Ask @Neo_gs

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Am waiting for my date, should I be ashamed for not being a self-righteous feminist lady with something to prove and going to get him myself?

AspiringHousewife’s Profile Photoтeмple
Just be yourself and don't forget to wear your "fuck-me" pumps.
Have fun!
Liked by: тeмple

Are there more fish in the sea?

Do you see the shark on my background?
<<<waits for you to check on a desktop/laptop>>>

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So, I saw anti-feminists complaining about the feminist protests at the University of Toronto again! And once again, they're claiming the feminists were "violent" with MRA's. I have yet to see a video of "violence" by fems at UofT. Is there a video proving their propagandistic claims?

ThomasGWS’s Profile PhotoThomas
Looks like Gunfanatic provided links. Why is the feminist group so against others expressing their thoughts and beliefs?
Liked by: Thomas

How will you react when humans spontaneously morph into giraffes and then, all around us, a real-life Candy Land emerges - complete with Sugar-plum Mountain, and Chocolate Cliffs of Insanity? Are you prepared?

I will probably end up diabetic

Are you good with kids?

Ryou1’s Profile PhotoRyou
I'd have to say yes as surprising as it may be. I have a better understanding of what kids need or don't need more so than some single moms I've known
Liked by: Ryou

what is your earliest memory?

sscabss’s Profile Photoscabs
I remember I was swimming naked in a warm pool with dim lighting. It was a little cramped but comforting. Then the pool sprung a leak and quickly drained. Then a very muscular bouncer of some sort pushed me through the tight drain. Suddenly some large person in a white coat pulled me into a bright, cold room. I was so upset that I screamed and screamed. But then I was presented a boob and felt much better. I don't remember how old I was though.
Liked by: scabs

Choose your weapon for zombie apocalypse: Double barreled shotgun, magnum revolver, berretta, tomahawk, combat knife, crossbow, bowie knife, SCAR-H, AK 47, machete, chainsaw, or first aid kit.

AspiringHousewife’s Profile Photoтeмple
Either the machete or knife depending on how big the knife is. The firearms rely on ammo which will eventually run out.
Liked by: тeмple

Why does it seem women in business have to be a "b*tch" to get things done, because if we're too nice and understanding of why people don't do what they are supposed to do, they take advantage? FML

GlindaBells’s Profile PhotoSuit Perv
Men who get ahead in business are not kind and considerate. If women want to achieve similar success, they shouldn't be so womanly and kind
Liked by: Suit Perv

Must we thwart the ambitions of individuals? Is human nature cruel and unjust - a force to be controlled?

Too much ambition in the wrong hands can lead to disaster
Ambition needs great care but not thwarted

So, I havent been to GS for a while, and this morning Yahoo Messenger sent me a message to tell me I had 7 new emails! Yes, you have guessed it. Seven of my questions had been "reported" all within a minute of each other, some well over a year old. Just thought I would share that with you.

AnitaakaMabel’s Profile PhotoMabel Bloggs
Damn reportniks.
Thx for the info

What can you do to make this world a better place?

For one thing, I can make contribute to society by working and paying my own way through life. As long as I'm able bodied and of sound mind, I shouldn't be expecting others to pay for me.
I also contribute money and time to a local charity which helps those who are struggling in life. They do a much better job than any gov't welfare program.

What's an example of something you were taught badly (in formal education, job training, or anything else)? What about it was bad? How would you have done it differently?

GSCAustin’s Profile PhotoCAustin
That women were special and needed to be treated such.
In reality, they are just human.
Liked by: CAustin


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