thomas


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