Ask @Neo_gs

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Do you view the FISA Court as an effective check on government intelligence activities? Why or why not?

Not really. I view it as more of a rubber stamp to "go ahead." It is probably as "effective" as police review boards when there is a police action shooting. 99.9998% of the time the shooting is justified regardless of the circumstances. There is no civilian oversight. Federal judges looking over Federal surveillance...
Foreign spying is necessary, but there is no real oversight.

What serious kind of cancer do you believe you're most likely to suffer from in the future (for non-heritary reasons)?

sandrawhat’s Profile PhotoWhat
Prostate cancer. I don't smoke so lung cancer is unlikely
Liked by: What

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What happened in your last dream? Recently had one that was a mixture of Harry Potter and the Wizard of Oz. You?

sandrawhat’s Profile PhotoWhat
I was flirting with a hot blond woman while sitting at a table. She was smiling and paying attention to me so all was well. I woke up feeling good at first. Then I was really disappointed that she wasn't naked or having sex with me. So, I can't get laid in my own dream??? WTF?

Did your parents do something while raising you, where you said to yourself, "I will never do that to my kids?" Or, the opposite. "I'm going to do this too as a parent?"

GlindaBells’s Profile PhotoSuit Perv
I probably wanted more candy. But now that I am an adult, I realize the importance of sweets in moderation
Liked by: Suit Perv

What supercool connections have you made through the Internet?

How did this anon Q make it here? I don't think it was a Q of the day, was it?
Liked by: scabs

Glitter or obesity does not interest Gunfanatic. He touches pussies, especially of pretty little eightyearolds. x

But does he touch the pussy (cat) of an 80 yr old woman?

What have you learned in adulthood that contradicts something you learned in high school? (If you're still in high school, disregard this question. And also, you probably shouldn't follow me. I'm not very good at censoring myself on this site.)

GSCAustin’s Profile PhotoCAustin
Being unethical is often very useful and productive for people to advance at life, work; and love. In high school, the general theme was to be ethical and honest in regard to doing one's own work...and in life.

Do you like Chinese or Italian food better?

Chinese. Italian food is pasta with sauce and pasta with sauce. Not as much variety as Chinese.

What have you done, ogre? Especially since nearly October - oh, noes! Evidently, e vaginas're easily really greater, effectively tighter, much yummier, and couldn't Rihanna's open nice yeasty meaty slippery?

I only read vagina and Rihanna. I'd hit that...oops, Chris Brown did but I won't

RE: amateur porn studio. Best explanation I've heard all day.

sandrawhat’s Profile PhotoWhat
Thanks. I still have many demo videos the GS ladies have been sending me
Liked by: What

Do you believe that we all are "unplanned organisms"? And if so, is the unplanned organism a question asked by Nature and answered by death?

I think we are part of some (unknown) master plan

I will exchange you my vagina and all my ova for 10% of your happiness plz?

I just threw up on the back of my throat.

When you feel emotionally underwhelmed, are you most likely to: A) Touch yourself while looking at photos of mass murderers B) Chop wood C) Make love to John Slattery in your mind D) Think about Jesus?

Only if Eileen Wournos is an option (technically she is a serial killer and not a mass murder). She is so hawt.


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