Ask @Neo_gs

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Is there anyone currently on GS, but not yet here, that you would like to see invited? It seems we have most of the interesting ones here already, but there could be a few left.

JessePinkmanGS’s Profile PhotoGrackles Know Your Real Name
Well, 'lyssa is probably more regular in M&D but she is getting tired of the reportniks over there. Not sure if she wants to sign up for another site...but I'll let her know.
There is only one person I don't want to see here. She thinks this place is "sex chat" and will hopefully stay away.

Have you come across evidence that porn is bad or causes harm, rather than anecdotes?

sandrawhat’s Profile PhotoWhat
A female friend of mine once admitted her boyfriend at the time had some "issues" in performing. I wonder if he were to not look at any porn for something like 2 weeks, would he have been more responsive to her touch? Did he really have a medical ED condition?

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Age difference aside, would you like all the members of your family if you had not been related to them?

sandrawhat’s Profile PhotoWhat
Nope. Not the alcoholic one.

Despite our (yet obvious) unkind habits and vices etc. admit truthfully, is nevertheless your personality essentially "nice" in substance?

That word has been used to describe me sometimes. Other words have been used as well which are not so nice.

Are rainbow ends your one ultimate hope? Are pipedream plans your wish? Is the happy, tranquil, harmonious ending achievable? Everyone savours the hopeful ending, till it crawls out, facing you, overwhelming us. Realistically, given ethnological norm, I'm to assume life suffices?

The song "Rainbow Connection" by Kermit the Frog is playing over and over in my mind.
I don't have any pipedreams or rainbow wishes. I live in the cold harshness of reality.

Are you mostly adorable; if anything, a little raw and jagged around the edges?

Adorable would not be a word that I would use to describe myself.

Have you ever fallen in love with someone who thought you were a L?

Well, maybe looney...

Do you like being the "center of attention" when you're in a group of people? If so, does anyone ever get annoyed or pissed off at you for behaving like that? Why and why not?

ThomasGWS’s Profile PhotoThomas
I don't need or want to be the center of attention. It is way more effort than I want to expend.
Liked by: Thomas

So when you go to parties, are you normally the "life of the party"? Why or why not?

ThomasGWS’s Profile PhotoThomas
I'm probably the middle of the road. I'm chatty with a few people but not the center of attention. I'm also not someone who hides in the corner.
Liked by: Thomas

What's the oddest thing you've eaten that wasn't food?

sandrawhat’s Profile PhotoWhat
Probably a bug. Although, in some countries, bugs are considered food.
Ok, I really can't avoid being dirty here. Since we aren't on GS with reportniks...I've eaten Chinese. She really seemed to enjoy me going down on her.

If you were a fruit of a different colour, what would you be? Eg, a red orange, a blue pear, etc

sandrawhat’s Profile PhotoWhat
I'd be a black...oh wait a moment...all fruit eventually turns black.
I'll go with being an infrared apple!

I've found on occasion I'm pressed to explain why I don't want kids. I'm asked things like "Who will take care of you when you're older" or "What if you regret it?" Why isn't the default to ask "What if you regret having kids?". AND why is my fiance never grilled? Do you want kids? Why (not)?

sandrawhat’s Profile PhotoWhat
It is generally assumed that all women will develop baby fever at some point. Since she isn't following the "normal" pattern of social behavior, others will question her choices. Also, those people are probably so damn miserable with their out of control children, they are hoping that YOU will have out of control children.

Hypothetical: Your girlfriend/boyfriend has a duffel bag containing $500,000. And states that she's secretly been cooking/dealing meth behind your back for months in order to ensure financial stability for you as a couple and any future children you might have. What do you do?

I'd say that is not enough for lifetime stability.
I would not want to be with her anymore. Meth cooking/dealing is one of the worst/nastiest drugs to be associated with. What is going to happen with our "stability" when a whacked out meth head comes shooting? And this happens over and over? And then when the police catch up (eventually they will because a meth head will roll over), I'll be an accessory.

Will someone please explain the weirdly annoying use of hashtags? I don't get what they mean and when it's appropriate to use them. I don't tweet, obviously. #feelingoutoftheloop

GlindaBells’s Profile PhotoSuit Perv
I have no idea either. I guess I'll have to dig through some other responses to find out their meanings?
Liked by: Suit Perv

Given that young women are graduating college at a higher rate than young men, and by some estimates, out earning them as well, is it irrational for said group to expect their boyfriend or husband to earn more than they do and be a “provider?” I'm not saying all young women do expect this, obviousl

JessePinkmanGS’s Profile PhotoGrackles Know Your Real Name
Women like these have extremely skewed views of what relationships should be. They have two sets of "standards" for their lives which are opposed. Often, they don't even realize what they are saying/doing. For a woman wanting a man to be the main income earner and to "take charge" in the relationship, that is very traditional. Yet, her wanting to be Miss Independent, to pay her own bills, and not "rely on a man," is a very non-traditional and feminist view.
Women with beliefs like these will end up going completely insane. The men they date will likely never "meet" her expectations nor will they realize they have to turn the switch on and off in regard to dating a woman who switches between traditionalist and feminist.
I even have read emails from women who make big bucks and still expect (demand) that he pays on the first date. And somehow her interest level in him is fully dependent on a monetary basis.

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How is that many American parents are aghast at their children seeing a boob or two men kissing on television yet perfectly fine with them playing video games where hundreds of people are killed in the most graphic ways imaginable?

JessePinkmanGS’s Profile PhotoGrackles Know Your Real Name
Well Jesse, I've never really understood this myself. A kid could come home from watching an "innocent" movie like "Transformers" where there is a huge amount of destruction and violence and Mom/Dad won't think anything of it. Yet, if little Billy or Sally comes home and says "I saw a boob on a movie at my friend's house," then the parent will freak out.

On GS, have you ever been cloned, harassed, or falsely accused of anything? Tell us your most horrifying GS experience. *gets popcorn ready*

GlindaBells’s Profile PhotoSuit Perv
I did have a person email me calling me a reportnik coward. He answered a Q of mine and was reported. I informed him I'm not a reportnik and I (and my answerers) were being targeted. He actually apologized for being so hasty and I accept the apology.
There are some "GS women" who think I'm a complete nutjob (I won't name names), but they really aren't malicious and are free to express their opinions.
Liked by: Suit Perv

So, you're going down the street minding your own business and you are passing a house that has loud music. A woman comes outside and invites you to a party and this is what you see when you come in, what do you do?

ThomasGWS’s Profile PhotoThomas
Why is that wanting me to "sign in?" I've watched that video previously without having to do so. I'd be a bit wary of a woman just randomly inviting me to a party.

What things would you pack in a picnic basket? How sure are you that you're awake right now? Do you appreciate subtlety? Are you living or are you just existing? If I wasn't likesuspended I would totally like your answer?

This is 5 questions.
Wine and pate on a picnic basket
Never really sure if I'm awake or are really inside the Matrix
I'm living quite well.
You could totally like this if you really, really, really wanted to.

If human beings are supposedly "hard-wired" to feel protective of their offspring, shouldn't all parents naturally want to protect their babies, even when they are only embryos, rather than gradually bonding with the idea of a child, and becoming gradually more protective of it?

And how does a Q show up anon when I supposedly shut that off?

What do you think this means?: "If there is no rain, then you won't see a rainbow"

It refers to the science of light being split into its components by water. If you were looking for something philosophical, then I'm blank on this one.


Language: English